Friday, November 11, 2022

Nov 11/2022 All That Shines

      Is not necessarily gold. Jordan Larsen had her 3 medals stolen, that she won in US Olympic volleyball. They were locked away in a safe, the robbers still got it. Your symbols of achievement can be snatched from you no matter what it is. Things are fleeting. But what you have become can never be taken from you. This is the most important treasure that you have. Cherish that and add  to that in your future days. It's what it's  all about becoming more of who you really are. Everyone is on a spiritual path. And those paths can go to many a rocky road. Doesn't have to be that way though. By strengthing your connection to Divine Spirit, your path will take you on a flatter straighter road. The knowledge you get will help point you in becoming the higher self that is alone your true beingness. A defining moment to be sure. It sits way above any accolade you could hope to achieve here on earth. Your achievements won't be hid away in a safe but live within you forever. The journey will have been worth the struggles that you have gone through to get it. The struggles you endured will fall to the way side as they bring you to the promise land that existed in you all along. This trek upon earth has allowed  you to unfold into recognizing who you really are.

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