Wednesday, April 13, 2022

4/ 13/2022 Sins of the Parents


    Bottom line is it starts and ends with us always. That's life in a nutshell. We are responsible for everything.  What we do with the lemons in our life  will determine òur future happiness.  We enjoy the good fortunes that come our way, as well as the misfortunes. How  we adapt to the misfortunes  will determine our character.  Anytime a misfortune arrives at our doorstep there will be gifts to you as well, as long as you have the eyes and will  to look for those gifts. The gifts will point the way forward in dealing  with this problem. The gifts come from spirit. Overcoming the misfortunes will strengthen your resolve  and make you a stronger person. 

     When you come  to earth, your first interaction  will be with your dad, mother or both. Also it can be neither. Hopefully it will be a loving person. The circumstances  have been set up in advance of your arrival. Yes it's  reincarnation. You need a lot of time to learn lessons, that can't  be done  in one lifetime. It takes many, many life times.  It's  all worth it though.

     Your parents have the greatest influence on your life up until your 18,  when you legally become  an adult. The shaping of you  starts usually  between 6 and 8.  If the parents are loving and supportive  you will  have a great  start  in life. If not, it will  be tough for you.  A lot of people  will walk thorough life damaged in their thinking processes.  So  how the  parents raise the kid has a profound affect  on the child. Sometimes a good upbringing  doesn't  work. That soul will have a hard life as well.  The child will emulate the  adults , and become  the adults  just like their parents.  To break those  bad learnings , you will have to chart a new course.

    A friend of mine said, your family is great, why couldn't  I have  had that. I said you can start anew, when you make your future family, you will do way better than how you were raised. You will be the start of a new loving generation.  And this is what happened for him.  He changed 7in inthe dynamics of his past ancestry. 

     This neighbor and me briefly worked for a company. He lived 2 doors down from me. I was at his house one day in his backyard.  His 10 year old son didn't  do something quickly enough for him, so he kicked him in the ass. I said John, don't  do that,  It's not right. On Monday, I went to work and told one of the guys what happened in the back yard. He said well thats what his father  did to him at work.  Kick him in the ass.  The father owned the business.  Sins of the father.  John chose to follow his father's  foot steps. Now his son will do the same to his son.  On and on down the generational line it goes. How sad it is!  It will only stop when a future son or daughter chooses to say stop and choose differently. This explains feuds and wars waged in the I'm right your wrong scenario. Much much unhappiness  contaminating anyone who  witnesses it. Or suffers it directly. Every day in any scenario you have a choice to be kind or be selfish and nasty.  What's it going to be?

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