Friday, January 31, 2025

1/31/2025 Boil Water

         Got this from Reddit. You can't  see your reflection in a pot of boiling water. When you take it off the fire and it cools down, you once again can see your reflection. In a state of anger, alot of damage can occur either physical or emotional.  This loss of control can wreck your life for the next hour and up to years into the future. Make your decisions when your at peace with yourself and your environs. Anger is pure destruction. Also there is no such thing as righteous anger. I got angry once and I felt it as being suffocated. It was not pleasant. I pulled over exited the vehicle and took 3 big breaths. It helped alot. I was back to being me. Things go our way and sometimes they don't.  It's up to us to figure out why things didn't go our way. There is a reason why monkey wrenches are put in our path. Alot of times It's because we're not ready yet or we still have stuff to learn, where were at. This happened to me. One thing I learned in life, is never give up. And try to give love to all situations that pop in your life. Also use your spiritual tool bag on a constant basis. If put in a diffucult postion hand the problem over to Divine Spirit. Say to it, here you have at it. Spirit will then fix it so that everyone has a chance to be moved  forward for the betterment of all. Then try to see what spirit did in fixing the situation. Each person will be given a chance to reflect on what transpired. Some will do it and others not. To grow is in the doing.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

1/29/2025. Always a Delay

        Since the move, I've been under some financial pressure. I took a delivery job, last year. So I asked Spirit the other day for a at first 5 dollar cash tip to which in 5 secs I bumped it to 10 dollars. Well that day I got a 4 dollar cash tip. Plus 2 tickets for no insurance or registration. Registration you have to pass a safety & emission test. Not cheap for an old car. So the next day I wound up getting 27 dollars in tips but it goes on a card that I didn't get yet. So there was a 24 hr delay between the ask and the delivery. Plus it was 27 and not 10 dollars. Other small good things happened as well in aiding me. Plus the 2 negative things. My point is I could see Divine Spirit blazing the way for me. Also I was getting quotes online for car insurance. These quotes were like 160 down and 136 a month. They were all in the same ballfield. The c'mon was 30 or 19 dollars a month. None of them ever came down to this level. So Thursday I was going to return phone calls on this problem. I finish breakfast and was getting ready to make the calls. Then State Farm calls. Pick up the phone it was Johnathan not Jake. I get my insurance no down payment 88.50 a month. I take it. Done in 10 minutes. Saved me 3 hrs on the phone. Another gift. Thank-you. Behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining, in my case it's gold. To manifest things stick alot of emotion behind your words and say it outloud. Do it when by yourself. It works. Believe it so. No doubt allowed. Here is a form of it. I Never win anything. Or naaah It won't work out for me. When you want something say it outloud at least 3 times. And don't negate it with your next breath. We forget this sometimes and then have to relearn it. I am guilty of this at times. No matter what, keep moving forward.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

1/19/2025 Attitude

        We come here as creators. To create our life for the good or the bad. Many lessons are woven throughout our creation. Trial and error helps us in picking events , things and people into our life. When doing this, we should always listen to our mind and heart. Alot of times when acting from ego we pay a price. Ask yourself, was the price worth it. Keeping a journal keeps the magnifier on you. Hopefully you will shape your life into something more rewarding. You become more greatful, confident and giving. These are traits that you take with you when you die. You are fulfilling your role in God's plan. It's extremely important. After all it is the reason why you came here. Life is ups & downs. Changing your attitude during a down time can help you better get through it. It's a slight adjustment to your way of thinking about a situation. When you have a real bad situation, go to your journal. Discuss it fully in writing and make an outline in how to get through it. Write about your attitude and how you can shift it to make things better. Is ego ruling the day? How have my actions led to a better resolvement. Try adjusting a particular attitude that your holding onto. When in the mist of a vexing problem call on divine spirit for it's aid. Alot of times that comes as a small assist. Something will break for you at the right time. When you want to work with divine spirit just ask. When you see the correlation between the ask and the result you will know for yourself that divine spirit is a force from God, acting for your benefit. When you know this you're life will change for the better. Now some problems are big. You chip at them breaking it down into smaller pieces. Maybe this problem can get a little better. Always have hope. No defeatist attitudes. Someone wrote I lost all hope. I wrote back.  Never give up on hope, Ever. No hope is depression. And that pit can only get deeper. Hope will lift you out of that pit as well as God's grace. So bad times are there for us to become stronger. With that strength we are in a position to help ourselves in future predicaments and maybe to help others as well. I find any negative attitude that I hold comes to bite me good. Shifting that attitude can spare me that bite. When your actions come back on you pretty quickly, you will know that you are definitely on a spiritual path. No matter where you are on this path, life can be better with a  slight correction in your attitude.

Monday, January 6, 2025

1/06/2025 The Who, The What & The Where

     Doesn't really matter. What matters is you and your relationship to God.  There is that at the top of your list. Everything else comes after that. Is there a time of reckoning coming ?  My answer is yes and it is coming soon. It is something I feel. The date I do not know, nor the how. It's about being put to the test. This test is important when it comes to our future. It will be a dividing line. Those who commune with Divine Spirit will know where that line exists and where to step. The amount of time you spend with Divine Spirit does not have a bearing on how long you been doing it. You will know that line. If you stand up for what is right, you help yourself as well as others. If your actions are selfish you will reap those consequences. Hence, you shall reap what you sow. Very simple premise. Many an ego crack their head on this premise.

       So I always say Be kind in word and deed to everyone,   everyday. Start with yourself first. It paves the way that day in a positive way. Negative things can still happen though. Ask yourself what is here for me to learn. Always be greatfull and look for ways to fix your situation. These last 8mos have been challenging for me. Fires pop up all the time. I look for ways to put then out. It gets tiring though. You tell yourself, you will persevere no matter what. And this is what I do. Eventually this phase will end I'm hoping. During this hard time your resourcefulness will come to bear on how well you cope. You will find if you don't give up that you do and can adapt to what life throws at you. You are becoming stronger. Each person will have to do this forthemselves. It will be their well earned victory.

       Always ask for help from Divine Spirit. Be greatfull. 10 min of contemplation. Think how you would like your day to go. And keep a journal. Reread your journal it will show how your thoughts are leading to a more rewarding future.