Thomas Jefferson the only president who did not celebrate it. I wonder why? Probably one of the smartest of presidents. I don't get it.
When we are greatfull, it opens us up to other good things to come into our life. It's such a little thing that can reap big things for our future selves. I am greatfull for many things, people and experiences. Divine spirit as well for all that it helps me with. Not everything because some things I have to figure out for myself. But it is all worth it. When you allow God into your life, it can can give you perspective that you didn't have before. Our thoughts and actions from the past and present set the tone for our lives. We can change the present and future events by changing our attitude and thoughts in the present. By looking at things with the question what do I have to learn from this experience. Will make us better understand ourselves in why we do certain things. Mitigating those thoughts and actions will give us knowledge and power in making our lives better. By being a vehicle for positive thoughts and actions we lift all boats. This is the goal for ourselves and with that we uplift others around us as well. To be spiritual is to be kind in word and deed to everyone, everyday. It is so simple as that. These people will remember that in their dealings with others as well. We should do this everyday, no matter how bad things will get. Going down the hole of negativity will take us further from the light. Positivity will stop that descent, at least for you. Others will take that trip down but you don't have to follow. Don't follow the pipper. It is ruination.
Being greatfull for what we have allows us to live in a state of gratitude. This sets us up for a more beautiful life. We may not get what we want, but we will get what we need.