Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dec8/2022. Fire


     Read a story from Florida. A mom in her back yard used a gas can to pour gas on a big log in a outdoor fire pit. The flame traveled up the descending stream igniting the can and exploding. It killed her and severely injured her 11 year old. Very sad. Gasoline is very explosive. The liquid emits fumes like a mini gas cloud. These fumes are what causes the rapid explosion.

     Every once in awhile you read about a house being blown to bits in a gas explosion. The house fills with natural gas from a leak in a pipe and can be ignited by turning on a light switch. When you turn on a switch a small spark is generated.

     Also you may want to install a carbon monoxide detector in your house for about 25 dollars. Also get a smoke detector. This gas (CO) is generated by burning of fossil fuels. It is odorless. It can kill you.

     In life we have an opportunity  to learn from other people's mistakes.  Think and then act on it. We can learn either the hard way or the easier way.  Listen to that small inner voice you have, it just might save your life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Dec 7/2022 A Letter


     Today is Pearl Harbor Day. The day of infamy. An event that brought us into WW 2. Saving the world from hegemony.

      So I got this letter and within 24 hrs, I misplaced it. But I didn't  know it at the time. It got a little bit hectic and I forgot about it. 10 days later,  I'm looking for it. Can't find it. Thinking I tossed it out to recycling  a week ago. I asked spirit to help me find it. I did a through search to no avail. From my vantage point I ask spirit is the envelope in the house. If I see 2 blue cars back to back driving that means the letter is lost. I don't  see the blue cars. Switch to new symbol, 2 birds next to each other means the letter is lost 1 bird the letter is in house. After 3 minutes see 1 mourning dove alight upon a tree branch. He stays like 2 min in same spot. Ok the letter is in the house. 3 min later I move a note book and find the letter. I don't remember me putting it there but there it is. Thank-you divine spirit, are my first words. Very thankfull. You can have spirit work wonders in your life as well. Start by asking for it's help.

     One day a woman asked me which dog killed her small dog. She had a invisible fence that kept her 7 dogs on her property. I told her to ask spirit what color the aggressive  dog was. 2 weeks later, I say well what did you get, she said she saw a white dog 1 time and a black dog right after that. I said there you go it was a black & white dog. Oh she said. I didn't  tell her but 1 of her 7 dogs was a black & white Labrador. I thought she would get very upset if I told her that.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Dec/3/2022 KARMA Big Time (SARS)


     Dr Andrew Huff a scientist from the US who worked in health labs dealing with infectious viruses. Has a new book out The Truth about Wuhan. In it he claims US knew about the leak of sars from Wuhan labs back in August 2019. That's a big WOW.  The US funded that lab. So you see that the 2 culprits the US and China are the responsible parties and who suffered the most the Chinese and the Americans. American deaths have gone past 1 million and counting. What goes around comes around, it's called Karma. It applies to everyone on a daily basis. Think real good before doing an action that can hurt you or others. If someone asks you to do something that doesn't sit right with you, then don't do IT. If you get that feeling you can ask spirit for it's guidance. By working with divine spirit that bond will become stronger and you will get answers more quickly. It can help you in getting through difficult situations in your life. The bottom line, it's  about you and your loved ones first and only. And it's  (divine spirit) there to help you when other  people screw up. 

     On our money it says  Trust in God.  Well?  This should be the first and only stop.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Nov12/2022. SAD

      The kids name is Sisk one letter removed from Sick. He shot his family dead in Alabama. Siblings and parents. He said he was sick of the situation his parents placed upon him and his siblings. He didn't want his siblings to have to put up with it anymore. Sisk was 14 years old.

     Is it his fault?  Yes and no. Do you think that he would have done this evil act, if he grew up in a loving atmosphere that is what it should have been. Think on that. If families can't get along,  what makes you think nations should get along. You here it's the millennial generation or other named generations. To me it's  always been the ME generation. These parents were only concerned about their needs and wants. The kids were treated as pieces of furniture to be kicked about. This is what a lack of love can do to a family. Destroy it unequivocally. No love  spells death. 

     If you find yourself in a bad situation turn to Divine Spirit the voice of God to help you get to a safe harbor. He will answer. Ask him to show you the way out that you will be able to understand. Once you ask for help, then leave it in God's hands. He will take over but remember to do things to make it better for you as well. You look for that answer from God. It is there. Know it.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Nov 11/2022 All That Shines

      Is not necessarily gold. Jordan Larsen had her 3 medals stolen, that she won in US Olympic volleyball. They were locked away in a safe, the robbers still got it. Your symbols of achievement can be snatched from you no matter what it is. Things are fleeting. But what you have become can never be taken from you. This is the most important treasure that you have. Cherish that and add  to that in your future days. It's what it's  all about becoming more of who you really are. Everyone is on a spiritual path. And those paths can go to many a rocky road. Doesn't have to be that way though. By strengthing your connection to Divine Spirit, your path will take you on a flatter straighter road. The knowledge you get will help point you in becoming the higher self that is alone your true beingness. A defining moment to be sure. It sits way above any accolade you could hope to achieve here on earth. Your achievements won't be hid away in a safe but live within you forever. The journey will have been worth the struggles that you have gone through to get it. The struggles you endured will fall to the way side as they bring you to the promise land that existed in you all along. This trek upon earth has allowed  you to unfold into recognizing who you really are.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Nov/ 1/2022 Heavy Feather

 Her name was Lightfeather. The young Indian gal who rejected Marlon Brando's Oscar for best actor in 1973. He had her decline for him because he was boycotting the film academy  for it's mistreatment of native Americans in films. Half the audience boos and the the other half applauds. 50/ 50 division just like it is today in American politics. John Wayne the guy who did no military service in WW 2. This large man was so incensed by Littlefeather that men behind the curtain had to physically hold him back from attacking the woman. No apology was forthcoming from the academy until Sep of 2022. Wow  she had to wait 49 years to get that. My guess if there was no me too movement, she would still be waiting for that apology. So last October Littlefeather died at 75.

     Her 2 sister's than claim as they were being interviewed, that their sis ter was of Spanish/Mexican ancestry. She had no native american blood in her. Why be someone your not. God created everyone with unique talentSuffield. our job to uncover them. How? By trial and error. When you uncover one of the talents which there are many, you will know it. You will be real good at it. You take that passion and run with it. It just might turn into a lucrative business venture for yourself. A job you enjoy and you becoming self suffient. No need to pretend that you are something that your not.

     Another woman was recently let of prison. The German women prtended to be a wealthy socialite. She hobnobed with wealthy NYC socialites where she scammed her way into acquiring illicit goods and monies. Her actions caught up to her landing her in jail. Trying to be someone she was not.

     Last example is Bernie Madoff. He ran a pinzi type scheme from NYC. Stole hundreds of millions from his trusting admirers. A lot of people were now older and list most of their money in his scheme. I don't know what became of them. Authorities clawed back some of the money to give back to investors. Many people list funds that they couldn't replace. Madoff"s wife got to keep a lot of money. Madiff's son committed suicide because of what his father did. A destroyed life for everyone involved. Was it worth it? Trying to be someone your not.. Just might explode your life. Bernie Madoff died last year in prison. Still leaving a bad taste in many peoples lives.

     Look for your hidden talents to live a rewarding life that is meant to be yours.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Oct /28/2022 Rush is On?

     Yesterday in New York City a young man running to catch the subway. The train is in motion slowly heading out. His clothes get caught on the body of the train car. Dragging him along the platform. He did not survive. The people who knew him, said he was always cheerful  and had a smile on his face, a very good person.

     When were running late, it's  best to go forward in the new time frame. By rushing on foot or in a car  we open ourselves up to uneeded mistakes. Causing us emotional distress or injury or even death. So not worth it. You know, if your late your late. That is your new estimated time of arrival. When you rush you become stressed in some part of the body. Your body does not need stress. So cut it some slack. By taking care of your body today, you will be able to enjoy a better tomorrow. I'm getting older and I notice the bounce back time takes longer. So when I recently got a cold, I told myself  I will recoup faster. I stayed in bed under covers for 2 days straight. After that I felt myself getting better each day. After 10 days I was 95%. If I would have done things while sick I know I would have had a miserable time. So if your sick stay in bed in the initial stages. No need to spread your virus to others. We don't need it either.

     Listen to your body. You are the best judge if something doesn't  feel right. Pursue your hunches. Ask divine spirit what it is that ails you. You do some investigating as well. The seeker will find it. If there is a roadblock in your life, always turn to divine spirit. It is the bearer of good tidings for you.

    One more thing. Once I had to get on a plane in less than 2 days. I felt a cold come on. No way was I going to get on that plane sick. I said to myself, I'm not going. That night I felt the cold being removed from my body. The cold was being removed slowly  so that I would be able to feel it happening. As it was leaving the body I could feel my body trying to hang on to it the cold from leaving. Totally wierd. But on some level it makes sense. It sounds impossible but the next day I was 100%. I know when I'm   getting a cold and I always get it. So if divine spirit  wants something done, it's going to get it done. In my case I was to be on that plane healthy. And so it was. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Oct/27/2022 A Storm Window

     I think I mentioned this story before. But it's pertinent now. I had a friend working for me named George. One day he got me with a practical joke. I told him I owe you one. 6 months later were putting up these heavy glass storm windows. About 5ft high 40 inch wide. So George has one in his hands vertical, the bottom of window is only 3 inches from the floor. I see a  kid's water pistol on counter. I pick it up and not even aiming, I shoot it at him. Bingo got him in the left eye. He fumbles the pane of glass but manages to control it lucky for me since I would have had to pay for it. I say, you remember 6 mos ago, I owe you. He shook his head yes.

    So you see with karma, you don't  have to aim to hit the mark. It's automatic. Seeing this episode was karma in play or action. You can witness this in your own life or on the road sometimes. Like the guy who passes people on the shoulder and 20 minutes later seeing him pulled over by a cop. In a lot of cases the karma doesn't come back right away but further into the future. When you see karma kick back on you quickly, you know your on a spiritual path. You will come to realize  that it's  your actions and thoughts that are responsible for it. And that being so, you can change those thoughts and actions to benefit you.

     So back to guy on road who cut you off, don't give him the finger. Send a blessing to him. God knows he's going to need it. When you bless others it will come back to you in the near future.

     Also, when I'm  at a store I wish the checkout person a good day or night before they say it to me. It's  nice to do. The other day for the first time a person said to me have a blessed day and they weren't  a checkout person.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Oct/26/2022 Focus 2

      This morning near the fridge, there he was. Darting here there in flight. A very tiny little fly.  Known as the elusive fruit fly. Very hard to catch and kill. This time I had razor sharp focus and he was in my sights . I stretched out my arm all the way and with my outstretched hand, I swiped the air. I looked in my hand no bug, but then I saw him quite dead on the side of one of my fingers.  At that instant I was 100 per cent focused. There were zero thoughts in my head but for the death of that fly.

     That is what is needed to get what you want. Now however if you do that in trying to control someone, woe will come on to you in one form or another. In the words of a very famous sea gull. Set it free. If it comes back to you it's  yours if not,  it never was yours.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Oct/25/2022. Depravity

      Story from Florida this morning.  A good Samaritan called cops on witnessing a human being throw a plastic storage box out a window while they were crossing a bridge. In that box was a 4 yr old female dog. It just so happened that there was an animal rescue establishment only 5 min away from that bridge. These people since 1 was driving and the other was tossing are what you call depraved people. Maybe a better word for them are monsters. Why?

     In all likely hood it was due to a horrible upbringing. Ofcourse it's  not always this way.  Bundy comes to mind. A serial killer caught in Florida decades ago. His mother says he was brought up in a loving house hold. I guess he was just born rotten. So a lot of times the house hold is not that loving. Screaming,  hitting and God knows what. Living in that scenario would show the kid, I'm worthless. So they strike back in fear. From then on it's Me First. They will use violence first to block any potential attack against them. Since their bigger than cats and dogs these critters will feel the brunt of their wrath. People say catch them and put them in jail. Well that just makes them worse. Doesn't work for the most part. 

     Only way to prevent these sad occurrences is to raise your kids with love and respect like you would like for yourself. If you don't  know how to give love then don't  have kids, use birth control.

     At sporting events the kids are participating in. They see adults getting in fist fights over blown calls of all things. The kids think this is normal behavior.  Don't  get your way,  then just smack someone. Sometimes they come away unscathed and sometimes not. Does this help your self esteem?

    When about in your life, if you see an injustice send love toward the situation in one form or another. It can only help. Love is the presence of light. It is light that pierces the darkness not the other way around. If anything remember that. It will heal all wounds. Spread the light by showing love. This is what God is. By giving love you share God.

    As far as the dog's fate. He was saved by the cops and was adopted out. Hopefully to a more loving person.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Oct 22/2022 T. P.

 What's  T.P.  That's easy, it's  toilet paper. Here's  what it has to do with spirituality & life lessons. I'm in the bathroom, standing.  In my hand a small roll of tp. My mind drifts toward something I was thinking on. As I unwound the tp, it falls to the floor. Not what I wanted to happen. Prior to the tp fall, I maneuvered the tp with no issue at all.  Soon as my mind drifted, the drop. So much for multi-tasking. Focus is what it takes to get something done to satisfaction. So I took my mind off the ball ( in this case the tp ) and made a whiff.

     Just like in baseball. It's hard to hit a round ball with a round bat. The batter must focus on the ball only, to have any chance of a connection. If he had a fight with his wife the day before he cannot revisit the altercation. Or any other event that had a strong emotional response from him. In our lives we do best to focus on our immediate goals only. Write down your most important goals, keep them written down in a book nearby that you can peruse. Pick the top 5 and give them the most focus.. pick a quiet space when focusing on your top 5 goals. Write down any actions that you can take,  to make the goals come quicker. Be creative,and don't listen to nay saying in your head or from others. Visualize that desired thing as a part of your existence. It's  not only focus. There is desire as well. How bad do you want it. The greater the desire the faster it will materialize.

      When working on a task, try to finish it off. Example: I threw a crumpled piece of paper at the waste paper basket. It fell way short. I didn't  let it sit there,  but walked over and picked it up and dropped it in the basket. It was my responsibility only. Say your in a store and pull a product off the shelf taking 2 other products out inadvertently which fall to the floor. I pick them up off the floor and put them on the shelf. I knocked them off, it's not the store employee's job to fix my error. When you think like this, you become responsible  and when you are responsible you make yourself stronger in many ways that your conscious mind is not aware of.

    Also if your out and about and you see something amiss, try to put it right without looking for reward. Eventually you will get rewarded but it will be God's way. And no you don't get your just rewards in heaven, it can happen here on earth. If you have the discerning eye you will see these rewards. come your way. 

    Example: one day I was low on funds for a long spell. Prior to this I would pick up other peoples stuff that they dropped as litter. I wouldn't go overboard with it though. So I was in this store roaming the aisles and spotted looked like a dollar bill on floor. I scooped it up. It wasn't  a dollar but a Ben Franklin bill.  It came at a good time. Usually it's trash but that day it became the most expensive piece of paper I ever picked up.

     By the way I still pickup litter and recycle or dispose it the right way.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Oct 15/2022 It's the Little Things 2

     It happened again. I put the toothpaste on my brush and put it under the running water. Half the paste falls off and hits the sink. I mean this has been happening for decades. I just use the half paste on the teeth. Looking at the paste lying in sink a bulb goes off. Put the paste in your mouth and swirl it around, then get the water on the brush. Duh! Now I have a new way of doing it. I put up with the old way for so long it became a habit. We do things and we don't know why. Its a very minor thing. But I must do this on bigger issues as well. More thought has to be exercised on the bigger things in your life. With me it was making money, I never had enough. But I learned how to stretch a dollar. I should of focused on making more money. A better way to apply myself. My rut was my job it was what I always did. Day in and day out. Big mistake for me. Using your brain more efficiently  is the key.

    Not to long ago I read about a guy who changed his job every 4 or 5 years and with that move it always came with a pay raise. The guy retired at age 40. Smart guy.

    Once you have a strong desire to make a change think long and hard about it, then act on it. I wish I did it. Start where ever you find yourself to be. This is the real work on manifesting a better life for yourself. And it is work. Requires time and do diligence on your part. The faster you do this the more happier you will be. You have to really look at yourself and take responsibility for your short comings. Once you see it you can start with the corrections. If you get stuck you can ask divine spirit for the needed push. Get you on the right track. After all it's your life which should be the most important thing in your life. A happier you, will make it good for everybody. A person that is not a victim but a co-creator with their own existence. Once you see it there is no way of you going back to the way it was with you. You know who you are and where your going. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Oct 14/2022 God taketh away

      Alaska had a huge storm recently. Alot of houses were ripped from their foundations. Not a pretty sight. One couple liked to beach comb after a storm. The wife found a femur of a mammoth about 4 ft tall. They live in an apartment, so this femur will sell for a big hunk of change which will go to getting them a new house. The storm took away houses of their community but God giveth a means to build or buy a new abode for them. Seek and you will Find.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Oct 11/2022 The Whims of a Mad Man

      The other day I read about a marine that fought in Afghanistan & Iraq. When he returned to the states, he was removed from his comaderie with fellow marines. The one thing that stayed with him like glue was his hatred for Muslims. He couldn't fit back into society. The only thing of comfort for him was his extreme hate. To fix himself, he thought was to kill off that what vexed him.  Muslims period. Death to Muslims. His hometown in a Midwestern state has a new Muslim church. Off he went to take down some local Muslims. His face of rage was picked up by some Muslims at the church. One of them went up to him and showed him kindness toward the marine. That disarmed him in his quest to do violence. The Muslim kept talking to him and his rage went from boiling to simmering. One Muslim invited him to her house for an Afghan traditional dinner which he accepted. Overtime his rage was replaced by love and kindness. He now preaches his conversion to others. One simple act. Does it always work, maybe not. But I think if you invite divine spirit in during the travail and show the kindness, things should come out ok.

     Narcissman, greed, hatred and selfishness are all to be found in Putin. Ukraine became a country after the fall of the Berlin wall. The country said to US take away our nuclear weapons which they did. Then they started down the path of freedom via democracy.  It's a long hard path but they were doing good. Thirty years later Putin wanted Ukraine back in his pocket. The genie is out of the lamp for 30 years and he's trying to stuff it back into the lamp. That is not going to end well. A raving lunatic.

     Now. The pope was telling Ukraine to deal peacefully with the Russians, this was a couple months after Feb 24 th. Yeah right. Deal with the Russians who are liars and murders. Now Elon Musk suggests to Ukraine sit down with the Russians. Yeah right. 

     How about this. Suppose Russia invaded Florida and pushed up to Alabama  and Georgia. So let's talk peace. The Russians say will give you back Alabama & Georgia but we'll keep Florida.  Just what do you think the US would have to say about that.

     Now  the whole world is held hostage to one man's  whims. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

     Thats why in a democracy the power is shared in equal branches of government. Autocracy leads to nuts which leads to a sad state of affairs. Now we're at the point will he or will he not take the world down with him.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Oct 7/2022 Where's the Common Sense

     Today I read about the guy using a GPS to get somewhere at night and in the rain. He plunged off a bridge and got killed. If he was heading home, why not go the way you are familiar with. No need for a gps. About 8 years ago the bridge got destroyed by a flood and was never fixed. There was a barrier there at one time. But someone removed it. What were they thinking? To get through life you need common sense. Without it, bad things will happen. To you or someone else. Once again when you work with divine spirit on a constant basis, you will get aligned  with it. You should get the warnings via divine spirit to pay more attention to what is going down around you.. This is the best way for you to be safe in these troubled times.. Will you have accidents in the future.... yes but it still pays to work with divine spirit.. Alot of times we get in accidents is due to a lack of focus.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Oct 2/2022 Very Bad Fishing Outing

    Another karma story unfolded recently. Lake Erie a fishing derby is going on. There are many teams of 2 fisherman each team. The leaders present their catch to the crew that weigh and measure the fish. The biggest fish are the heaviest fish. These 2 guys are set to be declared the winners of the derby.  But one of the crew slices one of the fish open and discovers weights inside of it's gut. Needless to say the other fisherman milling about let loose a stream of profanities. Lucky for them they don't get beat up. In the old days they would have been tarred and feathered and escorted out of town. With karma, actions you do will eventually catch up with you. As it did with these two fellows. All that hate that was directed at them from their fellow fisherman will be felt by them for a long time. That negative energy entered their aura (it's  like an energy field that surrounds your entire body, this field also can be seen as colors by people who have or developed this skill.) For myself I felt this play out. I was walking down a street and I see about 5 male older teenagers up ahead of me goofing off. 1 kid runs to the grass divider between sidewalk  and street. The other kid is atop elevated ground held back by a stone wall. He's throwing ice from his drink toward the kid near street. They're  just goofing off. But when I crossed between them I felt their aggressiveness. They waited with their throwing ice as I neared. That aggressiveness was felt in my solar plexus. Even though it was a game, I knew there was some serious animosity between them. Probably they came to blows sometime in the future. Ice one day and fists the next. Practical jokers are probably in this category as well. Its good to pick up the energy in a room or outside with people. By getting that vibe, It's time to exit stage left. When that inner bell goes off, heed it. It could save you from some serious injury. The more aware we are, the safer you will be. Practice this state of awareness and play out the what is. But the best advice would come from that inner voice within which is divine spirit.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

9/24/2022 There's no more Love

     Around here anymore. The gal was talking to her male friend as they past by me in a Target store. I thought about those words. The news is mostly negative because that is what we focus on. When you hear that day in and day out. It will drain you. Suck that little bit of happiness you got right out of you. But you have a choice. You can limit the  amount of time that you expose yourself to this diatribe. The more you focus on the good stuff in your life, the happier you will be. 
     When older people look back on their life, they remember happy times. Not how much money they made or what achievements they got.  They think of the times they enjoyed with their loved ones.  Put your energy into the family unit, make it greater by doing things together with love. Encourage all loved ones in filling fulfilled.  It starts when the kids are young. If you do it right, you will know where the love is.
     Think about this, if you can't get along within the family what makes you think that nations would be any different than you. When I'm  out and about, I act kind wheather behind the wheel or on foot in a store. The more that people do this the better it is for everybody.  When a skunk walks by and he released an oder, it will stick around for awhile long after he passed. A pleasant oder would be a walk near a rose garden. I believe a kindness will also linger in an area where the kindness occured. People will feel the affect of this previous kindness.  And feel just a little bit uplifted.  So it comes down to you, you can get the ball rolling by doing a kind act. Examples of this saying a pleasantly or holding open a door. Doesn't  take much.
      When I got angry at a friend of mine.  I let him have it verbally  because he cost me alot of money. On the ride home, I had to pull over because I felt suffocating. I got out of the car and took 3 deep breaths before I felt better and was able to drive home. When you get angry you cut yourself off from divine spirit. With me I felt the suffocation literally. Then I knew the difference between being connected  and not connected. I like the former, hands down.
     So do the things that make you happy more often. Less focus on the negative occurences in life.  And if the negative does come to your door, try to deal with it in a most positive way possible.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

9/22/2022 The Ring of Anger


      It was a fight.  Occurred  about 12 years ago.. I retreated to my office where I promptly remove my wedding band and flung it across the room hitting the wall. Needless to say it was not my finest hour. The rest of the day I spent tearing  up the room in search of said ring. I found a very small washer 1/10 th the size of the ring, it slips on a very small bolt followed by a very small nut. But no white gold ring was to be found.

     Two days later I open my truck door at a grocery store. I spy a ring on the next parking spot. I quickly grab it from the macadam and place it on my finger. A perfect fit. No inscription was in the ring. Perfect. This ring was way better than the original, wider and a little thicker, a man's  ring. Never found a ring ever again.  2 days later, I find the ring or it found me. What are the chances, close to zero. 1: a male ring. 2: my size. 3:  had my taste in a ring. I think it's silver not white gold. Definitely a gift from divine spirit. When I tossed the original  ring I did it in anger, so the price of that was to be denied the chance of finding it at that time.

     Three or more years later I find the original ring between 2 floor boards. Not laying flat as one would expect but on it's side below the floor board, go figure that one out. I still wear the one I found at that grocery store.

    A couple months ago, I was having another small fight with my wife and my ring came off and flew under the bed. For the first time with this ring.  Uh  OH! .....      Here we go again. But this time I retrieve it right away and slammed it down on my finger.  Oh no you don't!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

9/18/2022 I Dreamed the Bat


     Dreams can take you places where you can't go physically. They can also help you in resolving issues in your life no matter what they maybe. Alot  of times dreams make no sense, they're jumbled up. Sometimes you will see a recurring symbol an animal, landmark, balloon, person or what have you. These recurring  symbols are important. Try to figure out how it pertains to you. Write them down and the full date. When you look back at your notes after 2 weeks maybe you will see what that symbol means. Keep trying, it's worth it.

     One night  I had a dream. I was looking through a mask, it belonged to a fictional character  called Batman (Bruce Wayne). This guy witnessed his parents gunned down by a creep. Bruce was a kid. His psyche was severely damaged after that night. Looking through his mask, I felt his self loathing,  blackness and bitter hatred. That dude was one sick human being. I couldn't take it. I turned my head 180 degrees and saw through my own eyes, what a relief. Batman is doomed. Locked very tight within his narrow existance. In his view, there is no hope absolutely none. I was glad to be free of that mask. I now know  what it is to be Batman for a moment I walked in his shoes.

     Another dream, I'm holding a handgun and shot 1 time at a female friend of mine. I woke up. I knew what that dream meant. I have a caustic wit and it must of went to far with her. The next time I saw her, I apologized to her. The dream it was a gun, in real life it was my tongue. The dream allowed me to correct my misdeed. Another time I fell into gossip about a group member of ours. I felt something on my leg, reach down, it's blood. I got it,  wound the group cohesiveness  wound yourself. This is how God teaches us via dreams and daily life. It's  great. But not all the time. Either way you do learn about yourself. Like a house you love, your always thinking of ways to make it better. Thats you. Trying to be a better version of you.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

9/16/2022 ORCS


     This is what the Ukrainians call the invading Russians.  Recently the Orcs are on the run back to mother Russia.  Not all of them though. These Ukrainians  chose to fight for their independence and democracy.  They put it all on the line. Good for them. Just as the French helped us during the American Revolution, we and the Europeans have helped the Ukrainians.  This war is about the forces of good and evil. Orcs being the great evil. The karma they incurred will go on and on for a long time to come. Hopefully this nation(USA) will not splinter into 2 factions. We will need everyone to combat the coming strifes that are coming down the pike.  All it takes is to be kind. Which requires empathy. Do on to others as you would have them do on to you. Do some critical thinking and keep and open mind. People use fear to control others. Like herding sheep. Watch out for those types of people they can cause mega damage to the status quo.

    It took many years to build this country (USA) up as a force to do good in this world.  It can all go south quickly in a few short years, if we are not carefull. The time is now.

Unite, be loving,, be kind, be courteous, be happy, be polite, be caring, be helpful, be generous, be strong, be aware, be fruitful,  be prosperous, be thinking, be You.....

Monday, September 5, 2022

9/5/2022 Tending One's Garden


    Sitting here in another state. I put out bird feeders and watch the goings on at the feeder. I looked at my old hummingbird feeder, time for an upgrade. I put it up and after 2 weeks got my first customer. He had it all to himself. They are small like 2 inches tall with little bitty legs. Not as colorful as those in California. When they approach the feeder, they twitter away. I assume they're happy. When they stay suspended stationary in the air, they hum like mini powerful jet engines. They hum loud and fly very fast. Now I know why they're  called hummingbirds. After 3 weeks another hummingbird came. The first bird didn't take kindly to this intruder. There is plenty of sugar water for everybody and elbow room around the feeder's ports. The first bird would knock off the 2nd bird from the port and chase him through the air super fast. I set up a second feeder 12 ft away from the first one. The first bird claimed that feeder as well, guarding the 2 feeders. He would dive bomb and chase any other bird that dared to alight upon a feeder. I moved the 2nd feeder to front of house blocking the visual line. It worked for a day.  By the 2nd day , the first bird defends this one as well but not as well as having 2 feeders in his sight line. Territorial and aggressive these hummingbirds are.

    Sounds alot like us humans. We succumb to are baser instincts when it suits us. Trying to tear down others to make us feel better. Unlike hummingbirds, man can get violent with his fellow humans. We have the bigger brain but fail to use it properly. If each one of us would be content with what we have and not be so fearful, we would be more happy. Make pretend that you can create your life, then proceed to put things in it that you would like. So you can create, you can ad to things or take away. You don't  like someone, you can elect to not entertain them and vice aversa. Always think that you are the director  of your life and act as if. You can write in or out anyone you choose. The more happy you are with your life the better you will be with others. But just remember sometimes when you create something you should be responsible to it. So be carefull with what it is you create. Always evaluate your life once a week for 30 minutes, say on Sunday. This is the time to make changes to your life's  course. This is key to your success. 30 minutes every week, write the changes you make down in your big sturdy notebook.

    There's  2 rolls you can play in life, 1 a victim the other a knowing creator. And when you are happy with your life, you are kind. It's a good state to be in.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

8/31/2022. Royal Karma


    Royal in this case is the baseball team Kansas City Royals. It's also about karma ( what goes around comes around).  It can be instantaneous  or delayed short term or very long term. It can be bad karma or good karma either way you are going to learn something as it plays out.

    Back to the game, a 18 yr old kid got gifted tickets to see the Royals play in their home park. He brought his mitt, just in case Juan Soto hit a home run. He's a Royal. Sure enough Soto pokes one over the outfield wall right at Bruce the 18 yr old. Bruce stands up to make the catch as another guy tries for it. It's in Bruce's mitt temporarily,  until the other guy rips it free from Bruce's  glove. The guy offers him 2 tee shirts because he felt guilty. The kid turned him down. The older guy kept the ball. It was all caught on tape. The Royals  gave Bruce a free ticket and 2 signed balls, one by Soto himself. Words he writ on ball was sorry about that.

    So Bruce had good karma. The ball being hit right at him and making the catch. Bad karma when the guy stole the ball. Back to good karma when the Royals gave him 2 signed balls by Soto and the shortstop. Bruce also got to meet Soto face to face. Now,  there is a memory for a lifetime for Bruce.

Friday, August 19, 2022

8/16/2022 See No Evil

     Here no evil, speak no evil. Depicted in a form of three monkeys .  One of the definitions of evil is as follows. Good men or women that see evil and say nothing or do nothing are complicit to that existing evil. So evil starts with the one and then becomes two and so on. Each day is a struggle in ripping up these roots of evil. Recently it's  been in California. A crowd entered a 7 & 11 and helped themselves to what ever took their fancy. Ofcourse without paying. This has been going on allover. Also in the prison system where young women inmates were sexually violated, by prison guards since 1985.  Violence and pain are going to increase as the years go by. 

    This is why one has to develop a bond with God via divine spirit. With that link one can weather any storm that comes their way. This connection is the best tool you can use in living your life successfully.  Spirit will help in the smallest things in your life as well as the biggest things.  Spirit can find people for you to further your goals. All to get the wheels moving  is for you to ask of spirit or God it's help. Reading this  blog  Unfolding Journeys will show you the how's. One day many people will live their lives doing just this.  Then it will become a better world for the planet and for those who live  upon  the earth. But you don't  have to wait til then, you can get started now.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

8/16/2022 Greed

     Last month it was a bishop  from NYC, who got robbed of 400,000 in jewelry at a sermon he was giving in his own church.  Now it's  a Kansas City preacher scolding his parishioners  because they didn't  come forth with an expensive watch worth 3,000 dollars. He said he was waiting for it for close to a year. It was like payment for his sermons. He said to his parishioners, you could of used your McDonald's  and Red Lobster money to help pay for it.  Talk about hutzba, thus guy got it covered.

    It comes down to say one thing, do another. Kids learn this from the get go. When kids are out in public, they admonish their kids not to scream. Back home weeks later, they see their parents screaming at each other. 

    So, to the congregation,  you know what he's  about. Well, why not get rid of him and move on. It's  called separating the chaff  from the wheat.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

8/13/2022 Fire Spotter

     I read about her before.  Kathy  Shoopman from Northern California.  She would climb steel towers on top of mountains to spot  fires  in the forest. She would phone in the coordinates allowing  fire fighters to get a jump on containment. At one time she was also a forest firefighter. She has been at it since 1974. She loved solitude and the job she performed.  She knew her job backward and forward. The pro. 

     The Mckinney  fire  this summer consumed a northern California forest. The biggest fire this year in California. Her and her neighbors were given evacuation warnings because of it.  Allot of neighbors left, she stayed. The fire took her and her home as she started to leave.

    When you do a job for a long time, you get good at it. But all it takes is one slip up and you end up paying a big price. When given a warning about anything, pay attention no matter what.  Listening to that little voice within will protect you from calamity.  And sometimes if you didn't  get the message from within,   divine spirit will send someone to tell you personally.  In my life I invite  divine spirit in and it gave me warnings many times over,  which I heeded.   This divine spirit is available to everyone, no exceptions. It knows everything going on about you.  Listen, and the next life that may be saved is your own.   Talk to God, he will answer you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

7/26/2022 My Mistake

     A teacher took a job in a rural part of the country.  Which was new to him. This girl in his class was late a lot and did pda with her boyfriend in class. He tried to discourage them,, but it didn't  work. He sent them to the principal, that didn't work as well. On an assignment, the girl hands in an incomplete paper with many errors. He hands it back to her with nit an F but a D. Thus girl was a straight A student. The parents come into his class at end of day to complain bringing an administrator with them. He answered all questions why she got the D. Next week he is called into the principal office and told to give the girl an A. He changes girl's paper to an A as he was instructed to.  Also he changed all the student's grades to an A. When the other students asked why he did this he said don't worry about it.

   The principal calls him in about all the A grades. He told him I wanted to be fair to all my students, so they wouldn't  suffer. The principal shut up. Turns out 2 people in principals office were relatives of girl. Couldn't  fire them since there were not enough people in town to take the job that would be qualified. What to do.

    I say this guy was working with spirit consciously  or unconsciously. Good work. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

7/25/2022 Let Me Unburden You

     A bishop and his wife witnessed an invasion of his church while in the middle of his service to his constituents. It wasn't  a turkey shoot, just a run of the mill robbery. This one came with a big payoff. The thieves made off with 400,000 worth of bling from the married couple.

    Say What???  Pray tell how a bishop winds up with 400,000 worth of baubles. God had other ideas  in mind for the good bishop.

    By upgrading your relationships with divine spirit, you make life a little better for yourself.  This is better than money in the bank. Money helps yes of course.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

7/17/2022 Brandon

     Brundidge from Minnesota.  He has autism and is a shy boy.  His writer mother took a trip to Texas and while there his personality changed.  He was more ebullient  and extroverted. What happened she asked her son.  He pointed to a sign in the nearby lawn.  Let's  go Brandon!  See these are my people,  they love me.  My name is everywhere around here, even on car bumpers. He had no idea what it really meant,  a slight toward Joe Biden.  His mom wrote 2 books for 2 of her kids who have autism. Brandon's  book was next. The book got done. Joe Biden made a call to the family and so did Brandon Brown the race car driver who inadvertently got roped to this dispargement of the president.  Brandon Brown was now on board with autism awareness month. These people took a negative and made a fantastic positive  out of it. It took years but the job got done.  Spirit's guiding hand had touched this healing gesture.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

7/05/2022 Expect A Miracle...... Eh.....

     Could happen to you though.  I like the saying,  nothing ventured nothing gained. Way more accurate when it comes to making change in one's  life.

    In my younger days, I was a drifter. Rutterless. Like a beach ball floating in an in ground swimming pool. Knocking along the edges where the wind would have me. I did this for years. Big mistake.  Eventually I got tired of the mistake. I started to make small changes. Mistakes where still there but this time I fashioned a small rudder for myself. This approach was far more satisfying. Change came in increments.  An inner belief began to develop. This turned me into the seeker. A slow path, but rewarding nonetheless. To fashion your own rudder. Begin here.  I am   Captain of my soul Master of my fate.

    Goal setting is very important in life. Think about what it is that you want to have in your life. In your journal, write a small goal for yourself for the next day , then a goal for the entire week and a goal for the month. Continue this practice for the rest of your life, it's  good practice. Spirit can help with any problems you may have along the way. The more you do this the happier you will become. Any problems wheather they are of a material nature, emotional matter or an esoteric nature. Spirit will supply the answer. Sometimes a lot of patience on your part is required. For those of you who do this, your life will definitely change. It will become an adventure. Your confidence will soar, making you stronger in your convictions. Give it a try. For 1 month and write and read what you have accomplushed each and everyday. This is your proof. Making mistakes is aok, it is how we learn. Better to focus on our own lives, than others. At this stage you become proactive. You are setting a new tone. You take small steps to enact massive change when it comes to your life. The change will come. Count on it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

6/29/2022 C M


    Stands for carbon monoxide. A colorless, ordered deadly gas fume. Comes from burning a fossil  fuel. Last week at least 2 tourists died in their hotel room in the Caribbean due to this gas.

    When you go traveling bring with you your own smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector. Better safe than dead.

    Something  to think about. We don't  always have to learn from our mistakes, we can learn from others if we have a mind to it. You see someone trip on a crack in a concrete sidewalk, I bet if you find yourself in that area at a later date you will remember that crack and gio out of your way to avoid it. We do get our warnings throughout our days. We have to be mindfull of them.

Monday, June 27, 2022

6/27/2022 Here's a Tip


    Had a garage look over the car. He said rear brakes were soft. 300 dollars and if need drums an extra 200. I took it to a brake place that offered free inspection, turns out brakes are OK and will last from 1 to 2 yrs more depending how you drive the car. I got an oil change from him for a total of 35 dollars. Money well spent. And when I do get brakes I'm coming back here. Tip get 2 or 3 opinions before plunking down money. Also try to get a feel of the situation. It's using your intuition or beginning stages of listening to spirit. All I know it work's for me.  Thank-you Spirit.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

6/18/2022 Brain Drain

    When we drain our brains of common sense, bad things tend to happen to us. Case in point Magic Kingdom a woman got into s fight over where to stand while watching the evenings fireworks show. She hit her head on the ground and now suffers bleeding on the brain. Think about that for a moment.  When debating a future action, take 5 and go through the ramifications of each scenario that you contemplate on and trying to see the future ramifications on your person.  When you act in haste you lay yourself to waste.  To get along in life you have to develop common sense. Otherwise you will end up on the floor asking yourself, how did I get here.  If hard knocks doesn't  do it for you, nothing will.  Be  nice, be kind and be understanding you will have a safer journey.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

6/17/2022 Breeds Hill happened on this day


    247 yrs ago near Charlestown MA the real beginning of the American Revolution took place. It was here that the dieing took place. The colonial generals wanted to confront the British regulars ( foot soldiers) on Bunker Hill. The milita foot soldiers said no, makes no sense. The lower hill closer to the water was were the militia men wanted to be.  So they dug all night long atop Breeds Hill, creating a big trench. The soil was thrown out of hole down the side of hill facing the water. Early in the morning  on the 17th, the British saw what they did and started to shell the redoubt  ( earthern fort  ) from their war ships. The fight was on.

    Last year I wrote about this day in more detail. These men laid it on the line. Many had familys and yet they chose to fight not on Bunker Hill but here on Breeds Hill. We owe our thanks to these daring men. The actions on this day enabled this country to be a savior to the world in the early 1940s.

     Charles Lindbergh the American hero back then espoused the virtues of an Adolf Hitler who was up and coming. The Germans jumped on the band wagon with their eyes wide shut. to their detriment millions of them died through the early 1940s.

    Moral of the story look before you leap. You go for the quick fix or stay the line.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

6/12/2022 Just Plain Stupid


    Today I made a list with three things to get at the store. One of the items is gum.  I needed that for a hair clip that fell down the sink drain. The clip was about 2 inches down.  Went to Wallgreens to return an item, no problem but I walked out  with no gum. I wasn't even thinking along those lines. The second store was Wallmart, forget the gum again. The third store is Home Depot. Park the car take 2 steps and there is a 20 pack  of juicy fruit gum, empty container flattened on the macadam.  OH I say totally forgot. The stupid part is,  I had list in my pocket but was too lazy to pull it out and look at it. Spirit was a step ahead of me and showed me the mini billboard. Thanks spirit. Lucky for me Home Depot had one kind of gum.

    I get home and chew 2 pieces of gum. I find a pencil with point on it and mold the gum around the pointed end letting a little fat bulb at the tip. The first try was vertical and a no go. The second attempt I was able to approach from the side and the gum caught it, slowly I pulled it up and out. Thanks to spirit,  I didn't have to drive out again.


Saturday, June 11, 2022

6/11/2022. The Will of The Cat


    The Ring :   An outdoor porch about 15 ft x 8ft. Has a 4ft high railing with balusters.

    The combatants :  1 wiry about 35 pound coyote.  And one scared out of his mind 6 pound cat.

    Place someone's house during the evening.

    The obstacle :  1 lounge chair in the flat position.

    The scene :   Mr cat sitting on his porch minding his own business. Mr coyote with a very quick appearance into the ring, strikes first. The cat surprised makes a fast counter response, claws out. Mr coyote did not like that one bit. Cat dives under the lounge chair, where battle continues. Mr cat tries to scale baluster, Mr coyote pulls him back into the ring for more fisticuffs. Mr cat makes for under the lounge chair again tight quarters favoring the cat. Mr coyote pulls back from under the chair. Mr cat makes it to top of the railing, his back end facing the ring. Mr coyote grabs ahold of cat's butt and pulls him back into the ring. Blows are exchanged. Mr coyote makes a small retreat, cat back up on railing and then tries to climb the post up toward the roof. The post may have something on it like a metal or plastic covering that makes it harder for the cat to hold on. But he succeeded. Culminating the 1 round fight. 

    And the winner is Mr coyote. Award : Not much, some scratches and a return to the woods with no dinner for him.

    The cat's will trumped that of the coyote's.  If There is a WILL there is a Way.   Ratchet up that will.

    Which brings me to the Ukraine War. The US told Ukraine  the Russkies are coming for you.  Zelensky didn't  believe it, why because it didn't make sense.  Everyone was surprised that the Russian invasion stalled. That is everyone but the Ukrainians . Who refused to play dead. That is one super strong will there. The Russians out numbered them in every aspect, the men and military equipment. When the Europeans and US saw the success of the Ukrainians,  it is then that the military aid really started to flow in. These Ukrainians were nothing like the Afghans, who rolled over in 3 days. Afghan  equal zero will,  Ukraine  100 per cent will.  Just before Feb 24 2022, Biden offers a flight out for Zelensky,  he says I don't  need a ride I'll take munitions instead.

    What about you,  is there a big scary situation in your life. Do you have the will to confront it.  What is your game plan? To make a Change, it has to start in your head first. Choose a different course. Then take numbered steps in making your reset.  Always ask spirit to aid you in your endeavor. With your will and spirits help, you should have your desire.  Don't quit ever, you will have that better life. Are you going to shake in your boots, or are you going to do something about it?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

6/09/2022 That Old Dirty Thing


    Those were the words of Lauren Krytzer's sister on spotting an old blanket that was used last by a pregnant cat and her kittens. Lauren's grandmother promised him her book collection but his mother and sister took the best ones. The sister grabbed one of the two blankets, the better looking lands end blanket. The dirty one went to Lauren, who put it in his closet in 2011.

    The California man became was a carpenter. All was well until a 2007 car crash left him in a hospital. In the course of his one year stay in the hospital he lost his leg and was put on dialysis.  Then disability made him jump through hoops. Before the disability,  after paying rent he was left with 200 dollars for the month, living in California.

    2011 Lauren was watching Antique Road Show on TV. An old Indian blanket was estimated to be worth 300 to 500 thousand dollars. His blanket looks like the one on tv. He tells his family and they tell him you would be lucky to get 10 dollars. He went on the show and Don Ellis   told him that it was authentic and that it was worth more than 500,000 dollars. His sister made a play for the dirty blanket. She eventually with drew her complaint.

    2013 the blanket is auctioned off and Don Ellis makes the winning 1.5 million bid. Other buyers were offering Lauren  tons of money for the blanket before it hits auction block. Don gives Lauren 9,000 dollars to tied him over til the auction. After the sale,Don got Lauren financial advisors to help Lauren hold on to his money. Now Lauren says California  is taxing him so much he will have to move to Idaho. 

    Spirit moved in Lauren's favor as it saw fit. With surprising  results for all involved. Now that spirit gave him an opportunity,  it is up to Lauren to protect his future, hopefully with spirits help.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

6/05/2022 Portents


    Had a dream last night. I was at the air port, trying to get on a flight. I was trying to cut it close  on my arrival time at the airport. In real life I don't  try to cut it close. The boarding agent says to me there are 3 people from south Philly that are on the flight with me. Then I woke up.

    I usually check the news on my phone when I wake up. One of the stories is about 3 people being shot to death on South Street which is in Philly. So the dream portended the near future. The airport was a symbol of a debarkation point for those 3 souls who died. The other thing I got from the dream was not to cut things too close  when having to prepare for a trip.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

5/29/2022. Memorial Day


    It's  the day we remember those who fought to make this country strong and great. It started with an idea that goes back to Greece. This time around our founding fathers intended to give this idea a lot of oxygen to this flicker of a flame called democracy.  Those men who signed the Declaration of Independence also potentially were signing their death sentences, if they got caught by the British in the late 1700s.  Think about that. They wanted to share power of their new found economic wealth among themselves and not being overseen by monarchies  of a foreign land. They wanted a say in how to run their own affairs. The colonial militias were given no chance to win against the number 1 military of the world. None. The colonists were good learners always trying new tactics in the war against Britain. The British had mostly arrogant officers. Not good when trying to win a war. George and his crew eventually  prevailed. Many died or got wounded in the cause. A new nation was born that became a beacon to the rest of the world. Selfishness and greed would rise up in the 1860s, which threatened to cleave the nation in half. Another great man took center stage and reunited the nation via force. This was necessary  so that this nation could rise up and help stop Germany  in WW 1. Again in WW 2 if we didn't  stop them then, we would probably be speaking German today. We enter the world stage again in confronting an evil nation in it's unprovoked attack against it's neighbor. We must stand up for the fight because democracy  hangs in the ballance. Dictatorships  subjugate the good and happiness of it's  people.

    Memorial day is for rememberace of those who did their duty for a just cause despite the prices that they may have incurred. They kept the light burning for the world to see. We must never let that light go dim or else we ourselves turn into the blight that is Russia.   Let us all remember.  Think, how can I uphold the values of my fore fathers. What I can do to make a better world. Start with yourself. Can I heal the divisiveness in my own family. This day of all days is very important for a better future for all of us.  May God be with you.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

5/17/2022. Material Things


There is nothing wrong in acquiring possessions.When I take ownership of something, I am thankfull  for it. Say you buy a car. This machine can make your life easier. You have to take care of it, to make it last. It takes time and energy. You will have good times and not so good times with it. You will learn many lessons about life with this car.  It can be any purchase you make.  It's  your attitude that will determine your happiness quotient.

    When acquiring  things, see how they are going to benefit you. Could it become a money pit and will it be worth it. Can you really use it or has it become clutter. It's  good to evaluate the things in your life once a month. What can I subtract from my life to make it more stream line. How have my interests changed. What is most important to me now and the near future. Have my wants changed. What can I do to further  me along in my new pursuit. If it's just things that we covet, it will lead to eventual despair. It's  our relationships that have the most meaning in life. And if you don't have that ask spirit to start to bring those relationships into your life. It most definitely can be created.

    Ask yourself,  what do I really want?  And do this every night and morning  In school your given homework to devlop your understanding. In life the best homework is done on yourself. What makes you,    tick. Put your thoughts down in a journal . You will find you. Not  what others think of you but what you think of yourself  the things that don't  make you happy are the things that you have to work on in a most earnest way.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

5/15/2022 Flower Pot


    Put it out there. Last week I wanted a flower pot. Garbage day came and I looked around to see if anyone threw one away. I didn't see any. I kept it in the back of my mind. One day I'm in Home Depot, I look in garden center and find many flower pots. I find one that is medium size and has a slice in it's rim. I hang on to it to see if there are other damaged pots. There weren't.  I eventually find a guy who scans it at 9 dollars. That's  crazy, so I offer 4 dollars for it. He said ok. The pot was a little fancy. So it took 10 days to get the pot. If I wanted a free one, it would of taken longer. Glad I got it, thanks spirit.

    Little things work more quickly. The bigger wants ìn life will take a bit longer.  Using sticktuvidiness  will get you there. Work with spirit to assist you in your endeavor. Always believe that you will aquire your goal.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

5/6/2022 Even Keel


    Is what you need when gliding your boat upon the waters. We are like that boat. Travel through life on an even keel. Not leaning to the left or the right too much. Too much lean can tip the boat. We have to think keep the boat afloat. Just like in life, we try to survive to the best of our abilities.  It's not easy.  We make mistakes aplenty, learning from them hopefully as we go along. The journey should go a little easier as we get older, provided we did actually learn. 

    To keep us going, God has given us the gift of spirit as a helper in our quest to be a more loving soul which is what we really are.  First you have to prove that spirit is for real. So to do that, you put spirit to the test.  Asķ it to show itself to you. When you get an experience, don't  try to make light of it, saying ..oh that was  just a coincidence. Accept it and ask for more experiences. These experiences can come from dreams or daily experiences. From the mundane to the profound. When you get them, write them down and full date of their occurrence. It will be about you and your experiences with spirit. It's like being a detective, that will really change your life for the better. Your awareness will expand and you will make better choices for yourself. With a friend like spirit, it is here that you go to for the best advice,  it does have your back you know. Don't  hesitate to call on it at anytime.

    After we are born, we slowly forget our connection to spirit. The rest of our life is about trying to reconnect with spirit. It didn't  go away, it was  always there all along. It was us who went away.  All we have to do is make that big u-turn to reconnect.  Just make it your will to do so, since we all have Free Will.  No matter what mess your in, spirit has an off ramp for you. All you have to do is ask.

    There will be bumps along the road but this time you will be aided by spirit. Now is the time to make  that choice. Invest in a more fruitful  life. Your journey has always been written by you. You are the one in charge of you. Go  for it.


Friday, April 29, 2022

4/29/2022 Hurry Time


    The other day at Target, I step in the checkout line. I miss what went down before I got there. The male patron ahead of me is having words with the checkout woman. She was amicably trying to address the problem with the guy and he wasn't  having any of it. He left somethings in his cart and took out his kid from the cart in a huff hurrying himself and kid out the door. I look at the counter and there I assume are his sunglasses. So in his anger he lost a pair of sunglasses. That's what a display of anger will get you. So unnecessary.  If he stayed calm he would still have his glasses..

    I read on internet where a guy sees kids locked in a car and no parent in sight at a parking lot. He tells the guy when he returns,  that it's  not right to do that. The guy starts yelling at him and pulls a gun from the car.  The good Samaritan jumps in his car and peels off as the badie pumps bullets his way.  I had the same thing happen to me. I was in a huge parking lot to many stores.  I see two small girls that look like twins in a newer car windows up, dark interior late spring. I stay nearby and wait for a mall security  guy. Way down the lane I see one, I keep waving until he sees me. He's  young I point the car out to him. I step back away 20 ft and wait 4 minutes  later husband and wife show up. We were only gone 10 minutes .  Sequrity kid says I don't  car if it's  1 minute what you did was wrong. I was proud of that kid. Oh and no shots were fired in this instance. 

    If you  find yourself in something similar, ask spirit what you should do and try to feel the answer.  Sometimes no good deed goes un punished. With spirit involved it will go down in a most benficial way.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

4/16/2022 Bird Smart

     You heard of bird brain,  it refers to someone  who is stupid.

     I feed the birds suet and bird seed.  Black oil sunflower seed is the most nutritious of all.  There was a creek next to my house.  I cut a piece of plywood 2 ft x 2 ft and mounted it to a post. The post was 6 ft off the ground. I put a large  raw  chicken  leg on the feeding board.  A vulture  flew in with his 6ft wingspan and grabbed the leg and flew off with another vulture after him. The 2nd vulture jarred the leg from vulture 1 and it fell to the ground. The 2nd day, the same thing happened. The 3rd day, the vulture figured it out. He landed on the platform and spread his wings out and then ate the leg on the platform.  2  vultures could not fit on the platform at the same time. By keeping his wings outstretched , he was able to eat in peace.  No other bird tried to land on the platform, he had it blocked perfectly.. That was 1 smart bird!  So yes,  birds can learn just like humans.  So there is hope for us.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

4/ 13/2022 Sins of the Parents


    Bottom line is it starts and ends with us always. That's life in a nutshell. We are responsible for everything.  What we do with the lemons in our life  will determine òur future happiness.  We enjoy the good fortunes that come our way, as well as the misfortunes. How  we adapt to the misfortunes  will determine our character.  Anytime a misfortune arrives at our doorstep there will be gifts to you as well, as long as you have the eyes and will  to look for those gifts. The gifts will point the way forward in dealing  with this problem. The gifts come from spirit. Overcoming the misfortunes will strengthen your resolve  and make you a stronger person. 

     When you come  to earth, your first interaction  will be with your dad, mother or both. Also it can be neither. Hopefully it will be a loving person. The circumstances  have been set up in advance of your arrival. Yes it's  reincarnation. You need a lot of time to learn lessons, that can't  be done  in one lifetime. It takes many, many life times.  It's  all worth it though.

     Your parents have the greatest influence on your life up until your 18,  when you legally become  an adult. The shaping of you  starts usually  between 6 and 8.  If the parents are loving and supportive  you will  have a great  start  in life. If not, it will  be tough for you.  A lot of people  will walk thorough life damaged in their thinking processes.  So  how the  parents raise the kid has a profound affect  on the child. Sometimes a good upbringing  doesn't  work. That soul will have a hard life as well.  The child will emulate the  adults , and become  the adults  just like their parents.  To break those  bad learnings , you will have to chart a new course.

    A friend of mine said, your family is great, why couldn't  I have  had that. I said you can start anew, when you make your future family, you will do way better than how you were raised. You will be the start of a new loving generation.  And this is what happened for him.  He changed 7in inthe dynamics of his past ancestry. 

     This neighbor and me briefly worked for a company. He lived 2 doors down from me. I was at his house one day in his backyard.  His 10 year old son didn't  do something quickly enough for him, so he kicked him in the ass. I said John, don't  do that,  It's not right. On Monday, I went to work and told one of the guys what happened in the back yard. He said well thats what his father  did to him at work.  Kick him in the ass.  The father owned the business.  Sins of the father.  John chose to follow his father's  foot steps. Now his son will do the same to his son.  On and on down the generational line it goes. How sad it is!  It will only stop when a future son or daughter chooses to say stop and choose differently. This explains feuds and wars waged in the I'm right your wrong scenario. Much much unhappiness  contaminating anyone who  witnesses it. Or suffers it directly. Every day in any scenario you have a choice to be kind or be selfish and nasty.  What's it going to be?

Friday, April 8, 2022

4/06/2022 The Evil


    What the Russians are doing in Ukraine is pure evil. The only thing to do with people like that is to isolate them. That means no trade. Anyone who continues to trade with them should intern be boycotted.  Corruption  is the root cause of decay. Nations that hide the truth will eventually disappear. People who tell lies should be shunned as well. Walk away from them and if you can't  ask  spirit for it's protection. If your in public office listen to your constituents and not special interest. If you are having a hard time with a particular subject, ask spirit for it's input by contemplating  on it. This is the only way to fight the evil in this world.. Understand the truth, you have spirit to help you with this. Spirit can help in the black and white issues as well as the difficult gray ones.

    One must stand up to evil like the Ukrainians are doing. Remember evil will flourish if good people stand by and do nothing. Remember  this in your daily life. If you see something wrong going on ask spirit what you can do to help the situation. And spirit may say stay pat. If you don't  get a clear answer than stay neutral.

    I saw a situation develop that wasn't  right. I get in my head turn your lights on.. It was dusk and I was parked in shopping mall parking lot. I didn't turn my lights on. In retrospect  I wish I did. To this day I regret my decision. Spirits idea would have worked.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

3/02/2022 Most Important Post Yet


    First,  life is about lessons.  Hopefully we can learn from them. Below is a close shave story that happened today Wednesday  March 2,2022.

     I'm up in my office and I can see the street below. Out of the corner of my eye I see the asphalt truck go by. When I get outside I see the truck parked 10ft past my driveway. I jog a short distance and turn right on the sidewalk. Making that turn slightly hurt my left knee. As I approach  the truck he takes off. I watch as he goes down street but I see that he comes to a stop at the side of the road.  I live on a busy 2 lane road. I walk 600 ft to catch up to them. Two guys patching potholes in center of the road. Their truck has a yellow metal container that slips into the truck bed. It's  like an oven to keep the macadam hot, with a small opening at bottom to pull out the macadam by shovel.  The 2 guys are now behind the truck to get more shovel fulls of macadam then they walk it to the center of road, to fix hole. As I'm talking to them a blue camaro type of car flies by at around 80 plus miles per hour. The camaro is heading down the street in opposite lane, he's on our side of the road passing cars in front of him. There are six cars in front of him and he's passing all of them at once. That's one crazy A.... H. By me talking to the guys about filling a hole in front of my house, I distracted them from their job. They'r  talking to me behind their truck. If I wasn't there they would of loaded their shovels with macadam and walked it to the center of the road. The car was moving too fast to react in time, they would have been in all likely hood......dead.

    I acted in my interest  and wound up helping spirit save those two souls.  That's a big.   WOW!!!

Friday, February 18, 2022

2/18/2022 No Traction


    I was having transmission troubles for close to a year. The truck would go forward but it wasn't a smooth transistion. I thought great the transmission is going and it's an expensive fix. I talked to an expert about dropping the pan and adjusting the bands. He said I'd probably do more harm than good. I believed him. Yesterday I was going to ask my neighbor about the problem, since he knows cars. As I was walking by the truck with it's hood up, in my head I get check the fluid. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. To check the fluid  in an automatic transmission  vehicle you leave vehicle running while pulling the dip stick out. Long long time ago I remember reading about transmissions and to smell the fluid on dipstick. If it smelled bunt than you had a big problem. My fluid smelled good. I was down with my level  in the fluid.  I added the fluid. You have to be carefulI ñot to overfill it. Put down about 4 tablespoons.  The level was good on stick. Took it for a ride, it was a little bit better. The next day , I took another ride not great. Got back and checked level again, it was down. Filled it up again and rode it again, a little better. I did this about 4 times. Now the transmission is good like it used to be.  Thank-you spirit! Spirit gave me the nudge. I don't  know why I didn't  think about in the first place. Also the truck is 25yrs old. 

    I got to remember to use spirit in all aspects of my life. It made my life way better with the above fix. 

Sunday, February 13, 2022

2/13/2022 Changes Afoot


    Changes have continued since  9/11/2021. More are yet to come in the near future. For those who work with spirit,  these changes will be tough but you should come out allright. Those who are not working with spirit will have a far far rougher time in dealing with the events that are to come.

    Now is the time to develop your trust in spirit. This is God's  tool to work with us. Like any tool it works better when you use it daily. This blog tells you how to do it.

    Now  is the time to act.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

2/09/2022 God can use anyone to do his work


    A young Texas boy goes missing in the woods after playing with the neighbor's  dog. Two days go by and no luck finding him. A guy is at his Bible reading class that meets every other Friday. People at the meeting are talking about the missing boy, which he didn't  know about.  During that meeting spirit informs him to look for the boy tomorrow. He does and finds the boy under heavy brush 5 miles from the boy's house. It doesn't  matter who you are or where your are for spirit to use you for the benefit of others.

    Also a guy in Arizona went missing for 4 days. He crashed his bike and landed in a hole that he couldn't  climb out of. He lost control of his legs from accident. He yelled out for 3 days and no one came. So he went to sleep giving up hope. On the 4th day a homeless man happens upon him and runs to a circle k store to tell them to get help. They didn't believe him but then an employee  remembered that there was a missing man. So let's  believe him. Spirit had to work a little harder with this case. The guy was rescued.

    Not everyone gets saved. But you can offer yourself to spirit in trying to make a situation better by taking an active roll. Example being, I will find  this person period.  I don't  know how it will come to be but I will do it.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

2/5/2022 A Bad Connection


    You might think you know what you're  doing but spirit has other ideas.  Three years ago I wanted this truck bed for my pickup truck.  I saw it in a junk yard, real good condition, 500 bucks and he would put it on.  When I got home I went to the 7-11 store to get a money order for 200 to mail to the guy.  The gal went to ring it up and the machine malfunctioned. She tried 3 times. She said that this never happened before.  I knew what the message was, don't  buy the bed. I didn't.  2 days later I needed that money for something more pressing. Spirit was looking out for me.

    Today, I felt the house was a little colder than usual.  Get to the burner, it's  off.  Hit the reset button, nothing hit it again flame shoots through the flue, shut it down. Call an oil burner guy, I hear him over my cell phone but he can't  hear me good and he hangs up. Move to different area of house something. I tried 3 times same result. I get it it's  not going to be this guy. Call my neighbor  who used to have an oil burner technician, he gives me the name for 3 of them. I call the guy that had a star next to his name. He fave me some simple direction and the burner started up as usual. Saved alot of money,  thank-you spirit! Which is God's  word.

Friday, January 21, 2022

1/21/22 Oils Well That Ends....


     The other day,  I'm  doing some work on the side of the house. I catch a whiff of an oil smell. I figure that it was because I just got oil yesterday. I decided to check the tank that sits a foot off the ground with the wooden dip stick. Oh my God it's less than half full. Call my father....says check for leak. Duh. I failed to do so initially thinking it was a problem in metering system of the oil truck. Wrong. Look under tank, there's  a leak all right, bigger than a pin hole. It's  almost dark, 5:30 pm.  It's  dinner time and now this. I get a plastic wash tub and put under the leak. I call a friend  who delivers oil and he says whittle down a piece of carrot and screw it into hole. It didn't  work hole too small.  I ask spirit for help. I get on my phone and pull up you tube. There's  a video of guy fixing hole with a bicycle  patch and a magnet. I find a small broken piece of magnet but I can't  find a small piece of rubber. Next. I will call my neighbor Tom. I ask him if he has a piece of rubber, he's  looking throughout his garage no rubber. I say a bicycle  patch. He goes oh yeah got that. We were walking out the garage and II say how about a magnet. Nope he says but he catches in his sight a weird looking magnet attached to a metal file case. That magnet was way stronger than mine. It took me 3 tries to get it in the right place, I got it down to a drip with the tub underneath. Happy about that!  Thank-you spirit! Got to eat dinner at 7 instead  of 6. During this ordeal, I kept thinking I will get through this.  God helps those who help themselves. Follow through and keep on plugging... literally. It's  up to us to get the ball rolling. 

So spirit brought Tom to his mailbox on side of street where I called out to him. I didnt  have to use phone to call him. Spirit brought him out at the right time. Then me bringing up the patch and the magnet. Then spirit letting his gaze catch the elusive magnet.  Spirit helped me big time in a short period of time. When you have problems, try dialing up spirit in your life.  It's  simply amazing.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

1/09/2022 A Look Into the Future


    Back to   Let's  Make a Deal.  A gal contestant is on stage with Mr. Brady. She says she's  so excited to be on stage and that she keeps a vision board at home. On this board she puts the things she wants to happen for her in the future. Being on stage was 1 of them. During her deal she went for a box or curtain, I forget which. She's  offered money not to take the box. She goes for box and gets the zonk.

    Now,  if you make a vision board for yourself, put in the emotions you will feel when you win that car .  Be specific  like what kind of car and the color of it. Put in the details.  You just don't want to make it on the show but you want to win a prize. So she wanted to be on the show, well that's what she got and no more. Go for the whole cake and not just a taste of the icing.  Make a vision board for yourself and don't forget the descriptive particulars of your want. The more details the better. Look at your board everyday,  remove the ones you attained to make room for the new ones.  Don't  just have an experience  make it a grand one.

     Next guy up whose wearing a midas crown. He wins 3500 dollars. Mr. Brady says keep your money  or go for 1 of the 2 envelopes in my pocket, silver or gold envelope but you have to give back the 3500 for his chance to win 10,000 dollars  1 has the money the other the zonk. He gives back the 3500 dollars and picks the silver. Are you kidding me!  He's wearing a golden crown. That morning he was looking in the mirror and setting that golden crown down on his head.  The answer was right in front of him.  How many times do we look for an answer and all along it's there staring us in the face.  The silver envelope has a big old zonk.

    Let's learn from the zonks in life the first time around.

Friday, January 7, 2022

1/6/2022 Insurrection


    It's  been 1 year since this shameful act. An act that was perpetrated against the constitution. During the ceremony at the capitol there was an abscense  of almost all Republicans. Why? The capitol police showed up for work to do their job on Jan 6th last year.  They did their best given the situation. They saved maybe, many a congress  men. When it was their turn to show up for the capitol police today. Many  CHOSE not to show up. This is not right. And not ok.

    It's  time to take responsibility for one's own actions.  After the Civil War the nation remained in tact. About 50 yrs later it went to war in France during the later stages of WW1. They helped us during the American Revolution. 24 yrs after that we went back for round 2 during the 2nd World War.  We would not have been successful if our nation was cleaved in two after the Civil War. Many men and women died or got maimed to uphold the constitution values for the future generations that were to follow. So I say the Constitution was a very good blueprint to work from. It is to the Constitution that we swear allegiance to and no particular individual.

    Those who are eligible  to vote,  they have a right to vote without impediments put in their way. To those who are Christian,  what would Jesus have to say about the events of Jan 6th 2021???     Think on that.

Long live a just America.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

1/04/202 The Bill

      It was time to pay the TV bill. I get the automated, it asks do you want to pay the past due, I say no. Then it says do you want to pay with card ending in xxxx. I say no. And no and no. Thankyou your bill has been paid goodbye.  What? Come on! I call them back, finally get someone using my cell phone. I can hear them but she hears every other word from me  She says she will call me back. Wait 5 min, no call.  I call again same thing happens. Different person this time . but they can't hear me clearly either. Third time the charm different person again but I can hear her and she can't hear me. I get the charge of 160 dollars removed.  Then pay the last balance of 60 dollars. I defer the rest to  the end of the month. 

    So spirit delayed me from getting someone,  so that I would eventually get the right person. After I got screwed by the automated. The next 2 calls failed eventhough I could hear them good, they couldn't  hear me clearly. So I was getting frustrated instead of being patient.  Spirit had things under control,  spirit found me the best person to work with.  Make that initial push then sit back and be patient. If nothing happens then push again. So it takes awhile  for spirit to come in and fix the mess.

    May 2022.  be way better than the last one.