Monday, May 31, 2021

5/31/2021 Memorial Day


     Today we remember those who passed in upholding our values as a nation. Also those who suffered wounds in those endeavors.

    Democracy is what are constitution stands for. As an individual  we pledge allegiance  to that same constitution. For it is that constitution thst sets us apart from other nations. Other nations look to us for guidance  in their own affairs. I f we don't  uphold the constitution then all is  LOST.  Stay united , stay strong, lend a helping hand when needed. Continue to show the world that the mantle still rests with us.  Remember  what our forefathers  set out for us and walk that talk in your everyday activities, small or large. Be a beacon for our own sake.   May God still continue to Bless the US.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

5/30/2021 A Diamond


    Christian Liden from Washington state was in middle school when he thought about finding a diamond for his future wife.  When I was in middle school I had no thoughts about any of that. But he continued to think about it every now and then. The day came one day when he found the future missus. He needed the diamond but didn't  know jack beans how to go about it. He got on the internet and started taking notes.  His friend told him about Crater of Diamonds state park in Arkansas. He and his buddy planned a trip there. After 2 days of digging in untouched gravel without finding anything they decided to just skim the gravel along the ground using shovels to dump it into the screens. Towards t h e end of the 3rd day he tuned a shovel full onto a pile in the screen and saw it right away. Turned out to be the second biggest diamond found in 7 months. All 2.2 carats of yellow diamond with a metallic cast look. She said yes.

    The dream started in youth and got fulfilled many years later. That's  why Dreams are so important , that's  what a road map is all about. Have yourself a road map and take action to make it so. You too can find your desires.  Or even help someone find theirs.

    Aa an aside my gal has some problem. Eating and pain. I blanked my mind and asked what time should she eat, I got 10. She was going for 9.  5 min later she gets a little pain, she then tells me yeah I'll  wait to 10. It worked out.  An example of spirit helping out in every day occurrences. Use it, that's  what it's  for. It's  the best kind of medicine.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

5/29/2021 Probable Future


    A friend of mine had a dream several days before 9/11.  In this dream he saw planes crashing into skyscrapers.  It's  a dream of probable events doesn't  mean it will happen though. In this case it did happen.

    In some instantances it may be more personal. It is something that may occur in your life.  If you don't  like it you can change it so it doesn't  happen. By taking action in ways to prevent it. You may not  have seen it coming but a dream can tip you off. Giving you a chance to make corrections. 

    Last night I had a dream. An American rocket explodes on the launch sequence killing at least 2 astronauts.  Does it mean it will occur ..... no but there is a probability it just might. Hope it doesn't. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

5/23/21 Take Responsibility


    It's  a big word. It also means the buck stops here. You have to own your crap. Your choices and how you react to them has landed at your feet.  Pick it up  because it's  all yours  to handle. Take that negative situation you got yourself in and try to solve it in a positive way. Then you will be on your way to being a stronger person than you ever were  before.

    Two cases have come up recently. The royals sued a news outlet claiming they duped their princess into doing an interview by tricking her into it. So the royals  win the case. The reporter has a paper that the princess signed claiming that she was pleased with the interview.  The princess owned her stuff. The royals claim fowl, they say it helped cause her death.  The royals scream you did this to us!  Such rubbish. The one who should own their crap is the prince.  That's  where it started. Does h e own it.... Hell  No!

     Second  case.  A man named Fenn wrote a poem that when solved would lead that person to a box that he had hid in the rocky mountains. This box would contain at least 2 million dollars. It was found recently after 10 years. Fenn thought it would take alot  longer. 4 people died  trying to find the treasure. One of those who died, his father says that Fenn was a very bad man who killed his son.  Fenn did this to me.  Sorry it was your son's  actions that did it to him not  Fenn. Fenn wanted people to get off the couch  and into the wild. It worked. 


 Don't  forget to invite spirit in to help you with your responsibility.  It's willing.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

5/19/2021 Adding On

    By now you should have some experiences with spirit.  Now us the time to add on more experience, to grow that trust. Like a potter adding more clay to his or her creation on the wheel, trying to create something pleasing. In your own life you are becoming more aware of your greater self  keep on adding on more experience.  Keep asking to be shown more.  Pay attention  to detail  when witnessing a strange occurrence.  It may have some meaning just for you.

    Also remember what you see in  others is what you yourself are guilty of. When you find yourself criticizing  someone,  remember the words you use and record them in your dedicated book. Look back on that day and see how it applies  to your behavior. Real growth starts here. You are beginning  to see what makes you tick. Accepting your short comings and vowing to do better is a sure sign of growth. God will note this for he knows you in and out. Why do this work? To better know you and to become a less tense person.  It's harder to hold a clenched  fist than an open hand. And an open hand can recieve a future reward. Also a less tense body is a more healthier body as well. All this work you put out will add blessings throughout  daily life activities.  Your dedicated book will show you the changes you have garnered for yourself.   

Keep on moving Forward. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

5/17/2021 HEY Thats Mine!

      I was at this lady's  house.  She loves her garden and life explorations. One day her friend who lives about a mile away was visiting her at her house. They were in the backyard and Mary was digging in her flower beds with a speciality  small garden shovel, that cost about 45 dollars. Needless to say it was a Cadillac  of trowels that could do everything but brush your teeth. Her friend Alice asked to borrow it. Mary handed it over to her.  BIG mistake. Months went by and  Mary didn't  get it back. Alice then sold her house and moved away taking the coveted trowel with her.  So it's  a year later and Mary is lamenting to me about the lost  trowel and how mad it made her.

     I said to her if you lend something to anyone don't expect it back, if it does comeback then thats gravy. Meaning it's  good for you. I said you lost that trowel a year ago but it's  still renting space in your head and robbing you of  your present good times that could be occurring right in front of you. Let it go and look for good memories here in the present. Just now a cute chipmunk walked out from underneath my car and stared at me before quickly scampering back under the car. Today here is a very nice day,  everything is green a light breeze and 70 degree temp. I'm  enjoying the moment. Try to feed your soul with good experiences on a daily basis.

Monday, May 10, 2021

5/10/2021 Reevaluate


    I saw a tv show 15 years ago.  This guy Brian was getting ready to put a new roof on his small house. He enlisted the help of his  brother Tom to help him in his endeavor.  The brother lived far away. The brother was to stay for a week. They were getting along great till the 3rd day when a bad mistake by Tom on the roof caused Brian to lose his cool. The fight escalated and Tom climbed down off the roof and was going to head home the following day.  

    That night Brian did some soul searching and came to the right conclusion.  Family trumps perfection and his pride. No...  pride was not going to come between the brothers.  One of the last scenes was Brian and Tom sitting down to dinner with Brian wearing a gargantuan  smile.

    Way to go Brian. You past the test in flying colors. May we do the same as Brian.

    Swallow the pride  and live in peace.  This will give you at least another 5 years to your life.