Monday, December 25, 2023

Dec/25/2023. God's messengers

       Jesus was born on this date 2,024 years ago. He came to deliver a message. That message was do unto others as you would have them  do  onto you. It gets to the point nicely. Have faith in your father. And all will be rendered on to you. So if you ask and do your due diligence you shall have it. This ask should come from your heart. In my father's house there are many mansions. This may refer to there being many forms of existence. These places enable soul( which is you )to learn life's lessons. That lesson is to be more loving. Earth is a hard place to learn lessons. Learning lessons here pushes soul forward briskly. People come here for that very reason. When you learn a lesson it usually comes from a hard earned experience. When you are tested again in the future, you will see if you truly learned that experience. When you pass that test. Then it's on to the next one. Tests can be small, medium and big.

      One of my asks was if there is karma ( goes around  comes around) let's see it. Well the next couple days it started. One bad thing after another for like 6 months. I said ok thats enough and then it let up. It took many months to get settled down and deal with my new reality. Painful but one thing for sure I know karma is for real. No more asking about that. People put themselves in a predicament for a reason. It's an opportunity for them to learn a lesson that they need for their soul development. They will attempt to figure that out. Their hard won efforts will give them confidence in how they perceive themselves in a self sufficient manner. That lesson is priceless. This is what you take with you when you return to the other side. Hard lessons here translate to great rewards there. You will also benefit here as well.

       Always look for the lesson, it's  there in everything. If the experience is negative look at it from a positive position. The harder you look you just might see something that you didn't expect. Be kind in word & deed always. No matter what. The more you do this the more relaxed you will become. This is giving love.

       I told this story before. A pastor sees his teenage daughter go out at night with her bad influential friends in a big city. He tries to pass his knowledge to her so as to keep her safe. He'd stay up til she got home around 3 am. He didn't like it one bit. For a couple years it wasn't working his lectures. So he asks why isn't it working? The answer comes in his head try giving love. He said I do by my words. He thought about it alot. Friday night comes, the daughter is in her way out the door it's  8 pm. The father says love you Karen. She responds in kind. At 3 am she's back. He gets out of his easy chair and says love you Karen and good night. One day he noticed she came in 2:30 am. He would always say the same thing to her. After months and months she was coming at midnight. Love you Karen. One day she said to her father I'm tired of my friends and I'm going to get new ones. Wow said the pastor to himself. Love works miracles. We can use this in our own lives to have the bigger piece of the pie. Our car squeaks, so we lube up the chassis. So if we're squeaking at home just use love instead.  It will all sort itself out. 

Merry Christmas 

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