Monday, July 17, 2023

7/17/2023 20,000 Pounds

       Or 10 tons.  It doesn't matter what your gender is, or how old you are.  Anyone can start to lift a dumbell. When I was 15 I got a cheap weight bench and weights  spent like 20 bucks. It held my interest for maybe a month. Eh, too much work. Mid twenties roll around join Jack La Lane gym. I used to watch him on tv before the cartoons came on. Him and the farm report. So they have this thing called the circuit that entailed working out on 6 differing machines. The weights were not that heavy. After a short period of time you would move on to the next machine. Well a little over a half hour later, I made it to a bench sitting up. I was ready to pass out. Took me a half hour to get back to normal. 1200 bucks down the drain. It was a lifetime membership but you had to pay like 75 /yr dues. And if you didn't you would lose your lifetime membership. One of my big mistakes with money.

      Jan 1, 2020 I decided to start with the weights myself. I had a 10 pound dumbell and started to curl it for 20 times then rest then curl 20 times til I did 60 for each arm. When I felt comfortable with that weight,  I added 5 pounds. This is months later. I like the dumbells with the rubber coverings on the fat part of the dumbell. Also it has a good grip. I got it at Wallmart. The standard is a buck a pound. A 15 pound dumbell is around 15 dollars. Used dumbells are also about a dollar a pound. I have a good office chair, it can bend back a little and has wide arm rests. I sit in chair elbow on arm rest and bell in one hand. Lower your arm and back is one rep. Do it slow. There are dumbells 1,2,3 5 pounds. You can start with any weight. And if you don't have a dumbell you can use a soup can, not opened. Always took my time, never push it. Over time you will become stronger. Don't lift if you feel any twinge, take the day off and maybe go to a lighter weight.

        A year ago I went to 20 pounds. Increasing the reps slowly along the way. I have another dumbell that has a screw ends, that allow you to add weights to it. With the bar wt of 3.3 lbs I had a total of 33.3 lbs. I used flat steel plates. So I now lift that weight 34 times then the 20 pounder 50 times, then the 33.3 pounder 33 times and again 30 times. I do each arm separately. So those 4 reps equals 4,000 pounds. I do this each day 5 times for a total of 20,000 pounds( this includes the total for both arms). The definition is showing after 1 month. So I started off real slow and developed a foundation within me. From that solid foundation the pushing off was way easier. When you have total command of the weight and can do it for a month then you can add a little more weight.

      You have to want to do it first. For any progress to be realized. It requires work and determination. Losing weight was my first goal, I set in motion. I started 5 1/2 yrs ago. I hit 260 pounds. I said that does it, diet tomorrow. I'm a foodie so it has been hard but now I'm at 200. I didn't think it would take so long. Glad I did it. 

      When you have success, it builds confidence. You then want to apply it to other areas of your life. It is so so worth it. These dumbells have made me stronger and added to my confidence.

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