Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Oct 15/2024 Some Homework

        Get a notebook. Write the date.  List 3 things or experiences that you want to occur in the near future. Now pick one of them. You can still think on the other two but mostly the first one. Write down the steps you think you have to do to get to your goal. At the end of the day, write your plusses and minuses in your attempts to getting to your goal. This should be every day. Still do what you have to do. But do at least 1 thing in realizing your dream. Keep on pushing. When writing about it, this want of yours, write a lot of descriptive words about it and what you would feel if the want was realized. To change your circumstances is going to require work. But it's going to  be your creation. Making a more rewarding experience  for yourself. This will show you that you do have control on what can come into your life. When obstacles arise, look for ways to work around them. Always tell yourself you will get through any problem that comes up. If the problem is difficult take a break from it, sleep on it. Ask divine spirit for help then pay attention to dreams and what goes on around you. After a month goes by look at your book and see how close you are in getting that want. Always be greatfull for any incites you have gotten. You can do this. Also stay away from negative people. If you hear a negative counter it with a positive right away.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Oct/12/2024 Cash is King

        This story comes from MotorBiscuit. An Oregon man was saving up for an RV. Any spare cash he would squirrel away for his future dream caravan. He scrimpted his way to filling a Van shoe box with 23,000 dollars.

     One day he came home and notices his Van shoe box is not where he left it. Full on panic takes over his demeanor. Turns out his wife went on a cleaning spree. The box went into the recycling bin and into the big recycling truck. He calls up the recycling company. His truck's haul was put on a larger truck and sent to a recycling plant out of the county. The gal in charge  recycling  plant let her people know about the missing money. She told h im that finding the money would be very hard.

        One of her guys spotted the corner of a twenty on the conveyor belt. They stopped the belt and found the crushed box. They recovered it all except 320 dollars. The guy wanted to give the workers a reward. The gal in charge said no, that she would think of something special for her workers. This is good karma playing out. Everyone was uplifted in this story. This is how it should be in all our dealings in life's trying and fun predicament s. Even if it doesn't go our way, we make the effort and look for that teaching moment. When things get tough, make the ask of spirit and look for the answer.

Monday, September 23, 2024

9/23/2024 Working with Divine Spirit

        My wife has a medical condition that requires a procedure every 14-15 months. We are out of state. She can only eat diluted baby food half a cup per day. Finding someone to do the procedure right away is a challenge. 

         So I ask Divine Spirit for help. I don't sit and say, ok DS fix it. I have to take action. Phone calls is where I start. After 4 days, I wrote Monday is the day it happens. I call one of the doctors, but today there is a problem, the phone goes to voice mail but It said the voice mail is full. I can't leave a message. 2nd nurse at different hospital I deal with, calls me and says she needs the first doctor who initiated the referral to sign off on the procedure.  She says she will call and get back to me within an hour. No phone call comes after hr passes. Call the nurse after 90 minutes.  She says they didn't get back to her but she will tell me by noon 12:30 rolls along no call. I drive to first doctor and talk to his nurse. Tell her about my wife and  voice mail problem. She says the doctor isn't in. She will tell head nurse. Within 15 min I see a call on my phone, while at store. I call the first nurse back and she got the all clear for the procedure to be done next week. So being persistent pays off. So it's like two pieces of cloth that you want to come together. You act and push and spirit mends the two together. The problem at the hospital where I couldn't leave a message gave me the impetuous to drive on over there. During this whole ordeal,  I had 1 goal and that was a date for an excellent doctor to do the procedure in a timely manner. Thankyou  divine spirit.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

9/10/2024 Knock Knock

        Who's there?  Incompetence! No thanks.

        A women wants her bedroom door put in. I go look at the job. A door outside laying against the house. Inside another door in hallway with damaged jambs and trim. What happened here. Her teenage son kicked in her door. Her brother says he'll fix it. Gets 1 door brings it back. It's a left hinge door. Wrong door. Doesn't take the door back to store. Gets another door right hinge this time. Door is still wrong because what was needed was a 30 inch door. Both times he gets a 28 inch door. Another problem was it was a 2x3 wall. Most walls are made of 2x4s. Guy gives up. More work for me because of the 2x3 wall. Have to add a 2x3 to rough opening. Get the door in. I say where is the door knob. It's in my brother's car at his house. Don't worry about it. Two weeks I'm back for something else. I see no knob on door. I ask about it. She gives box of new door knob. It usually goes in fast. I can't get in after 10 minutes because of screw alignment. I noticed before in her neighbors trash a broken door. I go grab it. Cut it up and put in trash but I take off the knob. Put it in her door in no time. Look at box for new knob from Wallmart says ...made in China. Yeah....tell her stuff like this,  forget Wallmart.

       So my 2 week delay and coming early, allowed me to get that knob and save time and money. To me that was a small gift from divine spirit or God if you will.  I've seen this happen many times. The door got damaged so she couldn't bring it back. She was out 150 dollars just for the door. But she did learn a lesson. In one way or another, we do pay for our lessons.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

9/08/2024 Good Karma

        This story came from Inside Edition Boston. A car got broken into in Cambridge MA. A German short hair pointer dog named Titus was dog napped. The next day a film crew is setting up near the scene of the crime. When along comes Kyle Gariepy walking a German short hair pointer. The camera man is petting the dog and sees Titus on the collor. They ask him why didn't he call to report the dog situation. He gives two lame excuses. A 911 call went out and the guy got arrested on the spot.

       The happy owner picked Titus up at the police station. Where the two of them had a love fest. That was super fast good karma. Hopefully, Kyle will learn from his experience as well. When leaving your car make sure you lock it. And that the interior doesn't get too hot.  If it's a kid, take him with you. An animal, leave for short duration only.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27/2024 Veronica

        Her last name is Marin. Driving down a Texas street, she witnesses a tree Fall and crush a SUV, during a storm. Several cars turned around  but not her. She leaves her 3 kids in the car and with help from a second good Samaritan, gets the door open. She then wiggles her self in to guide Penderson in the steps in extracting him from his predicament. After the tree hit he felt the crushed roof of car upon his chest. He was able to call his wife on phone and she was encouraging him in ways to make it easier to breath. The 2 good Samaritans got him out. And paramedics took over. Veronica left. Pedersen eventually found her on Facebook.

       He found out she was a single mom. And she was experiencing hardships of her own. The house needed repairs. Also she needed help with mortgage and other things. Pedersen set up a go found me page for her. It now has 50,000 plus for her.

      Pedersen is very greatful toward her. He also enjoys his life and helping his guardian angel. This ordeal has made Penderson a greater man than he was before. One fallen oak tree has enhanced many lives this day. And it started with Veronica's Heart.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

8/11/2024 My Guardian Angel

        I was working on a high extention ladder in 95 + heat with high humidity. Usually I feel secure doing theses things. But today it was a bit more difficult. The homeowner Joe across the street who is an energetic 87, would sit in his garage when it got hot. I did a job for him 2 weeks prior.

        Back up on ladder. After 20 minutes at the top. All of sudden any fear or tiredness I had went away. I finished job easily. At the end of the day,  Joe comes over and says I've been watching you as your guardian angel. I said thankyou. 

       The next day I'm  thinking about it. So he really was my angel that day. Because I went from anxiety all morning one min to complete confidence the next. And the only thing different was what he did. And I wouldn't have known except for him telling me.

       Divine Spirit showed me the power of prayer in action. It has instantaneous results. Your number one tool in your tool box is prayer or an asking. Use this tool on a daily basis. You may not get to see it in action like I did. But trust me, things are going on behind the scenes. Hopefully you too will get to see a result for yourself.