Tuesday, July 4, 2023

7/4/2023 Flap the Bird Karma

       Last week, looked in the backyard due to a kerfuffle 20  ft up in the air. A flock of blue jays swept in and alighted on 2 trees in backyard. One dead tree and the other alive. One Jay alone is loud but 50 of them are just crazy loud. Never seen so many together. And I've  been here since 2004. I looked but didn't see what they were protesting about. They stayed for a good 10 minutes. Since I've been here I've been feeding the birds. The blue jay numbers were about 12 equal to the amount of cardinals.  It was the blue jay feathers I would find around the feeder but not the bodies. I guess the hawk would carry it away. When a hawk comes every body goes crazy, all the birds, chip monks and squirrels. The dove is well camouflaged. The cardinal flees horizontal to the ground looking for cover. The jay freaks and launches vertical, easy pickins for Mr hawk.

      Today, I hear the jays they're back at least 50 of them. What a racket. I look out the window with a bird's eye view. The hawk is on the outer limb of the live tree, he retreats closer to the trunk. The birds are harassing him pretty good. Eventually he has enough and glides off with 4 jays chasing him. Wow! Never seen that before. Jays turned the table on Mr hawk.

      So the blue jay got smart in almost 20 years. On their own they were dead meat. As an army the hawk had to retreat. That's a metaphor for us who inhabit this earth. As I said before it is when we are united that makes us a beacon to the world. Let's never ever extinguish that flame no matter how hard it becomes to keep it lit.

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