Thursday, April 22, 2021

4/23/2021 Wawa


    Pulled into a Wawa. The parking lot is small. You go in a circle till you find a spot.  There are 2 entrances one on the west side the other the south side.  I came in on the south. A guy is backing up out of a spot and I pull in. Beep! The lady who came in on the west side had it figured she was getting the spot. As I was walking to the door she says to me that was rude. I say to her I'm  sorry.  I continue to walk to front door.  As I'm  walking a guy backs out of space near front door. She gets the spot. So I cut in front of her to get the empty slot  and spirit opened up an additional slot for her right at the right time. If we think we have been wronged just be patient and things just might workout.

    I heard this story, how a daughter would ask spirit for a parking spot near her mother's  doctor office. It was the busy part of town and parking spots were always hard to come by. She had to take her mother who couldn't  walk far 2 times a week to the office. She had to do this for the next 3 months. Everything she brought her mother , there was an empty spot near the office. Her rational mind told her it was impossible. But in reality it was very much possible with spirit's  help.

Monday, April 19, 2021

4/19/ 2021 Evaluation


    Sunday is a good day to go over your goals. Look back the last 2 weeks and see if you are any closer  to your goals.  If not think how you can make some moves to make it happen. Write them down. Keep the note pad in a dedicated space. This is 1 of your most important tools.. As you attain your goals your life is going to change.

    Whatever you do.  Don't  quit. The rewards are very very great. More focus and determination will show results. Keep a light attitude and slam the door on cynicism. 

    When things look bleak and dark.  Look for the silver lining.  It is there somewhere.  As you look ask spirit to nudge you along.  Pay attention and you will find the answer.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

4/15/2021 Crews with a T

    Saw a tv show yesterday, with Bear Grylls a British adventurer  who takes celebrities  out for a little trip into the wild. The guest was Terry Crews an ex  NFL football player now actor.

    He had a plan for his life which is good. He married his high-school girlfriend. Good move. Then he told her  football first then Hollywood. He did his football thing then they moved to Hollywood where he went bankrupt. Then he tells his wife he has a problem with pornography. She promptly leaves him. Now alone he blames his problems on his wretched childhood experiences. He brooded on this affixing blame on this one and that  one. Then one day he's thinking about his problems once again  and a little voice inside him says it's  you. Your the source. He went about trying to fix himself.  Therapy  is where he put himself.  And guess what, it worked for him. He took responsibility  for the crap he did. He got to see the light. He did the work and was in return rewarded for his good actions. He recognized  the change in himself and he felt joy.  Spirit was that little voice.  And he listened. 

    The reward was his wife saw the change in him and came back to him. Then he went to a casting call for a movie and got a small roll. Then that led to other rolls and on and on. I first saw him on America's  Got Talent as one of the hosts.

    This story was too good to pass up. Spirit gives the little push to get things rolling. And  All you have to do is say yes and hold on for the ride.  That voice can be delivered by something in you or the TV or book or dream or someone saying something. Go Find That Voice. Once Terry uprooted his weeds, his garden began to flourish with God's  abundance.

Monday, April 12, 2021

4/12/2021 WATCH Out


    The other day I was walking with my gal near a mall. I see this goose hustling toward us from the middle of the parking lot. He's  on foot. Oh I say he's  coming for you hon.  He's clicking his beak and stops 8ft away from us. He shifts to my left trying to out flank me. I hold her pocketbook out in front of the goose which stops him from advancing,  he's  hissing. I turn, then I see the female sitting in the ivy 15ft away.  Well that explains it, he's  protecting her. Good for him. We walk away from the female.  The male hops in the air and comes down on top of my gals head.  It wasn't  a had thump just a pat of his web foot atop her long hair. My gal freaked. We just kept moving away. The goose  stopped the attack.  One constantly has to be aware of his or her surroundings. Goose 1 human 0.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

4/11/2021 Being Persistent


     First thing you do is set a goal.  Each day think about that goal for about a minute. Then throughout the course of the day do things that you think will help on your way to attaining your goal. You want to be in a positive state of mind. If you get knocked off track try to remain positive. Any negative experience can be turned into a positive  as long as you learned something of value in your future growth. Gobble up all experiences they make your life rewarding. By now you should have at least one answer to one of your questions put to spirit. This you did 1 week ago.  If you didn't  get any answers then redouble  your efforts.  But don't  give up. Maintain your journal it will tell you where you came from where your going and what may be the future. This journal will be your validation. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

4/08/2021 Moderna


    Today I got my second shot of the covid vaccine.  In 2 weeks I will be fully vaccinated.  Happy about that. I would encourage everybody to get a covid shot not only to help you but the people around you. You may need booster shots in the future so make a copy of your vaccination shot card 3x4 card they give you and put in a safe place. Hopefully this act will make your life better.

    Any day with less fear is a welcoming sight. Being carefull, patient and aware of your surroundings maykes your near future more promising. With covid 19 in the rear view mirror, hope can once again take charge. Remember what has past and be thankfull  for what you have... always.  Moving forward with more purpose and less fear is the place you want to be.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

4/06/2021 The Challenge


    Thats what you want to do when it comes to yourself. Challenge  yourself in setting the goal and attaining that goal. See for yourself where that  endeavor takes you.

    For me I went big. I wanted to know if God is real. Don't  remember how many years it took. But I finally did get an answer.  The answer came in a dream. After that dream, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does exist.  God stands back waiting on you to call him forth. What ever it is that you are dealing with, God is ready to lend an assist. 

Invite him in, no greater friend is he. He is there for all who call upon him. You definitely  can't  go wrong. To see it for yourself  is a great joy. Once you know it beyond  a shadow of a doubt, you will be forever uplifted. Today tomorrow  whenever you decide, he is there. On a carasol people  would try to grab for the brass ring many years ago.  I say swap out the brass for gold for that is what you will have when you choose to put God in your life.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

4/04/21 I'll Get Through This


    Those are the words you use, when you find yourself up against  it.  I'll  get through this no matter what.  Tell yourself over and over again. As many times as you want. It's  like a security blanket. Then try to fix it the best you can asking spirit for its  help. Try to be ethical  in your endeavors. BECAUSE God knows all that you do,  and make  no mistake about that.  Sometimes answers don't  come at a snap of the finger, be patient and persistent.  The answer will come your way. Listen to that soft voice within. Is it so or no. Think about your problem and back it with action.  Leave no stone unturned in your hunt.

    Being a couch potatoe is ok but don't  make a habit of it. Be a part of life not a spectator. Nothing gets done without setting goals.  Figure out what do I want and what am I going to do to get it. Try to be of good cheer, the answers come easier that way. Feeding into that makes for a rewarding  life that's  always unfolding.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

4/01/21 What's This


    Last week a 2 pound package that was 24% filled, tumbled from the 2nd shelf over the sink. Sugar came out on the first shelf and some came into the sink.  That was weird. Then 8 days later the same sugar package fell into the sink again.  A metal spoon I kept in the package shifted putting pressure on the side of the package. The momentum propelled  it off the shelf. Another clean up job. Two incidences involving sugar. Hmm.

    Twenty five years ago, I remember a woman once said to me 2 days ago  she dropped a whole sugar bowl on the floor. It smashed, the whole mess got swept into the garbage. She had another incident with sugar again and again.  I wonder what that means she said.  I know what that meant quit the sugar.

    I was doing sugar sometimes and Stevia as well, which is a sugar substitute.  I guess I will stick with stevia for now.  These occurrences are a way for spirit to prod us into going in a different direction.

     As an aside, diet sodas are no good for you period.  Regular soda is ok,  once in awhile. When I quit the diet soda,  the swelling in my legs went down.

    The two white substances sugar and salt very bad for the body. See if you can cut way back on it's consumption.  Read food packaging  labels for salt content. Last week I had a package of a mix for shrimp scampi,  I looked at the salt content over 1600mg of salt.   Wow!  Quickly tossed that pouch into the trash can.  Salt is in almost all packaged foods and other items as well.  Read the labels. Living life in a healthy body will take some work on your part.  Worth the effort.