Friday, October 28, 2022

Oct /28/2022 Rush is On?

     Yesterday in New York City a young man running to catch the subway. The train is in motion slowly heading out. His clothes get caught on the body of the train car. Dragging him along the platform. He did not survive. The people who knew him, said he was always cheerful  and had a smile on his face, a very good person.

     When were running late, it's  best to go forward in the new time frame. By rushing on foot or in a car  we open ourselves up to uneeded mistakes. Causing us emotional distress or injury or even death. So not worth it. You know, if your late your late. That is your new estimated time of arrival. When you rush you become stressed in some part of the body. Your body does not need stress. So cut it some slack. By taking care of your body today, you will be able to enjoy a better tomorrow. I'm getting older and I notice the bounce back time takes longer. So when I recently got a cold, I told myself  I will recoup faster. I stayed in bed under covers for 2 days straight. After that I felt myself getting better each day. After 10 days I was 95%. If I would have done things while sick I know I would have had a miserable time. So if your sick stay in bed in the initial stages. No need to spread your virus to others. We don't need it either.

     Listen to your body. You are the best judge if something doesn't  feel right. Pursue your hunches. Ask divine spirit what it is that ails you. You do some investigating as well. The seeker will find it. If there is a roadblock in your life, always turn to divine spirit. It is the bearer of good tidings for you.

    One more thing. Once I had to get on a plane in less than 2 days. I felt a cold come on. No way was I going to get on that plane sick. I said to myself, I'm not going. That night I felt the cold being removed from my body. The cold was being removed slowly  so that I would be able to feel it happening. As it was leaving the body I could feel my body trying to hang on to it the cold from leaving. Totally wierd. But on some level it makes sense. It sounds impossible but the next day I was 100%. I know when I'm   getting a cold and I always get it. So if divine spirit  wants something done, it's going to get it done. In my case I was to be on that plane healthy. And so it was. 

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