Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Feb02/2021 Door #3 Please


    The prize was  in door 3.  Yesterday  caught  Let's  Make  a Deal. The guy won close to 11 grand in high end household appliances.  He did good.  Now it was time for the big deal of the day.  One of the prizes was a new car. They go to the contestant who won the most money wise during the show. The guy says yes. He wants the car.  And gives up his 11 grand appliances.  3 doors,  one is the car and the other doors are material goods worth 3,000 and the other door  around 6 thousand.  So your odds are 1 in 3. Not that good.  Say you have a box  of 100 cookies 67 cookies are sugar and 33 are chocolate chip. You like chocolate chip.  You get 1 pick to draw a chocolate chipper. They're  67 cookies in there blocking your way. This is where a bird in hand is worth more than 2 in the bush. But our hero wants that car. He picks door 1. Camping equipment  about 3 grand, his loss in value is about 8 grand. Car is behind door 3. He tells the host it was his first thought to pick 3, his mind talked him out of it.

    When were presented with a dilemma  try to go with what your mind came up with first. The mind then quickly tries to play the devil advocate.  Then you start  to vacillate.  Your in no man's land now.

    Yesterday I'm  cutting the neck off a plastic bottle with a utility knife. Don't  ask me why. I know to draw the knife away from me. I hold  the bottle near the neck drawing across and down.  Halfway  through I'm  thinking be carefulI  now. My mind says use the scissor.  I'm  98% through just 1 more  draw of the knife. The knife goes up and catches my finger. Get the scissor and finish the cut of the plastic. Go to sink sqeeze out excess blood then wrap tight with paper towel. Then use bandaid.  But it's  an old package. The bandaid doesn't  stick to itself, so I use scotch tape  on top of the bandaid, worked great. See. My mind talked me out of grabbing the scissors. Takes a lot of practice  to go with that first thought. You think you learned it then the next day you forget once again.  Dang!

    Ask spirit for help before you get of bed in the morning. Spend a couple minutes doing it. Help will be at the ready. You come upon a situation. You make  a decision  but it didn't  work out for you. Or maybe it did. Say you didn't  win that motorcycle but maybe spirit saw that you would get into a bad accident with it, so  it took it away. One never knows. But always keep pushing to make your life  better. Be consistent in the morning  with the ask.  Day in and day out. Watch your life then change in increments.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Jan31/2021. BIRD in SNOW


    Today is the last day of the month.  It's been 1 crazy month.  In my book just 2 more months of cold weather. Today were suppose to get around 6 inches of snow.  First time this winter I had to top off the bird feeders at 3:30 pm. A little bit of snow in the air  and  the birds know where their fail safe stations are in the neighborhood. They don't  say  thanks but I know they are gratefull.  Tuff being a bird these days unpredictable  weather, loss of habitat  and bad chemicals in the air.  Since 1970 there are now 3 billion  less birds in North America.  No good.  We are definitely not the best stewards  of the land. In our wake there is air pollution, water pollution, land erosion, global warming and plastic pollution. More  and more people, who want more and more stuff.  It sure doesn't  look  good for Mother Earth.  The solution  is to start implementing  God's  plan.  How?  By asking. Where to start?  You start at square 1 . Fix you first.  Good things will begin to follow.  Anything done in fear will fall apart.  You put love into anything you do and you get a fantastic result. Start with a small thing first. Then add on to it.

    One solution  is to make less plastic. Try to use replacement products.  I know they're  working on getting rid of the plastic grocery bag. Thats good, it's  a good start. Plastics break down into micro pl a stics. They enter the food chain of life. It's  a very bad  thing. When a product is created  one should think about it along the lines of cradle to grave. A safe place to put it when done. No matter how difficult  the predicament there is always an answer for it. Be creative. 

    The blue jay is pretty.  Not too smart though. When a hawk pays a visit overhead. He or she has a freak out starts squawking  loudly , jumps up into the air and tries to make a run for it. Sometimes he gets away and sometimes not. The last 15yrs its been mostly Bluejays feathers on the ground not alot of feathers.  I guess the hawk carts it away. Never once have I seen cardinal feathers on the ground. I saw a hawk glide over the ridge of my house and come down over the feeder, birds flew for their lives. What a smart hawk he used the house ridge as a baffle to limit his exposure. They are silent during an attack. And they are in glide mode no flapping wings. When a hawk comes cardinals stay silent and fly horizontal into my hedge of conifer trees.  Now there's  a smart bird. Small birds will head for cover. But they know for the most part that they're  not much of a meal. One day at age 10 I guess I got up  Saturday at dawn. The light was starting to chase the dark away, the sun had not rose yet. Exited the front door and went along the side of my house where there were holly trees. I came across a big owl who had just launched himself into the air.  It was a slow pump of his wings that lifted him up. He was big 6ft wingspan.  The little birds were all around him chirping like crazy. They completely  went all around him. They stayed a foot away. Each finch left a little space between them. They were  above the owl and below him. The owl was laboring to gain flight, yet he paid them no mind. It was a sight I never would forget.  That was a good positive experience with the bird kingdom. Been trying to help them out ever since.

    I like having them around the yard. If you would like the same.  Get a small bird feeder with small perches. The little birds have a better chance against the big birds. Use reg bird feed and add some black oil seeds to it. Black oil is the best for birds. Peanuts not so good health wise. They may like them but it isn't good for them. I store my feed in separate  galvanized garbage cans with the lid. Keeps the animals from chewing through it. Works great.  I put it atop three bricks to cut down on rust of can. Place a squirrel  baffel at a ht of 4.5 ft above ground then mount feeder above it. Make sure there are no overhanging tree branches over feeder. These  squirrels know their stuff. Make sure the seed can is 5 ft away as well. They can use the can as a spring board to get over t he baffle.  With birds you have to be consistent when it comes to feeding them. They will put you on their itinerary.  Which will be good for you. Also use bird baths and suet cages.  Suet is about 5 inx5in?, I then put it in the freezer. From there when I'm  ready its less messy to put the suet into a suet cage. I then hook it to a pole above the squirrel baffle.  Works great.     GOOD LUCK!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Jan/22/2021 We Bided Our Time


     For the last 4 years waiting on Biden to come save us from ourselves. It was a close call  for democracy. We were a couple creeps away from having a real situation on our hands.  No common sense by so many. So frightening  it all is.  When you chip away the veneer all you have left is plain  all fear.  Oh and how destructive  fear can be. Like a cancer it eats away  at the pure and beautiful  and goodness. Like a lion tamer one must be on top of his game  to combat the forces of I'll mannered men. So close and another 4 more years  of him would have saw the death of the U S A, as we knew it.

    When my mother died,  pop got a minister to do the officiating.  I was talking to him after the service . He said this was so different, I said what do you mean?. This funeral was  pleasant to minister. He said most  funerals are about recriminations. I said you got to be kidding me,  no not kidding unfortunately.  Really,  fighting amongst yourselves  in front of the deceased.  How despicable. You can't  even get along in your own family and you expect  the country and nations to get along? We got a long way to go.

    Eighty years ago almost, this nation entered WW11.  Four years later 407,000 US deaths. In 1 year we lost close to 420,000 US civilians to the corona virus.  Eighty years ago the US pulled together. This time around not so much. First responders get an A plus.  The rest of us far less. Something as simple as wearing a mask is a problem for us. How selfish is that. There are no words to be said.

    One of the first things we learn in life is tell the truth , take responsibility for our words and actions. These 2 things are what the US is based on. Remove those 2 things  and you have chaos  and evil infecting the country. A  bad apple has been placed in our midst and already its  corrupting  our moral  backbone.  Frightening  times are here. Uphold  truth at all cost and in all things, no matter what. God is watching. Do your part no matter who you are. Do it for God and not your self interest.  Look at the dollar bill see what it says on it,  in God we Trust. It doesn't  say any particular man it says GOD. Remember that most of all.

    Lets  go back to WW11. The year 1934 Germany. It was called the night of the long knives. Hitler had 2 competing  military units one was the SS the other the SA. He used the gestapo and the SS to crush the SA kill it's  leader and 1000 other sympathizers. This action gave Hitler greater controll of the army and the Reichstag which was like our congress. It was like a coup. The German people paid in blood  for those actions. They suffered  after WW1 big time. Did they learn their lesson.  No Way ,     they were back at it again 20 years later.  That's why they ban the nazi party to this day. They no the evil the extreme  right did to their country. The extreme left can do the same. They stir up emotions and use it to pummel their neighbors.  Enough is enough. When the evil becomes  to great, then it will require good men to once again put down the barbarians. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

Jan15/2021 Sure Ain't No Groundhog


     It was the end days of my first house. In the process of moving.  I lived near a deep stream. I'm  at the small bridge over the stream looking down at the water.  What's  that groundhog doing in the stream.  I stare in wonder, then I realize that's  no groundhog that's a beaver. That will be a problem for the next owner. It was the first beaver I'd  seen in the wild.

     There was a TV show called Leave it to Beaver. I liked this show alot.  For the most part it was like my life. This fictional family showed  how family life could be   a great positive experience.  The actors were cast perfectly.  People who watched the elder Cleavers  could pattern their life after them.. This show has been on the air every year since 1957. It has something going for it.  The Cleavers all pulled together. The boys would always say to one another dad is going to yell at you when he gets home. It never happened. I don't  know why they would say that. Ward was always on their side giving them increments of responsibility.  Always nurturing that was  June and Ward.

    Some people say the local was midwest but I say it was California.  More clues pointed to Calif. They talked about grizzly bears which aren't  found in the midwest. The boys brought up surfing better done in the ocean. A road named  rt 7 which actually existed at that time in Calif.  And Beaver takes a bus trip east stopping in Arizona first. Oh and there was never any snow on the ground.

     The show ended around 1963 and Mathers went on to high school in real life. He joined ROTC. He wanted to be a marine  but when he wanted to fight in Vietnam, the powers that be wouldn't  let him. They thought if he got killed it would be too sad for America to bear. Think on that awhile.  Too sad to bear. That should of been a thought for all the 18 year old kids out there.  Exactly how we're they defending America way way over there. After 8 years over  there was nothing accomplished  except the demise of 55 thousand Americans and countless wounded. A terrible  price was had.  Before you do anything in life ask God is this right for me. Then pursue the answer.

    A friend of mine saw how my family was. He lamented my family was nothing like yours. I said it's  ok   you can start your family off on the right track. Then your kids will give to their kids a better more fun loving way of life. But it has to start with you. The kids will watch you and not so much listen to what you have to say but your actions they will remember most of all. Be mindfull. Then you too can have the Cleaver life.

    You are the director of your life. You don't  like what you see..... then change it.  Rewrite the script and take  out the actors you don't  like and put in some better actors. You have the power when it comes to your life. Start to write a new and better script ..... you deserve it.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Jan9/2021 Yippy Yappy flaggy


     I haven't seen a Trump bumper sticker,  yard sign or flag since Jan 6 th.  They were ubiquitous  up until the 6th.  Back in Oct they were everywhere.  The most obnoxious were the big pickup trucks sporting double Trump flags tucked into each corner next to the tailgate.  These flags were 3 ft by 5 ft.  When the truck was moving at a good clip, they would flap feverishly down the road. It looked like one ginormous  heavy bird trying to become air borne.  If it ever made it up into the great beyond, it would have been a sight to behold.  I've  seen these trucks  for the last 4 mos. But not lately.  I drove by a rich person house yesterday, he always had a Trump sign that looked like it was part of the mailbox pedestal. The sign totally disappeared.  Today I saw my first Trump bumper sticker. Still holding on for dear life to the bumper. It was a construction pickup.

    Back in 2017, there was a photo of a military transport on an interstate  in the midwest, affixed  to one the truck's rear was a Trump flag flapping in the air.  I said oh oh,  it's  going to be a rough 4 years ahead.

    Then came the wall.  Did Mexico pay for it? That's a big NO. They took money from the military and gave it to the wall builders.  The Mexicans bought battery  operated Sawzalls and cut thru it. They also made ladders to climb over it. And  of course  digging tunnels under it. Then pressuring Ukraine. Then impeachment. Then the botched covid response and unnecessary  deaths.  New Zealand did it, good response  minimal infections. They got on it from the get go. Yes they have less people but they took the bull by the bull horns. Our response team in China was removed by Trump.  No valuable information was forthcoming.  It was the worse response among all countries.  We pay the price to this day.  Me too movement,  George Floyd and kids in cages.  What  was the common denominator?  Add it all up,  it spells Trump.

     Hopefully we will survive all this and  be better off in the future days. When you get through a close call in life,  say like a car accident. You are so gratefull. You may say something like,   Thankyou God!  The last 4 yrs have seen many car crashes. Hopefully soon I will be able to breathe again! Hopefully common sense will return with civility.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jan 4/2021 The Hell of Evil


    Evil is selfishness to the  nth degree .  For  the greater good is not practiced here.  One bad apple, does  spoil the barrel.  You can take a barrel of bad apples and introduce a good apple. That good apple will not make the other apples good again.  Things and events rise up and then start to degrade.. Mountains arise through violent uplifting then very slowly  start to wear down.  A mighty nation will arise  then slowly disappear.  Up than down continuously. That applies to man(or woman) as well.   EVIL lives when good men stand by and say and do nothing to stamp it out.  Man's  extreme selfishness  can and does inflict duress and pain on others.  As long as there is selfishness  there will   Always be  evil throughout the world.  Its  insidious.

    Take a mob situation  out on the street.  Most people are good for the most part.  Put several bad apples amongst  them.  Soon they act  up doing more  violent actions.  Their negative thoughts start  to infect the crowd.  If those people were taken out of the crowd, they would  revert back  to their normal selves.  One has to guard  their thoughts especially  in crowds.  A constant evaluation is required,  first thing first use your common sense.  Get away  from the crowd you don't need a nut to drastically alter your life!

    January  6th came yesterday. And with it insurrection  and sedition. The fools think they are Patriots and carry their flags of old. There is no other word for them than Kooks.  Let's  say they succeeded  than what?  Oh its so easy to tear something down but than comes the rebuilding the hard part.  What to put in its place. These idiots can't  run anything, they only know how to run their mouth. Garbage in garbage out. . Like my father used to say it's  time to take out the garbage!

    One very upsetting  occurrence  was when the rioters were taking pictures with the police and the police said ok.   Like it was some kind of joke!  REALLY!  Boy are we in for it. It could have been so much worse.  You are responsible  for your actions. Are you making things better or are you trying to wreck a way of life. Take in the BIG picture now look at it long and hard and try to make a loving decision.  It's  not that hard. It benefits  you and the rest of us. You know God wants you to wakeup.   I think. And if you don't  he's  going to use a bigger stick.      Learn the lesson NOW!  For God's  sake and your own sake!  Or there will be Hell on Earth.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Jan 1/2021 The New Year 2021


     The last couple of years have been tough. But going through hard times makes us stronger. Just like a moth climbing out of it's  cocoon. The struggle makes the wings strong and beautiful. For some of us we too can be the moth or butterfly. Now is the time to make that change. Change in focus. Change in attitude.  Change in direction. Change for the better.

    Let go of negative  people or limit your time with them. Let go of pettiness, not needed.  Let go of worry, very very hard to do. Let go of bad experiences. Remember  though  the lesson you got from them. Let go of self doubt. Let go of bitterness. Let go of being childish. Take responsibility  for your actions.  Let go of poverty.  Let go of indiciviness. Let go surliness. Let go of vindictiveness.

  Take chances.  Let go.... let God.  Try reading this post every day.  It's  short and sweet and to the point.

It has to be driven deep into your subconious. When you come up to a predicament. ASK how would___________ respond.  Fill in the space with someone you hold in high regard.

 Then is the time to take action.  And better results will unfold.  With patience and gratitude  the world will open up to you.  No matter who you are, many great adventures await you.  It is time to take the bull by the horns.     For you are worthy.     Remember that  always .