Sunday, December 31, 2023

1/1/2024 Happy 2024

        This is the year that will determine which way America will go. Will we choose democracy or an autocracy.  This year will be the most critical year since 1776. This great nation that has been the light to the rest of the world can be extinguished in the blink of a vote. November 5,2024. Jan 6 th will be 3 years since these unpatriotic Americans stormed are capitol. To prevent the legal transfer of certifying the election. That spectacle will forever be inscribed into my memory banks. After seeing the movie Night&Fog and reading about WW2, I thought to myself that couldn't  happen here. I was 13. Long time ago. And now where at a precipice where it can happen.

       Religion was developed by mankind so he had a framework to get close to God. To get near God they felt would lend some comfort. In the beginning God was to be feared. Over 2,000 years ago a new message arrived. God was not to be feared but to be accepted in the arms of love. Of course man turned it into a money making enterprise. Martin luther  came along around 1550 and shook things up for the Catholic Church. He said that you can communicate with God directly without the pope. Lutherism was the result and ^Protestantism. A lot of them moved to America because they were harassed at home. Eventually they got harassed here as well, by King George the third. Enough is enough.  And they worked on getting rid of the king. They wanted a voice in how things are done. They wound up knocking off the world's number 1 super power with late help from France. The chance of that happening was pretty much close to zero. To me God was a big reason for it. The Americans would mold their government on Greek government. Democratic. The Americans were happy and showed their gratitude by putting in God we trust on their currency. 

       For our nation to survive we will have to use common sense. Are we our brother's keeper? Do we use empathy in dealing with others. Do we practice random acts of kindness? What is the answer?  Do you think that God would frown upon the above sentences? Or perhaps display a happy face.  This is why this election is critical for us as a nation. For if it goes autocratic, life here in America will devolve into a distopian reality. Where fear will rule the day and nights of the good all USofA. It would be bad for us as well as other democratic countries in the world. It will not be a pleasant place to live. It will be a struggle to just stay alive. So many times in the past, fear has ruled the day. It is my hope we turn toward the light before it is too late.

       Go in God always. Let God lead you forth. He will not steer you wrong ever. When you let God we all benefit. The more people do this the better. But it starts with you and your choice. What's it going to be?

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Dec 28/2023 To Do or Not To Do

       The question is... is there free will? Some people think it's predestination others free will. I believe it to be the latter.

       I believe God is in all things, it's  awareness it's very being. He is the observer. I believe he stands pat waiting to be called upon to render help. If you do not ask, he will not give assistance usually. So when I get in trouble I will ask for help. One instance. It was an hour past dusk. I slid on some ice on a small hill going down to a stop sign. I steered my pickup into a 2 ft snow bank. So I wouldn't enter the intersection. I knew it was going to take time to dig it out and I needed to be somewhere. I only had a metal dust pan and a very small shovel. I started digging. Then I thought wait I'll ask divine spirit for help. I did and a stranger came in 2 minutes offering to help. I gave him the dust pan. With his help I got out in 15 minutes and made my appointment. Thank-you God. Always say thank-you.

       Some people use their free will for greed and power. All it takes is for one person with a strong will to do alot of damage. God sees it. He gives us the tools to use against it. Hitler was one evil character. Some people say if there is a God, why didn't he put a stop to it. Well that's easy.  Because we have free will. You don't like what's going on then do something about it. So many people acted like sheep in the axis power. Fear became their God and they acted accordingly. They collectively incured karma for those actions.  Nations that were governed by laws that were a benefit for their people rose up to confront this evil.  A little late though. If you don't nip it in the bud there will be a bigger cost to bear.  As happened during the years 1936 to 1945. That delay in action by the allies cost millions and millions of people to die before their time.  It's a good thing that the allies took action because if the axis won. It would have been 1984 (Orwell's book)  but a thousand times worse. Hitler a person that used rhetoric to vilify his perceived  enemies. Used them to promote his hateful agenda. And the people said yeah it makes sense to me. I'll vote this guy in. After he got in, he burnt down the Reichstag. That was their main governmental building. Elections were dispensed with. Then the brown shirts patrolled the streets. And fear ratcheted up. From then on people kept their mouths and eyes shut as well as their minds. When shown the death camps, they said we didn't know. Their excuse so feeble.

       So if more people call on divine spirit or God and see what happens, maybe it will make for a more happier person. When they see the benefits of this simple action, they will become secure in what God has in mind. No matter how bad it gets there will always be divine spirit waiting in the wings available to any who call upon it. Invite divine spirit into your decision making process and see for yourself.  It doesn't have to be a big thing. Like me in a snow bank. If I didn't ask I would've had to do it myself. It was far better with that help. So many times, so many times I've gotten God's lending hand. You can too.  I actually should ask more of it. My way of thinking was I got to do it myself.  Now, that is a bad habit to break. This is my number one goal to break this habit. Ask for the help and do your due diligence. Use your free will!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Dec/25/2023. God's messengers

       Jesus was born on this date 2,024 years ago. He came to deliver a message. That message was do unto others as you would have them  do  onto you. It gets to the point nicely. Have faith in your father. And all will be rendered on to you. So if you ask and do your due diligence you shall have it. This ask should come from your heart. In my father's house there are many mansions. This may refer to there being many forms of existence. These places enable soul( which is you )to learn life's lessons. That lesson is to be more loving. Earth is a hard place to learn lessons. Learning lessons here pushes soul forward briskly. People come here for that very reason. When you learn a lesson it usually comes from a hard earned experience. When you are tested again in the future, you will see if you truly learned that experience. When you pass that test. Then it's on to the next one. Tests can be small, medium and big.

      One of my asks was if there is karma ( goes around  comes around) let's see it. Well the next couple days it started. One bad thing after another for like 6 months. I said ok thats enough and then it let up. It took many months to get settled down and deal with my new reality. Painful but one thing for sure I know karma is for real. No more asking about that. People put themselves in a predicament for a reason. It's an opportunity for them to learn a lesson that they need for their soul development. They will attempt to figure that out. Their hard won efforts will give them confidence in how they perceive themselves in a self sufficient manner. That lesson is priceless. This is what you take with you when you return to the other side. Hard lessons here translate to great rewards there. You will also benefit here as well.

       Always look for the lesson, it's  there in everything. If the experience is negative look at it from a positive position. The harder you look you just might see something that you didn't expect. Be kind in word & deed always. No matter what. The more you do this the more relaxed you will become. This is giving love.

       I told this story before. A pastor sees his teenage daughter go out at night with her bad influential friends in a big city. He tries to pass his knowledge to her so as to keep her safe. He'd stay up til she got home around 3 am. He didn't like it one bit. For a couple years it wasn't working his lectures. So he asks why isn't it working? The answer comes in his head try giving love. He said I do by my words. He thought about it alot. Friday night comes, the daughter is in her way out the door it's  8 pm. The father says love you Karen. She responds in kind. At 3 am she's back. He gets out of his easy chair and says love you Karen and good night. One day he noticed she came in 2:30 am. He would always say the same thing to her. After months and months she was coming at midnight. Love you Karen. One day she said to her father I'm tired of my friends and I'm going to get new ones. Wow said the pastor to himself. Love works miracles. We can use this in our own lives to have the bigger piece of the pie. Our car squeaks, so we lube up the chassis. So if we're squeaking at home just use love instead.  It will all sort itself out. 

Merry Christmas 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Dec 11/2023 Am I My Brother's Keeper

       Read about article about a daughter  who was upset about her mother's unclear thinking.  Growing up the mother didn't take the kids to doctors too often. The kids did get their shots though. The daughter did have to take care of some health issue when she became an adult. If it was treated when she was younger she wouldn't have to contend with it today.  Now, the mother won't get her RSV shot eventhough she has asthma.  This upsets the daughter because of covid and lung virus that could kill the mother. The mother who has her covid shots then says when queried if she got the newest booster. She said she is not getting it. The daughter can't get her to reason. The mother is entrenched in conspiratorial platforms. The daughter can't make any headway with her. The advice she is given is you can still mention it to her but there is not much to be done unless she eventually is ruled to be her guardian.

       Very sad to see this happen to a loved one. Very painful.  In my family once, my mother said to my father I'm done with the doctors. My father tried to get her to change her mind. It didn't work. Four days later he says to her ok, ok then it's settled I too will no longer go to doctors as well. My mother thought about this for 61 seconds and said I will make an appointment to see the doctor.  Pop had the brain alright. Love in action. Another contentious problem solved. Good on you pop.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Dec 9/2023 Do What You Can

        I read this story about a young woman who had to go back to waiting tables in her late 30s. She was worried about if she could keep up to the grind. In 6 weeks she was comfortable in the job. She liked being of service to people. Trying to make them happy by giving good service. She liked the feeling she got seeing happy people enjoying their lives. She liked being around that environment. It fed her soul. A couple in their 50s came in  one day. They ordered  salad and bread. They said delay the main meal order. So she did. The main dinner was pasta and sauce.  It was a quick put together. Another server brought the plates over,  since she was busy. Well , that couple became enraged that the food was brought too early in their opinion. They caused a fuss. The manager had to come over and they demanded free future meal voucher. Manager said  not going to happen. So, the customer is not always right.

       So you do the best you can. Don't let the ingratitude affect  your demeanor. There are people out there who have no empathy and cannot see themselves. We have a choice to let their perceived upsettment get under our skin or not. Some people rerun the scenario through their brains trying to see what was wrong with them or their own actions. These people can rent space in your head. Your mental health is like a garden to you. You take care of it. Nurture it. So if a weed (unkind person) blows in and sets root, it is our job to quickly uproot it. Put it in the compost bin a place for waste for future garden nourishment. This experience has made for a healthier garden and a stronger you. By being kind in word and deed we show the world a better way.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Dec1/2023 A little Blessing with a Punch

      Back in the late 90s I was going into the cellar. There was a rough opening through a block wall. You had to step up into it. This day I did and hit my head hard on a big shut off valve without a handle.  The valve was wrapped in cloth for protection. Didn't work. Hurt like the blazes. Got a hematoma from it on top of my head. The blood blister rose 1/4 inch. The hair hid it though. I knew the valve was there right in the middle of the walkway. I just forgot. So I had a reminder from that day every time I touched it. A big pimple.

      Two months ago I'm going down the staircase in my second home. The wall partition that is overhead is low clearance but not by much. Usually I don't hit it with my head. This time I hit but good. Bunch of profanity. It hurt like the blazes. I hit it right on top of the hematoma. No blood though. Couple days later I feel it with my finger and it seems lower. Now 2 months later it is definitely flatter. So it was a small blessing orchestrated by divine spirit. One hit caused it the other fixed it. 25 years later. The blessing was painful but worth it. Well you heard it said better to light a candle than curse the darkness. In my case it was ok to curse the darkness. Plastic surgery by divine spirit. Thank-you!

Monday, November 27, 2023

Nov /27/2023 Something Weird

  So I was at this woman's  house. She dropped a bowl of sugar on the floor and it broke. She said that wasc3rd time in 6 mos that she had some sort of sugar mishap. She said it must mean something. I thought to myself thats easy, lay off sugary foods. It's called a waking dream. It's  like an arrow pointing out a problem.

      Another female I knew got very, very upset when she came home and found her small dog dead by the garage. She had a large property that she had invisible fence installed so her 8 dogs could run around. It worked great. She wanted to know what stray dog did this horrible thing. I said ask divine spirit or God for the answer. I saw her a month later. So what did you see about this killer dog. She said it was ambigous. One day I saw an all black dog another day was all white. I said it was a black and white dog. Then I knew who the culprit was. I didn't  tell the woman. It was one of her own dogs. A black and white lab. So she asked God for the answer and he delivered it that way.  It's  our job to figure it out.

      Now it's my turn. Thanksgiving eating a store bought turkey. First I ate the whole turkey leg, which was good then I took half a breast. I'm chewing it and something feels off. I thought I broke another tooth. Nope it's looks like a silver metal 3 penny finishing nail without the head of the nail. What the.....It's about 3/4 inches long. A nail. What's it mean? I don't  know. But I will keep trying to figure it out. It does have a meaning. So when something weird happens pay attention there is a meaning there.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Nov 23/2023 Today is Thanksgiving

       It is a day to be grateful for the things we have learned during the course of the year. And the more we learn the better we become in all situations. Each and every year hopefully makes us stronger in all ways. We know we are succeeding when we look back and see if we are in a more happy state. Because when problems arise we know how to deal with them. If we get stuck in a situation we have divine spirit to lend a helping hand. We try to put in our lives the people and events that will make us feel good. So many things can be resolved with saying a kind word or doing a kind deed. By doing this we 'paint ' a brighter future for ourselves. So as we reflect there is indeed much to be thankful for. We do what we can for ourselves and our loved ones.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

NOV 16/2023 NO Release

       So I'm  out of state at a relatives house. Getting a used van. At a service station we try too take out the back seats after reading owners manual. It's a Kia. Hard to understand the directions in owners manual. Still can't get it out. The front part was already lifted out but the back was still locked in tight to the 2 heavy metal clips. Told him to go down street to kia dealer and ask them. They said the seats weren't  put back in the right way. They would have to be cut out. Take car back to the house. I look up you tube on how to take them out. The video is 2 minutes  long. Easy peasy. When the lever is dropped you hear a snap and the back releases then tilt it forward and lift it out. On this van the front connectors are out of the track and can't get them back in. You drop the lever and hear a snap. But it still held fast. 

      So I got smart, I said ok I ask divine spirit for help. I'm still doing actions to free the 2 chairs. This time I push the chair back wards and it resists that movement. I kept pushing and the damn thing rolled over and released. Amazing! It worked on the second one too. So I didn't get them out until I asked for the help. I didn't accept the dealers advice, and tried to still get them out. But that happened after I made the ask. So I try to do things myself  most of the time. Wrong! I got to ask divine spirit more often in the small things and the big things. A lesson for me.

      This happened quickly but other times it will take longer. This is where the focus has to be lasered in. You can't forget about the initial ask. Always try to make it happen. When we get distracted we will miss out on something good that is coming our way.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Nov 15/2023 The Push is On

       Everything you see and hear are there because you put them there. If you don't like what you see or hear, you can make changes starting now. But first you have to have a clear view of what exactly you want instead of what you have.  Focus on what one thing or a situation you would want to enhance your life experience. Write it down in your journal. Also you can create a story board. A big blank poster board that you put pictures or words on that you would like to see in your life. Focus on one thing first. Write about what action you are going to do to attain this want. Every Sunday read the journal and comment on the actions and what small gains you made in making it happen. That situation you desire has been put in motion. It will take time for it to come into fruition.  The more emotional energy that you put behind it, will make it come faster to you. By doing these actions you are creating a better life for yourself. Be patient,  the thing or experience is coming toward you. And when you attain it, you pick another goal. If you have any setbacks, there IS Always a way around them. At any time call in divine spirit to help you out.  It has an infinite amount of ways to bring you that answer. Keep your eyes and ears open. When you see it work,  your life will be definitely  better and more joyful.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Nov 5/2023 Can't Just Be Kind

       A mayor in Alabama also a Baptist minister,, shot himself after a traffic stop.  Breitbart  News ran an article about his cross dressing. He said it was a hobby of his to relieve stress. He asked them to not run the story. They did anyway. For that Breitbart News will earn itself some severe karma. So unnecessary, all this to be cruel. For cruelties sake.

      The other day I saw a bumper sticker,  that said Mean People Suck. Boy,  they're  so right about that. But in this case, it drove that poor man to ending his life. So it's  in a way,   being an accessory to 'murder '.  Think does it cost anything to be kind.  Do you think being kind would lead to a tragic end. What does it say about this news organization? Is anything they gave to say, of any value to anyone with a sane mind. Would you want these people to come to a party that your having in your house?  There's another saying Garbage In Garbage Out. Recognize  it. Dump them in the nearest circular file.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Oct/25/2023 Burden

       On you tube, this young guy offers a homeless guy 500 dollars. The guy has to answer a question first. What was the biggest regret you have. The old guy immediately says over 30 years ago he and his lady had to give up a kid they made. They didn't have the money to take care of him. So they put him up for adoption. He says it's been tearing him up since. As he related the story his whole body shook with emotion.  He's astounded when the guy gives him 5 100 dollar bills. He is very thankful and says he will try to find his son with the money.

      We never know what the other person has gone through in life. We see the homeless and may think they have given up. But there are very good reasons why they live their life like this. Some sort of deep down hurt that knaws at them. Divine Spirit can render aid but will do so when the person asks for the help. God is waiting on you to make the ask. Give it a try anytime any place. You'll see first hand,  what will come.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Oct/ 20/2023 30,000 pounds

    A previous post was 20,000 pounds.   So I'm up to 30,000 pounds with the dumb bells. I do 5 sets each day. 1 set is 53.5 pounds 40 lifts each arm. The 2nd is 20 pounds 53 times. The 3rd is 53.5 pounds 35 times. And the 4th back to 20 pounds 53 times. Making a completion of 1 set. It strenghens your arms and core. Ten days ago I kicked it up to 53.5 pounds by adding 5 pounds. I will stick with this weight another 3 weeks before going up another 5 pounds. Since I started back in 3rd week of July, I went from 20 pounds to 30. By increasing the weight I saw more definition develop. Now when I make a muscle it shows but when I relax U have wrinkles on top of bicep and below  the bicep. It has improved. Probably will take another 2 months to get rid of those wrinkles. I saw a couple guys on street who had big muscles. I don't  want to look like that. Once I get to where I want to be I will back off on the dumbells. Maybe like every other day. My leg lifts I missed all last week.  This week I started up again just as strong as usual. So you can skip days and weeks and not lose from it. You do the weight that is comfortable for you. But the last 3 months have shown marked improvement by slowly increasing the weight. Anyone can do it, you can start with 5 pounds and eventually go up in weight when you feel ready. You don't have to go the heavier weight. The low weights you will benefit from , no matter your age or sex. I have the one 20 pound dumbell. And the second one is a short bar that you can add weights to. 2 decorative star nuts hold the weights on. So for 3 months I haven't missed a day lifting the weights. I have more energy now and I can get up from kneeling on the ground without pushing off of a 5 gal plastic bucket. I'm happy about that.

     Soon I will write about dieting and how I went from 260 lbs to 189 lbs. No gimmicks. It was hard to do since I'm a foody. But it was worth it.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Oct /17 /2023 He Stepped in It

                 This guy goes to the atm and takes out 400 bucks. Hour later he just finishes his meal at a restraunt . Pulls out his wallet and sees no money. Runs back to the atm but thinks yeah sure it will be there. Well it wasn't there. They're  were about 5 senior citizens milling about. One of them says looking for something? Yeah my 400 bucks, he says. Big smiles all around. Here you go. A woman says I told you he or she would come back. They spent over an hour waiting on him. 

 Lucky him they're honest seniors walking around. Not only him but for all of us. I read this on Reddit. Let us all do a random act of kindness for our seniors.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Oct 09/2023 How a Little Thing Can Trip You Up

           So 2 days ago, I'm putting on my favorite work sneakers. Then I did some stuff in my room. I'm standing there thinking about something and feel a little ity pain coming from my right sneaker. I put my attention there and felt that my right foot is drooping on the right side of my foot. Over time the soles wear and with me it's the outer heel that gets worn down. This wear eventually disables shoe integrity. I liked these sneakers a lot. But that little twinge was a wake up call that if I continued to use said sneaker, I probably would develop a bigger problem down the road regarding my foot health. Reluctantly I took action right away and took them off searching for other shoes. I tossed my favs in the garbage. All things must pass eventually. Everything changes, people in our lives, differing tasks we used to do, our attitudes, heath and many other avenues. We have to accept the changes as they come hopefully with grace. Like my problem, I could have ignored it to my own peril. Causing me unnecessary grief. By heeding these little warnings in life we can spare ourselves of future what ifs.

      A lot of times were surprised by events but if we have a discerning eye we can pick up a potential brewing problems. So we're doing something and a little problem happens. It is going to cost us time to stop what we're doing and address the problem. I say stop and try to fix it NOW, because if we put it off we will forget it. Then one day we pay a price.

      Say we notice a small nail in tire causing a very small air leak. Well for months there was no real problem. Then one day you hit a curb and it pushed the nail in deeper causing a bigger leak. Now your day is shot. A 2 hour fix then becomes 24 hour fix now.

      In relationships too. Address the little problems before it leads to a major blowup later on. We get very small warnings all the time, we have to be smart and act on them when they do come, otherwise it's  why me time.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Oct 5/ 2023 Find the Gift

       God has given us gifts that we are suppose to search out. Just like an Easter egg hunt. Those who choose to do this will be immensely rewarded. Take  Vichy's art, the 15 year old boy who has autism has his own way of creating colorful art. It is fantastic. I like color and his style. It's worth going to his above site. He found his gift. 

      You too, no matter how old you are can find yours as well. It will take some patience but you will find that easter egg that God has hidden inside you. Seek first and let the finding begin. Jot down your efforts with the days of your searching and see how long it takes you to find an egg.  There are many  eggs out there. Maybe you will be satisfied with the one egg but there are many more out there as well. Happy hunting.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oct. 03/2023 Sticking Your Neck Out

       Somewhere in a Canadian city. A bus driver pulls up to the stop at 1 am to a woman sitting on the bench. He opens the door she doesn't move. His spidey                      ( Spiderman comic book hero) sense goes off.  Something is not quite right. He gets off of his bus and coaxes her up into the bus. He has the passengers move toward the back of the bus. He talks to her in the front seats. Turns out she was just assaulted by someone. The driver calls the cops and waits til the cops come. His job is to just drive the bus but he is his brother's (sisters) keeper. Hats off to him. We need more people like him walking the Earth. People who try to make things better than the way they found it. If we all have this mind set, this world would be so much different. People pulling together. Always go within first. If it feels right go with it. Maybe you would lose your job but rest assured divine spirit has a better door for you to walk through. Hopefully those passengers on the bus also learned a lesson from what transpired  this night.

Friday, September 29, 2023

9/29/2023 Don't Jump

      This gal had 2 blows come her way. The death of her grand mother and a relationship breakup. Plus depression. She didn't have a driver's license, so she had to depend on others. She needed a ride home and waited for her ride. An hour later she was still waiting. So she started to walk home. Her depression deepened. When she came to the high bridge she thought this would be a good time to end it. As she was staring into the abyss she hears a voice from a car screaming don't jump. She was shocked. She took a step back. And continued on to home. She sought out mental health. Thus turned her life around.

     Divine Spirit spoke that night to this woman. Right at the right time. It waits and then makes it's presence known. It saved her life. This story came from   My Unsung Heroes.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

9/21/2023 This Old Shoe

       I had these black shoes a real long time. I kept them good. They went with me to funerals, weddings as well as my own wedding and times I went out. Today I was putting them on for a wake this time. It was for my pop. The guy who was always there for me. One of the best guys I ever met. He was in a class all his own. For pop it was always about family. He had his priorities in order. He shown brighter than any diamond. Today I would give that talk. I would start it off by talking about soul who we are, then about my experiences with pop.  Running late per usual. I was heading upstairs and when I got to the carpeted landing, my ankle turned in a bit. Like I stepped on a stone.  I look back and see a small pile of dirt on the carpet. What the heck is that. I touch the soft black stuff and it's crumbly. I take my shoe off and half my heal is missing. Why now I say. Quickly I pulled on my old brown shoes. An hour later I got it.  My sole fell apart and today I would be talking about soul.

      We are spiritual beings having a physical existence. When we look in the mirror God is looking back.  He is omnipresent in all things. Divine spirit passes messages to his creation. Look in that mirror and tell  God what it is that you desire. Do it when you wake up and before bed.  Do your due diligence  and it will come your way.  By talking to the mirror you will strengthen that connection to God. It is a very good thing to develop. He can help you make the best decisions for your life. When you get inner nudges, follow them whether pro or con. When this bond sets up your life will be way better than it was before. You will learn that you are not alone, he is the one constant you can count on. Trust the process. The above 3 words I got when recently I was lamenting my current no good situation.  I don't remember how I  got those words but I got it and it fit.

Monday, September 18, 2023

9/18/2023 Sins of the Father

       Yesterday I read a disturbing story from Nevada. A retired cop from Southern California was deliberately run over by teenagers  driving a car. He was on his bike.. Their phones recorded it and them planning to do it. After they killed him they simply laughed about it.    WTF

     When committing to have a kid you take on a herculean task. And you better have a ton of love to pour into the task of raising them. Without that love they may be future weeds that society will have to deal with. From the get go the kid watches and is picking up all your words and actions, they are slowly becoming you. Also there are always exception to the rule.  Boundaries have to be established and consequences explained to them.  Let them express their feelings to you and listen to them intently.  This is love in action. You as the parent make the time. Otherwise you may get the above story. Don't be a hypocrite,  kids wil pick it up immediately. When you put your kid in timeout explain to them why you did it. Give them 2 or 3 choices on differing timeouts. Get their feelings on why they did what they did.  After the timeout tell them how much you love them. Kids want boundaries. It is a form of comfort. No physical abuse or mental abuse ever. When you go there, everything is lost. For both of you.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

9/17/2023 Blended

      So I like to put 10 squirts of honey in my decaf coffee in the morning. Honey is usually over $ 8.00 a bottle.  At Walmart I get a small little bear shape plastic honey bottle for about 3.50. One day at Dollar Tree, I see the bear bottle honey for 1.25. It went from 1.00 to 1.25 around March 23. Recently Dollar Tree said it was going to bring some items back down to 1.00. I shifted to grocery stores because their particular items I could get for a dollar. Back to the honey. My wife asked for an unopened honey. I gave her one. Later she says do you no it's not pure honey. No I did not. It's honey and corn syrup. The later is not good for you. So I got tricked, thinking the bear bottle was like the one at Walmart. Dollar Tree calls it blended syrup. Honey and corn syrup made in India. That's what happens when you assume. No such thing as cheap honey.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

9/14/2023 Here's A Good Tip

       Don't microwave plastic. Even if it says it's microwaveable. Little particles come off of it. You don't need that in your system. Maybe one day they will make a safer plastic that can be microwavable. I just got rid of all my microwavable plates that the grocery store packs their food in. From now on I will heat up food in a ceramic dishware.

      Many decades ago I talked to a guy who did research on foods. At the time he said the plastic milk bottles leach small amounts of chemicals into the milk. I still bought the milk in the plastic jugs. Years later I would see plastics that starting saying BPA free. It's a form of bad plastic that was also put into baby bottles. The glass bottle is the best. There is no bleed through. 

      I took action on the microwave stuff because I remembered that ta with the scientist. I still get milk in pasta bottle but iw I also will get milk in a cardboard like box. You can't get away from plastic because it's everywhere. Even in your clothes. Polyester namely. I try to get clothes without this material.

       After 10 years probably best to get a new microwave. Over time the seals around the door will wear causing more radiation leakage. Also don't stand next to the machine while it's in operation. It is a very versatile aid in the kichen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9/13/2023 Revenge

       You heard the saying revenge is a desert best served cold. It means to take your revenge a little more time down the road instead of right now. There is also in seeking revenge it is best to dig 2 graves, meaning you become the victim as well. And the best revenge is living well.

      This revenge story is about the first one. A woman worked for this garden shop. The employees had a dislike for the boss all along for one reason or another. She wound up getting fired. There was a bare bank of earth that was across from the garden center. She waited til after hours and planted daffodils  in the bank. It was late October. The next Spring they started to bloom. From the garden center one could see the flowers were arranged to read a colorful sentence.  John is a moron. Her ex boss.

    The next story was a guy got fired from work. He had to wait to get his money from these people, which he eventually did. Clients that he dealt with liked him. So he started up his own company and they came to him. He still has those clients and his company prospered. He is thankful to the ex boss. He wouldn't have started his company without of having that negative experience with the ex boss. Revenge is living well.

      And one more story. Gal gets hired and sells her house and moves 1000 miles for this new job opportunity. Well they let her go after 7mos. Eventhough she was doing her job satisfactorily. Then her mother gets sick, so she has to move back to her home state. While taking care of her mom, she finds a good job paying her more money than the last job. She does the right thing and gets rewarded back. 

     If your heart is in it, life works out. Sure there will be problems out there on the horizon. But keeping an open heart and mind will help in getting them resolved. Also call on divine help when needed. You do create your own reality.

Friday, September 8, 2023

9/8/2023 You Are Nothing Without Me

       A young German gal who was a model then was badgered into having an operation to extend her legs. The doctors gave her an additional 5 and a half inches to her frame. She was 5ft 6 inches tall to begin with. Now she stands almost 6 ft tall. Her boyfriend at the time would harangue her over and over about getting this operation done. He would say you are nothing without me. So she caved and had it done. They clean break your shin and put adjusting rods around the bone. They would extend the rods over time a tiny bit so calcium would form in-between.

      She was happy the way she looked prior. But she succumbed to the emotional abuse. The first thing in life is to develop a strong sense of self. Then protect that self worth. Anyone who badgers you to do something you don't want to do is no good.  Don't for your life and stay away. If you feel weak call on divine spirit for its protection. In the moment the words you use are  No more, I had enough. Learn to protect you. It's your life not theirs. Look in mirror and say I am loved, God loves me,  I am worthy. Do it every day.

     This story I read in Smart News.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

8/23/23 Maelstrom

       A violent swirling action surrounding a person. When this happens to you, do not move forward into it. The eye of the storm is the center where there is calm. This is where you want to be so you can make a better decision on what to do next. This place divine spirit can guide you. You say to divine spirit, well what's my next move. You may be told in words in your head or you can get a nudge to do something. Also you may hear someone scream out loud a word or two in what to do next. Example make a run for it. Then you start running.

      Long time ago, I was in NYC grand central terminal for first time. I was walking through the cavernous hall of the terminal. Not that many people around. There were solid  doors to my left. I opened one of the doors, 300 feet away was a wall of people 40 feet across walking briskly right toward me. A deer in the headlights, I hesitated, then stepped back into the concourse slamming the door. I quick stepped off to the side next to a back wall. The doors all flew open at once with the hoarde piling out. Hundreds them. It was wall to wall sea of people. But I was safe. Preservation first.

      If your life is about to enter a troubling time. Spend time in the center each day and get clues from divine spirit in how to proceed. Asking other people is not always the best way.  Everybody sees things differently. Divine Spirit sees the best way for you. Listen to it. This center is where you want to make decisions even if there is no maelstrom out there. You have to protect you. If you have a family well the kids come first. Focus on the important things. Health, food and shelter. How to get it and how to keep it for the future. It takes planning. Divine spirit can help you get and keep it. It does take work on your part. Believe in the help that is there. Take 5- 10 minutes when you wake up. Sit in a chair invite divine spirit in and ask a question. Write the question down. At sometime during the near future the answer should appear to you. By doing this every day you will get good with it. Many benefits will come your way.

Take care of the 3 things first. Health, Food & Shelter. Then the other wants you may have. Doing this will make for a more enjoyable journey for your life. It does come with difficult times but they can be surmounted in an easier way. Just remember to always keep asking for the best answer. Don't  let other people dissuade you in your quest to do right by you. Shut them out!

     Enjoy the sunny days but be prepared for the coming storm clouds as well.

Friday, August 18, 2023

8/17/2023 They Come to Take Your Light

 Several years ago they started to get rid of the higher wattage incandescent light bulbs. I was in a store not long after watching the people load up on higher wattage bulbs. Full carts. Complaning about government intrusion. Nevermind the fact that electricty would be saved to the grid. In a couple years were all used to the led bulbs. Yep, change can be hard.

      When I was growing up, my town put floride in it's water. People would say it was a communist plot. Beware if fluoride is in the water. All I know is growing up I never had cavities. Once I moved away got cavities even with using fluoride toothpaste. So much for toothpaste.

      Then it was 2012 the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar. Then 2012 came and went. It's always something.

.      Watch what other people are saying before jumping on the band wagon. It just might keep you out of jail or being dead. Keep and open mind but be on guard. Divine spirit can guide you during these times. By making your bond strong with spirit on a daily basis  you will have a way out. And no one ever,  will be able to take your light. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

8/09/2023 Serpents Can Fly ?

             In Texas, Peggy was out mowing 6 acres in her backyard. She makes a pass under a tree and promptly gets hit by an airborne snake. Yikes!  The serpent is holding on to her and striking her glasses for a total of 4 strikes. She was not bitten by the snake. It damaged her spectacles though. Then a passing hawk joins in on the fun. Seeing lunch he attempts to remove said snake from her body. Unfortunately for her,   her arm is cut up by the hawk's talons. Peggy's  blood is all over her clothes and hair. They didn't say if Mr hawk got his lunch and was able to eat it too.

      Peggy probably had a better chance of winning that 1.5 billion lottery numbers from megamillions. Someone from Florida won it. Peggy got to keep her life and appreciation for what she has. What she went through was some waking dream. She believed in Jesus and she called on him at that time.

      "  My family didn't ever mean less to me. They just mean more to me now than before because it showed me how in the blink of an eye life can change, like I said I feel differently about life now.  I'm just so blessed."

       That's the way to look at that traumatic experience. Gratitude is very important throughout one's life experiences. Being gratefull allows more good stuff to come your way.

Monday, August 7, 2023

8/07/2023. Your Body Will Let You Know

       When I increased my dumbell weight to 33.3 pounds, I found a problem. I would have my elbow on the arm rest of my office chair. Well my arm rest has a stiff foam core encased in a vinyl sheath. And that elbow with the 33.3 lbs put more pressure on it causing the skin to scab. At 20 lbs there was no problem. Time for a fix. I laid a towel on arm rest followed by a folded bath towel on top.  I adjusted it to fit comfortably under elbow. Seems to work so far. I also took an old 12 in athletic sock and cut the toe off of 2 of them. Then slip them over forearms, with toe end winding up above the wrist. I drag it up till elbow is covered.

      When lifting the dumbell keep your elbow about 3 inches from the side of your body. I slide my body closer to the arm rest. This helps with the greater weight. Lifting the dumbell, I now start with 33.3 lbs and lift it 40 times then the left hand again for another 40.  You can use what weight your comfortable with. Then the next weight I go down to 20lb. I do it 45 times or 48. I go a little over 45. For my weaker left arm I do about 52 times and the 33.3 lb I go  44 times, 4 more than the right. After the 20 lb lift I do the 33.3 lb for 30 times with the right and 34 with the left. Then back to 48 times with the 20 pounder. 52 with the left. 5 sets of this gives me the 20,000 pounds per day.

      A new lift for me is the reverse curl with the dumbell. You grab the weight overhand instead of underhand. I did it with the 10 lb bell. Start with bell in right hand elbow on arm rest lower down until you can curl you wrist around the front part of arm rest, your elbow will lift off the arm rest at this point a little bit. I did it 25 times. When I went to 20lbs  I could do it 6 times. Now I can do it 12 times. You really feel this move in the wrist and top of your forearm. It's a little awkward but it does the job.

      Another new move for me is the squat. In bare feet I stand with toes out at the 11 and 1 o'clock position. I lower down and put my forearms atop my thighs which are parallel to the floor. I usually balance on the balls of my feet. I hold this position 50 to 60 count. I do 1 set per day.

      Another new exercise is you kneel on floor and place your forearms on the floor,  elbows out, side of your fists close together. lift your hips up and down on the balls of your feet. I do 15, 1 time. I did 30 to start and I got a little back  problem. I skipped the exercise the next 2 days. When I returned I only did 15 which I'm sticking with. There is no more back issue this time. Listen to your body, it gives you warnings.

      The last exercise is the door frame which I talked about in the past. Open the door in, and stand 15 inches in front of the opening. Make sure the door moulding is firm above you. Curl fingertips over the moulding and lean into the opening. Rotate your head left then right slowly. Left and right is a count of 2. I go up to 50 per set. You can do less than 50. I've been doing this for 10 years or more. When I first did this I could hear like a slight crunchy sound. After all these years, I noticed I don't hear it anymore. Happy about that. 1997- 2004, I had to go to the chiropractor. It would work for awhile anyway,  which I was thankful  for.  But I realized, after 4 years I have to do more for myself. So I took on exploring exercises that might work for me. Over the years it paid off. It takes a lot of time but again well worth it. A little here and a little there all adds up to getting to that better place. Knock on wood I haven't been back to the chiropractor since. Back to the door way now lean into opening with fingertips on top of moulding and bend your knees you will feel the pull on your arms and shoulders hold for a count of ten then push back till your feet are flat to the floor. Do 3 to 5 sets of ten. Keeping your neck limber makes for a happy back.

      Think of ways to help your particular situation. You are being pro active at this point. Being responsible to your better life. I know I am. I'm  grateful, is the word. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

8/03/2023 It's a Bird, no a Plane no It's Just a Desperate Guy

       A couple cops and their wives were fishing off the coastvof Florida. The one cop sees off into the distance what looks to be a bird in distress swatting the water with one of it's wings. He motors over to the bird to see whats up. Well it was no bird but a diver guy. He got separated from his boat due to a strong current. His boat was found two miles from where he was found. If it wasn't for the eagle eye cop, he would have been another victim of Davy Jones Locker.

      I Don't know if that diver was a praying man or not.  But God does his thing in his own time and choosing. Chalk it up to another God  miracle. Try to look at life as the what ifs and be better prepared.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

7/30/2023 Bulletproof Knees

       Its about building the muscles up around the knee. Take a 5 pound dumbell and tie a two strand electrical wire around the handle. Use a utility knife and gently bring the knife between the 2 strands. You will now have 2 pigtails 5 inches long. Wrap the 2 around the handle and tie a  square knot with the 2 pigtails. Now do the left side of the dumbell. There is a loop where you will put your foot into. When you pick up the loop with your hand , it should remain affixed to the handle. Now take a used toilet paper sleeve and cut it length wise. I use 2 sleeves and put the wire inside and then tape close. This is the cushion for the top of your foot. Wear a sneaker or a stiff bedroom slipper.  Put your foot in the loop and lift your foot a couple inches off the ground with your knee locked. Lower weight a half inch off the ground and then back up, while sitting in your good office chair. The movement you make is only a couple inches. Bring the weight up and lock your knee then down to floor and back up. When I started I used a 10 pound dumbell and did 25 lifts each leg. I would do 3 sets with long rest times between each. Months later I'm up to 15 pounds and do it 110 times, 2-3 reps per day. Try to do it every day. The muscles got bigger above the knee first then along the outside part of thigh. Now the under side of thigh is getting firmer. The first year was of the 10 pound weight. This year the 15 pound weight. It's the heavier weight that does it. You want to develop your foundation first with the lower weight. It's better. No need to rush it. Nice and easy in 2 years you will feel the difference. Going up and down stairs is easier. Walking is a bit faster and it looks good too. You are making changes for a stronger you. When you stick with it and see the results it builds self confidence. And that is your best reward because you will apply it to other areas of your life.

      You can start with as little as a one pound dumbell. I keep a notepad handy and chart the date and year,  then my poundage and how many times I do it in a row. When the row is done it's called a rep. I use to get charlie horses which are painful, no more though. I do think the leg lifts helped with that. I can also kneel and get up from the kneeling way easier than before. You want results you will need to put in the time and forget the pills for now. If you do have pain with your knees see the appropriate doctor first before doing these exercises.

    Take your time with the exercises. There is no rushing through them.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

7/26/2023 Oh ... It's.. Beautiful ..Not!

       Quartz countertops that is. All that pretty, at what cost. Today there are young men waiting for lung transplants because their lungs have been damaged by silicosus. It's like black lung, what coal miners came down with. A painful death awaits. A lot of these guys are in their twenties. They're on waiting lists to get that lung.  For a lot of them they don't survive the wait.  These men wore special masks but it didn't do the job.

      Maybe if your in the hunt for a new counter top, pick something other than quartz. It's the little guy that picks up the tab. Too costly a price to pay for pretty. This comes under the title, are you your brother's keeper.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

7/19/2023 And the Tears Spilt Upon the Sea

       A recent event. A gal quit the nursing field and went into marine biology.  During one of her dives, she noticed an animal below her coming in from right to left. It started to circle below her. Uh oh, time to make for the boat. She was hoping she had enough time to get there because the tiger shark stopped circling and was heading for her. Shark now getting too close and still a ways to go. Then an animal comes in from the left a right whale, it uses his big head to cup her and it brought her quicker to the surface. The guys pull her aboard.  She looks down in gratitude at her savior shaking as her tears curled around her lip to drop inconspicuously into the bright blue sea.

Hunt the more.

Monday, July 17, 2023

7/17/2023 20,000 Pounds

       Or 10 tons.  It doesn't matter what your gender is, or how old you are.  Anyone can start to lift a dumbell. When I was 15 I got a cheap weight bench and weights  spent like 20 bucks. It held my interest for maybe a month. Eh, too much work. Mid twenties roll around join Jack La Lane gym. I used to watch him on tv before the cartoons came on. Him and the farm report. So they have this thing called the circuit that entailed working out on 6 differing machines. The weights were not that heavy. After a short period of time you would move on to the next machine. Well a little over a half hour later, I made it to a bench sitting up. I was ready to pass out. Took me a half hour to get back to normal. 1200 bucks down the drain. It was a lifetime membership but you had to pay like 75 /yr dues. And if you didn't you would lose your lifetime membership. One of my big mistakes with money.

      Jan 1, 2020 I decided to start with the weights myself. I had a 10 pound dumbell and started to curl it for 20 times then rest then curl 20 times til I did 60 for each arm. When I felt comfortable with that weight,  I added 5 pounds. This is months later. I like the dumbells with the rubber coverings on the fat part of the dumbell. Also it has a good grip. I got it at Wallmart. The standard is a buck a pound. A 15 pound dumbell is around 15 dollars. Used dumbells are also about a dollar a pound. I have a good office chair, it can bend back a little and has wide arm rests. I sit in chair elbow on arm rest and bell in one hand. Lower your arm and back is one rep. Do it slow. There are dumbells 1,2,3 5 pounds. You can start with any weight. And if you don't have a dumbell you can use a soup can, not opened. Always took my time, never push it. Over time you will become stronger. Don't lift if you feel any twinge, take the day off and maybe go to a lighter weight.

        A year ago I went to 20 pounds. Increasing the reps slowly along the way. I have another dumbell that has a screw ends, that allow you to add weights to it. With the bar wt of 3.3 lbs I had a total of 33.3 lbs. I used flat steel plates. So I now lift that weight 34 times then the 20 pounder 50 times, then the 33.3 pounder 33 times and again 30 times. I do each arm separately. So those 4 reps equals 4,000 pounds. I do this each day 5 times for a total of 20,000 pounds( this includes the total for both arms). The definition is showing after 1 month. So I started off real slow and developed a foundation within me. From that solid foundation the pushing off was way easier. When you have total command of the weight and can do it for a month then you can add a little more weight.

      You have to want to do it first. For any progress to be realized. It requires work and determination. Losing weight was my first goal, I set in motion. I started 5 1/2 yrs ago. I hit 260 pounds. I said that does it, diet tomorrow. I'm a foodie so it has been hard but now I'm at 200. I didn't think it would take so long. Glad I did it. 

      When you have success, it builds confidence. You then want to apply it to other areas of your life. It is so so worth it. These dumbells have made me stronger and added to my confidence.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

7/15/2023 She Faded

             Two sisters in England. One was in her late 40s thec other early 50s.  Recently the younger one died and it happened fast. So the older one didn't have a chance to say goodbye. The older one while young always was interested in ghosts  her younger sister, not her cup of tea. The older one asked to have some contact with her past sister,  six months later she got it. She awoke due to someone sitting on the bed.  It was her younger sister in a pink tee shirt. She felt the love of her sister come radiating towards her. She said nothing so as not to break the connection. Slowly the apparition left but she felt the love from her sister  contined for the next 2 days.

             When she called her mother and told her what had happened. The mother said she had her buried in a pink tee shirt  and that she was the only one who knew that besides the mortician. The sister knew that it was not a dream but the real deal 

             So the events occurred when the 50+ sister asked to be reunited with her sister. She only had to wait 6mos to get her desire. You too can ask for divine spirit's  help in a matter that concerns you. It may take some patience on your part.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

7/13/2023. Social Mores

       I was wondering what to write about, then I read this story out of NYC.  At a JFK Jr fund raising party an ill wind blew through the large room. Two old guys got into a screaming match over the validity of global warming. The denier of global warming was so incensed over the topic that he flatuated with a bang, then bragged about it. The guy has a maturity of a 9 yr old

       Is this what we have devolved into. Each year that goes by, it seems to get worse. Maybe if one would stop and visualize God sitting in the room watching the events. How would you behave then. Any time you get worked up about anything. Think about your God sitting 12 ft from you.... watching and listening to everything.  Eventually you will own your actions. Goes around comes around.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

7/9/2023 To Brush or not to

    Brush. If it's your teeth keep on brushing.  If it's your metal bristle grill brush, stop what your doing and do yourself, family and friends a favor and toss that brush in the garbage. 

      I read about a doctor in Oregon who didn't know the dangers of said grill brushes. He experienced severe abdominal pain. It would be there in the morning and get worse in the afternoon. Using differing scans of his abdomen they ruled out a lot of things. When taking pictures at different times, the radiologist picked up something. A very small mass. Operation later they had the culprit, yep, a single centimeter wire from a grill brush. It was his brush, it matched perfectly with his brush. This relief came weeks later.

      He learned a lot. Also he learned what his patients complained about in their illnesses, first hand. Now he knows what real pain is. When the other doctors couldn't find his problem, he worried that they were thinking he was crazy. So a lot of times the patient is Not  Crazy. You have to think for yourself as well and maybe keep a journal in trying to unravel a mystery. You can also invite divine spirit in to help you solve it.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

7/4/2023 Flap the Bird Karma

       Last week, looked in the backyard due to a kerfuffle 20  ft up in the air. A flock of blue jays swept in and alighted on 2 trees in backyard. One dead tree and the other alive. One Jay alone is loud but 50 of them are just crazy loud. Never seen so many together. And I've  been here since 2004. I looked but didn't see what they were protesting about. They stayed for a good 10 minutes. Since I've been here I've been feeding the birds. The blue jay numbers were about 12 equal to the amount of cardinals.  It was the blue jay feathers I would find around the feeder but not the bodies. I guess the hawk would carry it away. When a hawk comes every body goes crazy, all the birds, chip monks and squirrels. The dove is well camouflaged. The cardinal flees horizontal to the ground looking for cover. The jay freaks and launches vertical, easy pickins for Mr hawk.

      Today, I hear the jays they're back at least 50 of them. What a racket. I look out the window with a bird's eye view. The hawk is on the outer limb of the live tree, he retreats closer to the trunk. The birds are harassing him pretty good. Eventually he has enough and glides off with 4 jays chasing him. Wow! Never seen that before. Jays turned the table on Mr hawk.

      So the blue jay got smart in almost 20 years. On their own they were dead meat. As an army the hawk had to retreat. That's a metaphor for us who inhabit this earth. As I said before it is when we are united that makes us a beacon to the world. Let's never ever extinguish that flame no matter how hard it becomes to keep it lit.

7/4/2023 We the People

       A system of government where it's inhabitants have a say so in the how the country is run. To possess this document say about 25,000 colonial dead ( future Americans) and 7,000 wounded. These colonists put their lives in jeopardy for an ideal. To be governed not by King George the third but by their own elected representatives. Some say they revolted due to England's taxing of the colonies. No taxation without representation. But in life someone has to pay in one form or another. The English footed the bill during the French and Indian War. They also protected villages from Indian attacks. Who benefitted? The colonists did. So England needed money for all this warfare. Only way to get it was via a tax. Eventually the US forms and they institute a tax eventually. So to me the war was fought for an ideal. A place where there would be no kings and queens. A country that was going to give democracy a chance.

      They wanted George Washington to run again after 8 years. See they slip backed into that king mentality. George said no. 8 years is enough. They stayed the course till FDR. After FDR they went back to 8 years and your done.

      Was there perfection... nope. Blacks had no say, women had no say and men without land had no say. These things had to be tinkered with way down the line. 

      The war of 1812 saw England return to the US. This time burning down the Whitehouse and torching the capitol building. The states endured. They had a bad army then. So they started to assemble a more proficient one. All was calm for the next 45 years. A division was always lingering in the heart of the US. The industrial North and the agricultural South worked by slaves taken from their homes back in Africa. It was a power and a moral issue. It was settled after the deaths of 620,000 Americans. Millions of people suffered during this 4 year period. And more suffering for the south the next 10 or more years. But the US persevered. 1900 rolled around. Back then some people believed the end times would happen  as the calendar dropped the 8 and put in a 9. Some people even got rid of all their stuff. The next 101 years would be something.  The industrial revolution saw the introduction of the mass produced car and the aeroplane  in quick succession. Fossil fuels and electricity. Everything got accelerated. 50 years after the Civil War. America found itself at war again. Repaying a favor to the French. They helped us during the revolution and we did the same for them during WW1.We were there a year and a half. It was enough to turn the tide of the war in the allies favor. The US was slowly becoming a world power. And when the world needed us most, we were ready. WW 2 came around in 23 years. Our industrial might came down upon the axis powers and blocked their evil ambitions.  If the south won during the Civil War, we probably wouldn't  have defeated the axis powers. All our greatness came because we were united. We must do the same for the next 100 years. To have any chance for hope, we must stay united. We did it after 9/11. Stay the course.

      Our money says In God we trust. It is not just a slogan, it's a way of life. Each of us must work with God to become even better. And a better you will lead to a better world. God helped with the framework, let's not muck it up now.

      Happy July 4th, America  247 years young.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

6/22/2023 He is Such A Patient God

       He is. He has all the time in the world. We're all here to learn how to love. He has given us free will and with that we will reap the benefits and detriment that come with it. Those pluses and minuses will shape us into being who we really are. This boot camp can be difficult but everyone who comes wants to learn the ways of God. God sees into every human heart. He knows all. Your weaknesses and strengths. He does not judge. He is just divine Love. All encompassing. He awaits your signal. When you cry out he hears no matter how small the voice, he hears. He feels  all that you feel, he feels. He sees all that lies hidden, he sees. He wants you to be with him forever, he wants. He waits for however long it takes for you to be ready to take that step toward him, he waits. He pours his love out to you, it is yours, he pours.

       Many paths to get there. Pick one,  it does not matter which one. Make your own path. If you are learning on the path all is good. Look for the good fruit along the path. Partake. If it tastes bitter, cast aside and choose a new path. Ask God your travel companion to show you his ways. For surely he will. Stop look and listen. The answer is nearby. Answers can come from dreams as well. And don't forget the inner small voice. Listen to it as well as feel it. It is your comfort. From here all can be surmounted no matter who you are or what your circumstances. Your connection, your anchor  your peace.

      Your world will change. A new and brighter you.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

6/18/2023 Father's. Day

       I grew up with the best father in the world. For that I'm very grateful. I thought when I was young everyone had a great father. Later on I learned that it was far from the truth. Unfortunately  for this world. With loving parents this world would be quite different. If you see strife in the family, well of course it will exist throughout the land. The sins of the father or mother are passed on to the kids.  Who then perpetrate them onto their kids.

      I was at a sotrta friend's house a long time ago. We were in the backyard, beautiful manicured green grass. He kept it immaculate. So we were talking and his 9 year old did something minor. John booted the kid in the butt for it. Took the kid by surprise. I said John don't do that. He says why not. I say because it's  not right. What an idiot asshole I think to myself. A couple weeks later I'm working at our factory and 2 old timers are there. I told them about John. They say you know why he did that. I say NO. Because  that's what his father did to him. Now I get it. Not an asshole but a victim who passes it along like an unwanted cold. But we can say to ourselves I have a choice to belike my parent or to see that change and say no not today. Today I change the script up. I choose kindness from this day hence.

       My friend Tom had an abusive dad. He lamented it. He said your family was very different from my own. He was about to start a new family with his wife. I said to him now is your chance to do something different. You will become the better patriarch to embark on a new branch of the family tree. Learn from the past. But live in the NOW

      To the loving fathers everywhere, keep up the good works. You create change in this world by your acts.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

6/17/2023 Yep ... it's Breed's Hill Day

      Two things they got wrong, 1) not Battle of Bunker Hill, it's Breed's Hill.  Two)  the background color of colonist's flag was red not blue. 

     After this day, there would be no going back to a "normal life".

      Oh,  the colonists lost this battle but not after putting a big hurt on the number 1 military power in the world at that time.

      1500 colonists were told to put a redoubt (earthen fort)  on Bunker Hill on the Charlestown peninsula. The purpose was to keep an eye on the Boston Harbour. To tally British activity in the harbour.  Bunker Hill was at the base of  Charlestown peninsula, it was also the biggest Hill there.  It's just about midnight on June 16 th. Some of the men look over to Breed's Hill and say we can see more from over there.  It's closer to the city.  So they go over there instead. Free thinkers. You dig here on Bunker Hill. Nope not doing it, sorry.  Breed's Hill it is then. Dig ,dig they did. First light British War ships see the breast work atop and down the hill. They unleash their cannons at the Hill. Many men said I had my fill of this and retreated away from the cannon fire. By the time the battle started they were down to 700 men.

      Now the musket was not that accurate. It would shoot a large ball about 175 yards. The ball could travel from a ft high to 7 ft high. By firing together  at the same time. You would send out a wall of lead. That equals no chance for you if you are within 175 yards of the gun's muzzle. Col Prescott said don't shoot til you see the whites of the regular's (British soldiers were called that by the colonists) eyes. Now some say Prescott  said don't shoot till you see the colors of their eyes. But that doesn't make sense. Since the whites are really the light's of the eye. The white reflects light better than the darks. 

      The British cannon caused a fire in Charlestown which was slightly to the north of Breed's Hill.  The colonists looking down the Hill would see Charlestown to their right.  The British suspected that since weather usually goes west to east it would cover the hill in smoke. Not this day though, for some unknown reason it went north. Good for the colonists. Their good luck or divine intervention happened again during the retreat from Long Island NY to  NYC. A fog helped in George Washington's escape. The cause might of ended there except for that fortuitous fog. George was able to use many boats to get his army across the river cloaked by the fog.

       When the regulars were disembarking just below the fort. The guy in charge of 2 cannon was told to take the cannon out of fort and harass the redcoats at the shore. He left the fort and kept on going back to Cambridge MA. Oh   well. The British organized 2 wings,  the 2nd went along the mystic river the other proceeded from the south east. This group would experience a horror that would last them the rest of their lives.

      As the regulars in their red wool tunics marched up the in a horizontal line though the tall grass, they saw upclose what was to befall them.  Once they crossed the 175 yard line they heard a crescendo of musket fire. The lead was so thick it cut them down like a swift sword. The smoke from the musket fire covered the hill. Acrid smoke and screams permeated the spring air. Down they went what was left of them double time. No marching lines this time. It's every man for himself. Back to the shore they went. The captains reformed the ranks and they did the same thing. Round 2:  The same thing happened but this time climbing up the hill they had to sidestep the dead and wish they were dead fellow soldiers. They went back to the shore line and regrouped for round number 3.  But this time the colonist's were out of musket balls. Rule number 1 you can never have enough ammo. They broke that rule. And on the 3rd try the regulars entered the redoubt with bayonets glinting in the hot sun. It was hand to hand fighting. The soul of the colonist contingent fell dead.  Joseph Warren a medical doctor who was a family man and a firebrand for the cause. He was just made a general. When he heard about the redoubt he left his family and ran to the cause. Col Prescott said you are a general now. But he demured, he was just there as a volunteer. He performed the tasks of the everyday foot soldier. He was so loathed by the redcoats that they dug him up a couple days later to make sure he was dead.

      The redcoats did not pursue the retreating rebels, big mistake. The redcoats were licking their wounds. The British would never learn from their mistakes. Which was to occur again in Long Island NY,  Philadelphia and the 2nd battle of Trenton. They would not pursue.

      The colonists lost 300 dead  and 30 captured wounded.  They were put on British ships were 20 of them would die.  Redcoats lost over a thousand men in dead and wounded. They had at the start 2,000 men. An astonishing 89 officers were lost. The British never had a loss like that ever. They just could not believe it. Neither could London. Heads did roll.

      When there is a will there is a way. This rag tag army got the best of a world power in an hour and a half from 3 pm to 4:30 pm. 90 minutes that changed the world for a better future for all mankind. Without the US. Germany would have won in both world wars. And that world,   I would not want to have envisoned.

      I like our motto:  In GOD we trust. Focus on that in all our endeavors.

Monday, June 12, 2023

6/12/2023 Fire & Compass

       When lost in nature, those 2 tools can come in handy.  For 66 year old Appalachian  trail hiker Geraldine Largay she had access to both but failed to use them. There's  and old saying when in Rome due as the Roman's do.  In other words follow their lead. If you want to build a structure in your backyard say a shed, you want to learn something about how to actually do it. You talk to others who know how and look it up on the internet, or get a book on it. There you will learn the tools you will need and most important how to use the tools. Then do small projects first for practice. This is called doing your due diligence.

      Nature is beautiful at times and deadly as well. Know what your up against so as to properly prepare for any problems you might run into. On a hike in the woods a compass is a must. More important is how to use said compass. Geraldine had the compass but had no clue how to use it. With the compass you leave the trail. Look at compass and pick a direction north south east or west. If you leave trail heading north time your self, say 10 minutes  to do your duty. When returning you reverse your direction and head south for 10 minutes back to the trail. Having geographic maps is a plus too. Also know how to read them. If you don't have a compass use a marker. Carry a roll of colorful tape from Home Depot. There is no sticky on it and can be torn with little effort by your fingers. Wrap small sections of tape on bush or tree branches. As you move forward look back to keep that piece of tape in view. Whe you start to lose sight of it, time to place another marker.

     As a teenager our troop did an overnight at a campsite. It snowed 4 inches that night unexpectedly.  That morning the parents where down below  to collect their kids. My patrol leader Roy, who was also a young teeensger and me decided to walk out. He had a compass. We walked 15 minutes came across a very small clearing mountain laurel everywhere and bare deciduous trees. Another 15 minutes later the same clearing, looked like we went around in a circle I said. Roy said it did look the same but we go by the compass and we did.  Two hours later were standing on a snow covered road, where we made it back to his house. The power of a compass.

      Where there is smoke. There is fire. When lost for 2 days it's time to start one. Gather all the dead fall. 2 piles, 1 small one for the fire and the bigger 1 to feed the smaller pile. Once it's going add green or wet leaves. This makes it more smokey. The fire has to be big enough for the smoke to be able to escape the forest canopy. A forest fire could also help your cause.

      Unfortunately for Geraldine they found her in her tent 2 years later. She died. She was less than 2 miles from the trail.

      When lost tell yourself you will get out of this predicament. I do this all the time. It works for any predicament you come up with. I also call on divine spirit's help. It is always on the ready. And I thank it when it comes through.

Friday, June 9, 2023

6/9/2023 Grooming a Monster

       This blog is on the recent murders in Idaho of 4 college kids. Three gals and 1 guy. 

      This monster went to school in Pennsylvania. He was bullied mostly by girls in school, who would throw things at him and call him names. The seeds of hate were sown here. He grew up warped. Imagine what his life could have become if he was showered with niceties instead. Those school girls are partly responsible for those future events. A heavy price to bear, indeed. Each day is a chance to promote love and being kind. It's easy to do. Those acts you do will manifest in the future in others who will emulate your actions of yesterday's gone by. When anger rules the moment,  there is only destruction. To those who wield it and others, who are the brunt of it. Everything dies under the unkind and non loving individuals. You are like God in this respect, you can make choices in your actions and deeds for the betterment and uplifting of all or choose not to. God grants you this power, to see what you will do with it.

      In the thirties and forties in Germany. There were many monsters to be had. Not only in the Nazi party but the army and civilians as well who turned a blind eye to the evil around them. Fear ruled the collective consciousness. It's  tentacles penetrated deeply in daily life. That Fear destroyed millions of people. Not only them but people throughout the world. When a bad deed goes unchecked this is what can happen. It's not God's fault it is man's fault. With free will comes mega responsibility. 

      To be in touch with divine spirit is the best way to handle any bad event occurring around you. You just invite it in and ask it to light your way.  IT WILL DO THIS  for  you. By working with divine spirit every day you will be prepared for all future events. 

 Go in God.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

6/7/2023 That's Nice

       The book:   The Power of Nice

The quote:   " Treat  everyone you meet as if they are the most important person in the world--- because they are.  If not to you, then to someone, and if not today, then perhaps tomorrow."

The writers:  Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval.....advertising executives.

    Doesn't cost much to be nice. On the other side of the veil we are nice, so why be different on this side. After you wake up, look in the mirror and say something nice about yourself. And before you do, make sure you believe it first. Then throughout the day be nice to a family member, a friend and a stranger. Three times at the minimum. At the end of day, reflect on how this made you feel. Now repeat this action every day. It's like saving money in the bank. You will become more of who you really are. And it starts with being nice. Have a nice day.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

6/4/2023 Grace

        " I do not understand the mystery of grace-----only that it meets us where we are,  but does not leave us where it found us. "

Anne Lamott,  author of Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith.

       I feel that the harshest critic of ourselves  is us. When we can recognize this,  that this is so.  It is then that God's grace can come on "down" and  envelope us in it's unjudgmental warmth. When it is that time when we break those chains upon our wrists that we ourselves have locked on down. That we are able to reach up with freed hands to place that mantle of grace upon our shoulders. And with that comes the lightness of God's  benevolence. And hopefully we can hear God's voice within and throughout the remainder of our days on Earth.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

6/3/2023 More on Common Sense

       Off the coast of Nassau a recently graduated kid from Louisiana  went on a pirate themed cruise. Alcohol was passed around during the feel good outing. Alcohol and judgement don't go hand in hand. On a dare 18 yr old Cameron attempts to jump into the water a little past midnight. These are shark invested waters. Some of the kids aboard tried to stop him physically  but he broke free. They threw him a life preserver which they saw him try to swim for. That was it for him. The remaining kids on board were cold due to lack of warm clothes. They were all miserable for the next 4 hrs as the crew tried to locate him. They didn't. One stupid act screwed it for every body aboard.

     Hopefully  they learned some things. Don't make dares. You are either there for everybody or your not. And when your not bad things can happen. And they did.

6/3/2023 Aspiration: To be a Hood Ornament

       Really?  Last week this gal in New York climbs atop a blue car on the hood.  On a 1939 super 8 Packard car sits a shiny silver female figurine facing out from the front of the car.  This gal sporting long orange hair sits on a medium size hood facing the windshield using her hands to hold on to the lip of the car hood. She faces the wrong way, a backward hood ornament.. The car takes off down a NY highway reaching up to 55 miles per hour.  Super Crazy and dangerous. Why? Where's  the common sense? In life one of the most important things to have other than love is common sense. It is needed in all areas of your life.

 Without common sense you can hurt your life immensely.  Lucky for this gal she survived with no injuries. No matter what your so called friends try to cajole you into. You have to think of the conseqences of that future action. It's  their wants that concern them most of all.  You don't rate period.  If you are weak in common sense you can ask divine spirit to help you with it. If someone asks you to do something and you are not sure about it.  Keep thinking about it, then try to feel the answer. A lot of times divine spirit is that small quiet voice within you.  Listen to that one. Then see how that played out for you in your near future. When you see the good results you will return to that altar that lives within you. This is why you are on Earth. To use the altar within. 

      Don't be a hood ornament. Vanity is just another pot hole that needs filling. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

5/31/2023 Pizza God

      Place Rhode  Island. Setting, a porch of a private home. Time May 2023. Occurence,  a pizza delivery. Ryan delivers pizza for a living, his next stop is just ahead. This week he learned that his 16 year old daughter who experienced mental health issues during her life,  had just died. She lived in California. Ryan loves his daughter. He hands off the pizza and pockets the tip. Little did he know a bigger surprise awaits him. The 2 year old in the house launches himself past the mother off the porch down the sidewalk toward Ryan. The mother is stunned and regroups.  She's hot on his tail. Too late the boy gives Ryan the stranger a little bear hug and does not let go. Ryan returns the hug. The mother says she can't explain the boy's actions.  The mother learns that Ryan had just lost his daughter several days ago.


      The boy is 2,  his connection to the God worlds is still there. The boy can commune with the people on the other side of the veil. As we get older that connection becomes weaker and then stops.  But you can work your way back to that state by communing with divine spirit. How. By asking questions of it and then paying attention when those answers come to you. You can start today. Your life will be better for it.

      Ryan says he will never forget that moment for the rest of his life.

     God just revealed himself to the boy, the mother and most of all Ryan.

Thanks to the mom who shared her story.

Friday, May 26, 2023

5/26/2023 Karma....A Fishy Update

       Back in September I wrote about 2 guys who cheated in a fishing contest in Ohio. It was a walleye tournament. At the end of tournament you enter your best 5 fish for weigh in. They fished from their 130,000 dollar boat. Nothing but the best for these 2 guys  near Cleveland OH. 

     Guess what they beat everybody and won the 30,000 dollar tournament. As the officials took them down from the scales, they slit each fish open and lo and behold weights fell out. Many fisherman where in attendance. Boy they started yelling something fierce. Lucky for them the fisherman held their emotions in check and didn't get beat up. Cops charged them. The case was just resolved. 10 days each for these cheaters. Probation for 1 and half years plus 2,500 fine plus loss of their fishing license for the next 3 years. They also had their picture spread all over social and print media.. And the piece of resistance   the forfeiture of their fishing boat. OUCH!!!  I wonder who pays the note on that boat now.

Karma can be a real......

Thursday, May 25, 2023

5/25/2023 I'll Just Take My Name

      Tina Turner died yesterday. A dynamo behind the microphone. Full of life and a big ball of energy. But behind the scene, another story.  Ike was doing a demo and the singer was a no show, he turned to Tina to fill in. She was recently put in the tourimg band. The demo worked out great. Soon they had a hit. That's when Ike thought to himself hello meal ticket. She wasn't even attracted to him, she thought he was ugly. She married him anyway. Big Mistake. He invented a name for her Tina Turner and had it trademarked. Then he proceeded to control her through psychological means and eventually violence. His fear of losing her dictated his aggressiveness. Hence her very future hit would arise Whats  Love Got to do With It?  Answer: Nothing.

      The year 1976 brought the end of the marriage. One day in a hotel room in Dallas Texas, Tina finally had enough of being a punching bag. When Ike passed out she closed the motel room door behind her and didn't look back. She had 36 cents in her pocket and a Mobile card (gas). That's  it. It didn't look good for Tina, 39 years old and no back up. In divorce court she didn't want Ike's blood money. What she wanted was her name Tina Turner which Ike trademarked. She got her name and 2 Jaguars, 1 from Sammy Davis Jr and the other from Ike. And no money.  She went on to a successful solo career. She also found a great husband to go along with it.

     Change your circumstance, change your life.  Tina did it, so can you.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

5/20/2023 More About Focus

       To live fully, one has to be focused on the present because that is where we are suppose to live. Focus is hard. I know. I'm guilty in so many ways throughout my life. I did get things done in some areas of my life.

     So I moved a small store size plastic bag and made it a trash bag that I push pinned to my bedroom wall. It was there for over a decade. Now I stuck it to wall next to my desk. So everyday I still walk trash to the door to dump small items into bag. It's not there, it's now by my desk.  See how ritual can controll you. That old way of doing things can be a detriment to you. You have to evaluate everything that is important to you. Sit down and do it at least once a week. That is a good start in taking better control of your life. I started lifting a dumbell, 10 pounds. 2 years later I'm up to 20 pounds. I do about 20 minutes per day. I take my time. No strenuous activity on my part. After 2 years, I do see the difference and feel it as well. I'm  glad I kept it up. Now on to my finances, which are a disaster. Oh, I also 5 years ago tipped the scale at 260 on 5ft 10 frame. Yikes I said, thats it. I'm a foodie too. Next day started to cut down. Made it to 240 after 9 months then plateaued  for a year. Another push many months get down to 230. After 5 years I'm at 210. I am also glad I didn't give up. I learned a skill set and not to panic when I gain 5 or 10 pounds. Much to be said for sticktuvidiness and  FOCUS


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

5/17/2023 You Can Change

      Here's a quote from Karen Maezen Miller a zen teacher. "You can change in an instant. You can change your mind. You can change your timing. You can change your approach. You can change your words." I'll add one as well You can change your experiences or your reality.

     Try for yourself. Take one thing you would like to change. Then ask divine spirit please help me acquire said thing or experience. As you go about trying to make this shift talk to spirit about how your making the change. It is through your trying that happy coincidences can occur, getting you to that goal. Divine spirit will bring you a person, book , tv show or any other experience that is relevant to you.

     I had a big heavy sofa put out on the median strip next to the road out front. I asked spirit to help in getting rid of it. I wanted someone to take it to continue its life. I bought a 20 dollar tarp to cover it in the event of rain. Which I used for three weeks on and off. No takers. I'm out there one day and a guy stops. Is it free, I say yes. Hoping this is the guy. Does it have a fold out bed. No.  Alas, no sale. A week later from in my house I hear a crunch. Look out the garbage guy is feeding it into the maw of the truck. Two weeks ago I called the town about picking up the sofa. There is only 4 free big pick ups in the year. The last one was 2 weeks ago. I'd have to wait till beginning of July. She said we can come get it but you have to pay 45 dollars online first. I did not pay any 45 dollars. So I was surprised they took it. I thought my neighbor might of said something to the town but he didn't.

      Divine spirit took care of it, it's way. Thankyou spirit. I'm glad it's finally gone. Divine spirit will work with you in the little things as well as the big things.  Work with Divine spirit in changing your reality for your betterment.

       It's also fun to do.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

5/11/2023 Sad Beetle

      If you use bad seed, your yield come harvest time will be wanting. Such is the case with the late John Lennon.

      From a 1998 Telegraph  story.    Here's a quote from Julian Lennon. " I have to say from my point of view,  I felt dad was a hypocrite. " Dad could talk about peace and love out to the world but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the most to him : his wife and son. How can you talk about peace and love and have your family in bits and pieces--- no communication, adultery, divorce? You can't do it, not if your being true and honest with yourself.

    John Lennon's father left the family when John was 4 years old. He blamed himself. And never got over it. He mirrored his father in his treatment of his own son. He chose to do it. So something bad happened to John and he knew it. But he didn't know how to handle it. Therapy might of helped with him.  But it became ingrained in his psyche. He did no future introspection. To look within is hard but necessary to have a better life for yourself as well as others around you, in his case his own son.   How sad indeed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

5/10/2023 Stress

      It's  no good for your body and your future endeavors.  Two quotes from the book Live and Learn and Pass It On.  I've learned that if I don't try new things.  I won't learn new things.  The other is I've learned that it's just as important to forget a wrong as it is to remember a kindness.

     Life is short.  It's best to make the best of it. The previous two quotes can get us there. Going through life with less stress. Look for things or experiences that cultivate that potential joy in your life. Also ask divine spirit to guide your way in your endeavors. Joy is experienced in the now. Look to your life and see what you can change to make it better for you.  Look at events or things and say either how can I make it better or do I really need this thing in my life.  Then  take action.  Also,  what did I learn from this experience or does this thing give me any joy at  all.  Another thing to remember is what you see in others exists in you. When you chastise someone, it's really about what is going on with you.  It's a great learning tool. So write down all of your criticisms of others and see how they pertain to your character. It's about seeing yourself. And accepting it. And then doing something to correct your defects. Spirit will put you in a situation, where you will have to confront it. If you didn't get it in one situation, you will find it again with someone else. We are like pieces of wood, getting our edges rubbed off by sandpaper ( our trying experiences). When the wood is sanded smooth, we will have learned greatly from the experiment called life in the lower worlds.


Friday, May 5, 2023

5/5//2023 A KEY Lesson

      Me and Keys have a problem.  And that problem is me. I misplace them every once in awhile. I meant to have my  truck key copied whenever I found myself in the Home Depot. I would always forget to do it. When I needed to drive my truck I would grab the key from the key rack that had just the 1 key with a ring and a green rectangle picture window that let you add a missive which was labeled Dodge. In the morning I opened truck to lower the windows for the day to air out. I put the key in my pocket  along with another main key ring I had. I put it there because when I got back at night, I could quickly have the key. I got home hours later. Go to truck. Oh no, no truck key. Rain was coming and I had to make 2 widow protectors. Some rain did get in. A week later I had to make a decision about the key. I looked for a 2nd key no luck. Called a locksmith he wanted 200. Called another guy 125 dollars. A week later, I'm ready to call the locksmith. I do contemplation about the key, no answer. I walk to middle of my room and scan my cluttered room. I have a large table in room that's filled with stuff. I see an old plastic tray  5x6 inch by 2 inch high. I reach way over and I'm  just able to grab the mini tray. There are 2 little key rings in it. One of them was a spare I had. Saved 125 dollars thanks to spirit. Now when I would pull my main keys out of my pocket It would catch the smaller key ring and drop it to the ground. It happened 3 times like that for a year. 

      So I was sweeping the carport concrete floor,  I turn to the garbage can to drop my dust pan debris into the garbage. Three seconds later. I turn around and there is my original truck key on the floor. It wasn't there before. A bona-fide miracle. This took 3 weeks from the start of losing the key. It was a little stressful for me. Divine spirit is there to bring a miracle to your life as well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

4/26/2023 Hunt the Whale No More

      A guy off the coast of California runs a whale spotting business. One day out on the water a whale pays him a visit. He pops his massive head next to the boat. The guy pats him. He also notices algea affixed to the creature's head and body. So he picks some off with his fingers. The whale likes that and repeats the experience. The guy keeps removing the algea from the whale. Next time out on the water the whale is back for more. And it continues on to this day. So this big whale is sensitive to very thin algea on it's skin.  What do you think the whale feels when it is shot with a harpoon. Let the whales live on. Us humans are suppose to be the stewards of this world not to drive species into oblivion. 

      We have to realize that our actions do matter and they do have consequences. One of those consequences  could be our own destruction. When man and woman realize that they have a relationship with God, they will make better choices for their lives and others as well. Talk to God in your head and ask for his guidance. Eventually that quiet little voice will speak up. Listen to what it has to say.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

4/16/2023 Ugh! A weighty weight machine

     One day I was in somebody's  bedroom and I saw a 6ft exercise machine with a lot of clothes on it. I said thats an expensive hamper you got. Yes she said our only exercise is when we have to move it once a week.. that was years prior..

      I said goodbye to a girlfriend for the last time a long time ago. I thought I'd put a weight machine near my main door entrance. I looked in Craigs List and found a 4 station weight machine for 150 dollars. I had to disassemble it and get it out of the basement. Several hours later it was reassembled in my dining area. I worked the 4 stations each day. By the 4th week it was 3 times a week. Then once a month. Then 0 times a month. Yep it turned into my coat rack. A 150 dollar coat rack. A year later I had  it for sale in the paper. A young service member rings my bell. How much he asks, 25 dollars I say. He says that's too little.  I say it's ok. No way was I gonna charge him more.

      I was happy when I got it. And very happy when I got rid of it. Live and learn. Always be ready to readjust your life. It's  like a painting that your working on. Adding and subtracting paint strokes, experimenting. Learning more and more about yourself in the process. Finding your weaknesses and doing something about it. Life is slowly rounding off your sharp corners. You are slowly  becoming who you really are during this process. All is right in your world. You adjust and readjust when the good and bad things come your way. Your helper divine spirit is there and waiting to assist you when you need it. But you have to call on it. That way you can see the correlation. What it was before you asked and what it is after you asked. Then be patient for the answer.

      You may not grasp what is going on but when you hand it to divine spirit your predicament. Spirit starts on helping you to resolve it. The process may not be to your liking. When looking back, you will appreciate the things you had to go through. And come to the conclusion that it was so worth it. You are becoming greater. And with it comes peace and better understanding for you. This better you is what you take with you , when it's time for you to leave this earth.