Sunday, May 29, 2022

5/29/2022. Memorial Day


    It's  the day we remember those who fought to make this country strong and great. It started with an idea that goes back to Greece. This time around our founding fathers intended to give this idea a lot of oxygen to this flicker of a flame called democracy.  Those men who signed the Declaration of Independence also potentially were signing their death sentences, if they got caught by the British in the late 1700s.  Think about that. They wanted to share power of their new found economic wealth among themselves and not being overseen by monarchies  of a foreign land. They wanted a say in how to run their own affairs. The colonial militias were given no chance to win against the number 1 military of the world. None. The colonists were good learners always trying new tactics in the war against Britain. The British had mostly arrogant officers. Not good when trying to win a war. George and his crew eventually  prevailed. Many died or got wounded in the cause. A new nation was born that became a beacon to the rest of the world. Selfishness and greed would rise up in the 1860s, which threatened to cleave the nation in half. Another great man took center stage and reunited the nation via force. This was necessary  so that this nation could rise up and help stop Germany  in WW 1. Again in WW 2 if we didn't  stop them then, we would probably be speaking German today. We enter the world stage again in confronting an evil nation in it's unprovoked attack against it's neighbor. We must stand up for the fight because democracy  hangs in the ballance. Dictatorships  subjugate the good and happiness of it's  people.

    Memorial day is for rememberace of those who did their duty for a just cause despite the prices that they may have incurred. They kept the light burning for the world to see. We must never let that light go dim or else we ourselves turn into the blight that is Russia.   Let us all remember.  Think, how can I uphold the values of my fore fathers. What I can do to make a better world. Start with yourself. Can I heal the divisiveness in my own family. This day of all days is very important for a better future for all of us.  May God be with you.

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