Monday, June 12, 2023

6/12/2023 Fire & Compass

       When lost in nature, those 2 tools can come in handy.  For 66 year old Appalachian  trail hiker Geraldine Largay she had access to both but failed to use them. There's  and old saying when in Rome due as the Roman's do.  In other words follow their lead. If you want to build a structure in your backyard say a shed, you want to learn something about how to actually do it. You talk to others who know how and look it up on the internet, or get a book on it. There you will learn the tools you will need and most important how to use the tools. Then do small projects first for practice. This is called doing your due diligence.

      Nature is beautiful at times and deadly as well. Know what your up against so as to properly prepare for any problems you might run into. On a hike in the woods a compass is a must. More important is how to use said compass. Geraldine had the compass but had no clue how to use it. With the compass you leave the trail. Look at compass and pick a direction north south east or west. If you leave trail heading north time your self, say 10 minutes  to do your duty. When returning you reverse your direction and head south for 10 minutes back to the trail. Having geographic maps is a plus too. Also know how to read them. If you don't have a compass use a marker. Carry a roll of colorful tape from Home Depot. There is no sticky on it and can be torn with little effort by your fingers. Wrap small sections of tape on bush or tree branches. As you move forward look back to keep that piece of tape in view. Whe you start to lose sight of it, time to place another marker.

     As a teenager our troop did an overnight at a campsite. It snowed 4 inches that night unexpectedly.  That morning the parents where down below  to collect their kids. My patrol leader Roy, who was also a young teeensger and me decided to walk out. He had a compass. We walked 15 minutes came across a very small clearing mountain laurel everywhere and bare deciduous trees. Another 15 minutes later the same clearing, looked like we went around in a circle I said. Roy said it did look the same but we go by the compass and we did.  Two hours later were standing on a snow covered road, where we made it back to his house. The power of a compass.

      Where there is smoke. There is fire. When lost for 2 days it's time to start one. Gather all the dead fall. 2 piles, 1 small one for the fire and the bigger 1 to feed the smaller pile. Once it's going add green or wet leaves. This makes it more smokey. The fire has to be big enough for the smoke to be able to escape the forest canopy. A forest fire could also help your cause.

      Unfortunately for Geraldine they found her in her tent 2 years later. She died. She was less than 2 miles from the trail.

      When lost tell yourself you will get out of this predicament. I do this all the time. It works for any predicament you come up with. I also call on divine spirit's help. It is always on the ready. And I thank it when it comes through.

Friday, June 9, 2023

6/9/2023 Grooming a Monster

       This blog is on the recent murders in Idaho of 4 college kids. Three gals and 1 guy. 

      This monster went to school in Pennsylvania. He was bullied mostly by girls in school, who would throw things at him and call him names. The seeds of hate were sown here. He grew up warped. Imagine what his life could have become if he was showered with niceties instead. Those school girls are partly responsible for those future events. A heavy price to bear, indeed. Each day is a chance to promote love and being kind. It's easy to do. Those acts you do will manifest in the future in others who will emulate your actions of yesterday's gone by. When anger rules the moment,  there is only destruction. To those who wield it and others, who are the brunt of it. Everything dies under the unkind and non loving individuals. You are like God in this respect, you can make choices in your actions and deeds for the betterment and uplifting of all or choose not to. God grants you this power, to see what you will do with it.

      In the thirties and forties in Germany. There were many monsters to be had. Not only in the Nazi party but the army and civilians as well who turned a blind eye to the evil around them. Fear ruled the collective consciousness. It's  tentacles penetrated deeply in daily life. That Fear destroyed millions of people. Not only them but people throughout the world. When a bad deed goes unchecked this is what can happen. It's not God's fault it is man's fault. With free will comes mega responsibility. 

      To be in touch with divine spirit is the best way to handle any bad event occurring around you. You just invite it in and ask it to light your way.  IT WILL DO THIS  for  you. By working with divine spirit every day you will be prepared for all future events. 

 Go in God.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

6/7/2023 That's Nice

       The book:   The Power of Nice

The quote:   " Treat  everyone you meet as if they are the most important person in the world--- because they are.  If not to you, then to someone, and if not today, then perhaps tomorrow."

The writers:  Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval.....advertising executives.

    Doesn't cost much to be nice. On the other side of the veil we are nice, so why be different on this side. After you wake up, look in the mirror and say something nice about yourself. And before you do, make sure you believe it first. Then throughout the day be nice to a family member, a friend and a stranger. Three times at the minimum. At the end of day, reflect on how this made you feel. Now repeat this action every day. It's like saving money in the bank. You will become more of who you really are. And it starts with being nice. Have a nice day.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

6/4/2023 Grace

        " I do not understand the mystery of grace-----only that it meets us where we are,  but does not leave us where it found us. "

Anne Lamott,  author of Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith.

       I feel that the harshest critic of ourselves  is us. When we can recognize this,  that this is so.  It is then that God's grace can come on "down" and  envelope us in it's unjudgmental warmth. When it is that time when we break those chains upon our wrists that we ourselves have locked on down. That we are able to reach up with freed hands to place that mantle of grace upon our shoulders. And with that comes the lightness of God's  benevolence. And hopefully we can hear God's voice within and throughout the remainder of our days on Earth.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

6/3/2023 More on Common Sense

       Off the coast of Nassau a recently graduated kid from Louisiana  went on a pirate themed cruise. Alcohol was passed around during the feel good outing. Alcohol and judgement don't go hand in hand. On a dare 18 yr old Cameron attempts to jump into the water a little past midnight. These are shark invested waters. Some of the kids aboard tried to stop him physically  but he broke free. They threw him a life preserver which they saw him try to swim for. That was it for him. The remaining kids on board were cold due to lack of warm clothes. They were all miserable for the next 4 hrs as the crew tried to locate him. They didn't. One stupid act screwed it for every body aboard.

     Hopefully  they learned some things. Don't make dares. You are either there for everybody or your not. And when your not bad things can happen. And they did.

6/3/2023 Aspiration: To be a Hood Ornament

       Really?  Last week this gal in New York climbs atop a blue car on the hood.  On a 1939 super 8 Packard car sits a shiny silver female figurine facing out from the front of the car.  This gal sporting long orange hair sits on a medium size hood facing the windshield using her hands to hold on to the lip of the car hood. She faces the wrong way, a backward hood ornament.. The car takes off down a NY highway reaching up to 55 miles per hour.  Super Crazy and dangerous. Why? Where's  the common sense? In life one of the most important things to have other than love is common sense. It is needed in all areas of your life.

 Without common sense you can hurt your life immensely.  Lucky for this gal she survived with no injuries. No matter what your so called friends try to cajole you into. You have to think of the conseqences of that future action. It's  their wants that concern them most of all.  You don't rate period.  If you are weak in common sense you can ask divine spirit to help you with it. If someone asks you to do something and you are not sure about it.  Keep thinking about it, then try to feel the answer. A lot of times divine spirit is that small quiet voice within you.  Listen to that one. Then see how that played out for you in your near future. When you see the good results you will return to that altar that lives within you. This is why you are on Earth. To use the altar within. 

      Don't be a hood ornament. Vanity is just another pot hole that needs filling. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

5/31/2023 Pizza God

      Place Rhode  Island. Setting, a porch of a private home. Time May 2023. Occurence,  a pizza delivery. Ryan delivers pizza for a living, his next stop is just ahead. This week he learned that his 16 year old daughter who experienced mental health issues during her life,  had just died. She lived in California. Ryan loves his daughter. He hands off the pizza and pockets the tip. Little did he know a bigger surprise awaits him. The 2 year old in the house launches himself past the mother off the porch down the sidewalk toward Ryan. The mother is stunned and regroups.  She's hot on his tail. Too late the boy gives Ryan the stranger a little bear hug and does not let go. Ryan returns the hug. The mother says she can't explain the boy's actions.  The mother learns that Ryan had just lost his daughter several days ago.


      The boy is 2,  his connection to the God worlds is still there. The boy can commune with the people on the other side of the veil. As we get older that connection becomes weaker and then stops.  But you can work your way back to that state by communing with divine spirit. How. By asking questions of it and then paying attention when those answers come to you. You can start today. Your life will be better for it.

      Ryan says he will never forget that moment for the rest of his life.

     God just revealed himself to the boy, the mother and most of all Ryan.

Thanks to the mom who shared her story.