Monday, September 5, 2022

9/5/2022 Tending One's Garden


    Sitting here in another state. I put out bird feeders and watch the goings on at the feeder. I looked at my old hummingbird feeder, time for an upgrade. I put it up and after 2 weeks got my first customer. He had it all to himself. They are small like 2 inches tall with little bitty legs. Not as colorful as those in California. When they approach the feeder, they twitter away. I assume they're happy. When they stay suspended stationary in the air, they hum like mini powerful jet engines. They hum loud and fly very fast. Now I know why they're  called hummingbirds. After 3 weeks another hummingbird came. The first bird didn't take kindly to this intruder. There is plenty of sugar water for everybody and elbow room around the feeder's ports. The first bird would knock off the 2nd bird from the port and chase him through the air super fast. I set up a second feeder 12 ft away from the first one. The first bird claimed that feeder as well, guarding the 2 feeders. He would dive bomb and chase any other bird that dared to alight upon a feeder. I moved the 2nd feeder to front of house blocking the visual line. It worked for a day.  By the 2nd day , the first bird defends this one as well but not as well as having 2 feeders in his sight line. Territorial and aggressive these hummingbirds are.

    Sounds alot like us humans. We succumb to are baser instincts when it suits us. Trying to tear down others to make us feel better. Unlike hummingbirds, man can get violent with his fellow humans. We have the bigger brain but fail to use it properly. If each one of us would be content with what we have and not be so fearful, we would be more happy. Make pretend that you can create your life, then proceed to put things in it that you would like. So you can create, you can ad to things or take away. You don't  like someone, you can elect to not entertain them and vice aversa. Always think that you are the director  of your life and act as if. You can write in or out anyone you choose. The more happy you are with your life the better you will be with others. But just remember sometimes when you create something you should be responsible to it. So be carefull with what it is you create. Always evaluate your life once a week for 30 minutes, say on Sunday. This is the time to make changes to your life's  course. This is key to your success. 30 minutes every week, write the changes you make down in your big sturdy notebook.

    There's  2 rolls you can play in life, 1 a victim the other a knowing creator. And when you are happy with your life, you are kind. It's a good state to be in.

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