Tuesday, March 31, 2020

3/31/2020. WHY

To start.... The absence of love is fear. Ergo.
...When you feel fear  think on someone or something that you love. Then feel with all your soul

Soul is what you are. You can't lose it and it can't be damned. Soul is eternal cannot be destroyed. You are created by God. God loves his creation. This world is a learning tool for soul. Soul will learn what love is.... here on earth. Kindness, caring, empathy ,giving and surrendering it's petty ways.

Surrender is hard but necessary. We have two outlooks on life. One is the lower self the other the higher self our true self. When we are in a state of love we feel good and free.  This is when we crossed over from our lower self to the higher self. By surrendering our lower self we gain the better life that is meant for us. We can give this gift to us on a daily basis. Do our actions make us feel good?  If not then change your course of action right away.  Choose actions that lift you. You will benefit yourself inmensily, as well as those around you. By changing yourself you can change the world and return it to what God had in mind.