Saturday, October 22, 2022

Oct 22/2022 T. P.

 What's  T.P.  That's easy, it's  toilet paper. Here's  what it has to do with spirituality & life lessons. I'm in the bathroom, standing.  In my hand a small roll of tp. My mind drifts toward something I was thinking on. As I unwound the tp, it falls to the floor. Not what I wanted to happen. Prior to the tp fall, I maneuvered the tp with no issue at all.  Soon as my mind drifted, the drop. So much for multi-tasking. Focus is what it takes to get something done to satisfaction. So I took my mind off the ball ( in this case the tp ) and made a whiff.

     Just like in baseball. It's hard to hit a round ball with a round bat. The batter must focus on the ball only, to have any chance of a connection. If he had a fight with his wife the day before he cannot revisit the altercation. Or any other event that had a strong emotional response from him. In our lives we do best to focus on our immediate goals only. Write down your most important goals, keep them written down in a book nearby that you can peruse. Pick the top 5 and give them the most focus.. pick a quiet space when focusing on your top 5 goals. Write down any actions that you can take,  to make the goals come quicker. Be creative,and don't listen to nay saying in your head or from others. Visualize that desired thing as a part of your existence. It's  not only focus. There is desire as well. How bad do you want it. The greater the desire the faster it will materialize.

      When working on a task, try to finish it off. Example: I threw a crumpled piece of paper at the waste paper basket. It fell way short. I didn't  let it sit there,  but walked over and picked it up and dropped it in the basket. It was my responsibility only. Say your in a store and pull a product off the shelf taking 2 other products out inadvertently which fall to the floor. I pick them up off the floor and put them on the shelf. I knocked them off, it's not the store employee's job to fix my error. When you think like this, you become responsible  and when you are responsible you make yourself stronger in many ways that your conscious mind is not aware of.

    Also if your out and about and you see something amiss, try to put it right without looking for reward. Eventually you will get rewarded but it will be God's way. And no you don't get your just rewards in heaven, it can happen here on earth. If you have the discerning eye you will see these rewards. come your way. 

    Example: one day I was low on funds for a long spell. Prior to this I would pick up other peoples stuff that they dropped as litter. I wouldn't go overboard with it though. So I was in this store roaming the aisles and spotted looked like a dollar bill on floor. I scooped it up. It wasn't  a dollar but a Ben Franklin bill.  It came at a good time. Usually it's trash but that day it became the most expensive piece of paper I ever picked up.

     By the way I still pickup litter and recycle or dispose it the right way.

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