Friday, August 19, 2022

8/16/2022 See No Evil

     Here no evil, speak no evil. Depicted in a form of three monkeys .  One of the definitions of evil is as follows. Good men or women that see evil and say nothing or do nothing are complicit to that existing evil. So evil starts with the one and then becomes two and so on. Each day is a struggle in ripping up these roots of evil. Recently it's  been in California. A crowd entered a 7 & 11 and helped themselves to what ever took their fancy. Ofcourse without paying. This has been going on allover. Also in the prison system where young women inmates were sexually violated, by prison guards since 1985.  Violence and pain are going to increase as the years go by. 

    This is why one has to develop a bond with God via divine spirit. With that link one can weather any storm that comes their way. This connection is the best tool you can use in living your life successfully.  Spirit will help in the smallest things in your life as well as the biggest things.  Spirit can find people for you to further your goals. All to get the wheels moving  is for you to ask of spirit or God it's help. Reading this  blog  Unfolding Journeys will show you the how's. One day many people will live their lives doing just this.  Then it will become a better world for the planet and for those who live  upon  the earth. But you don't  have to wait til then, you can get started now.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

8/16/2022 Greed

     Last month it was a bishop  from NYC, who got robbed of 400,000 in jewelry at a sermon he was giving in his own church.  Now it's  a Kansas City preacher scolding his parishioners  because they didn't  come forth with an expensive watch worth 3,000 dollars. He said he was waiting for it for close to a year. It was like payment for his sermons. He said to his parishioners, you could of used your McDonald's  and Red Lobster money to help pay for it.  Talk about hutzba, thus guy got it covered.

    It comes down to say one thing, do another. Kids learn this from the get go. When kids are out in public, they admonish their kids not to scream. Back home weeks later, they see their parents screaming at each other. 

    So, to the congregation,  you know what he's  about. Well, why not get rid of him and move on. It's  called separating the chaff  from the wheat.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

8/13/2022 Fire Spotter

     I read about her before.  Kathy  Shoopman from Northern California.  She would climb steel towers on top of mountains to spot  fires  in the forest. She would phone in the coordinates allowing  fire fighters to get a jump on containment. At one time she was also a forest firefighter. She has been at it since 1974. She loved solitude and the job she performed.  She knew her job backward and forward. The pro. 

     The Mckinney  fire  this summer consumed a northern California forest. The biggest fire this year in California. Her and her neighbors were given evacuation warnings because of it.  Allot of neighbors left, she stayed. The fire took her and her home as she started to leave.

    When you do a job for a long time, you get good at it. But all it takes is one slip up and you end up paying a big price. When given a warning about anything, pay attention no matter what.  Listening to that little voice within will protect you from calamity.  And sometimes if you didn't  get the message from within,   divine spirit will send someone to tell you personally.  In my life I invite  divine spirit in and it gave me warnings many times over,  which I heeded.   This divine spirit is available to everyone, no exceptions. It knows everything going on about you.  Listen, and the next life that may be saved is your own.   Talk to God, he will answer you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

7/26/2022 My Mistake

     A teacher took a job in a rural part of the country.  Which was new to him. This girl in his class was late a lot and did pda with her boyfriend in class. He tried to discourage them,, but it didn't  work. He sent them to the principal, that didn't work as well. On an assignment, the girl hands in an incomplete paper with many errors. He hands it back to her with nit an F but a D. Thus girl was a straight A student. The parents come into his class at end of day to complain bringing an administrator with them. He answered all questions why she got the D. Next week he is called into the principal office and told to give the girl an A. He changes girl's paper to an A as he was instructed to.  Also he changed all the student's grades to an A. When the other students asked why he did this he said don't worry about it.

   The principal calls him in about all the A grades. He told him I wanted to be fair to all my students, so they wouldn't  suffer. The principal shut up. Turns out 2 people in principals office were relatives of girl. Couldn't  fire them since there were not enough people in town to take the job that would be qualified. What to do.

    I say this guy was working with spirit consciously  or unconsciously. Good work. 

Monday, July 25, 2022

7/25/2022 Let Me Unburden You

     A bishop and his wife witnessed an invasion of his church while in the middle of his service to his constituents. It wasn't  a turkey shoot, just a run of the mill robbery. This one came with a big payoff. The thieves made off with 400,000 worth of bling from the married couple.

    Say What???  Pray tell how a bishop winds up with 400,000 worth of baubles. God had other ideas  in mind for the good bishop.

    By upgrading your relationships with divine spirit, you make life a little better for yourself.  This is better than money in the bank. Money helps yes of course.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

7/17/2022 Brandon

     Brundidge from Minnesota.  He has autism and is a shy boy.  His writer mother took a trip to Texas and while there his personality changed.  He was more ebullient  and extroverted. What happened she asked her son.  He pointed to a sign in the nearby lawn.  Let's  go Brandon!  See these are my people,  they love me.  My name is everywhere around here, even on car bumpers. He had no idea what it really meant,  a slight toward Joe Biden.  His mom wrote 2 books for 2 of her kids who have autism. Brandon's  book was next. The book got done. Joe Biden made a call to the family and so did Brandon Brown the race car driver who inadvertently got roped to this dispargement of the president.  Brandon Brown was now on board with autism awareness month. These people took a negative and made a fantastic positive  out of it. It took years but the job got done.  Spirit's guiding hand had touched this healing gesture.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

7/05/2022 Expect A Miracle...... Eh.....

     Could happen to you though.  I like the saying,  nothing ventured nothing gained. Way more accurate when it comes to making change in one's  life.

    In my younger days, I was a drifter. Rutterless. Like a beach ball floating in an in ground swimming pool. Knocking along the edges where the wind would have me. I did this for years. Big mistake.  Eventually I got tired of the mistake. I started to make small changes. Mistakes where still there but this time I fashioned a small rudder for myself. This approach was far more satisfying. Change came in increments.  An inner belief began to develop. This turned me into the seeker. A slow path, but rewarding nonetheless. To fashion your own rudder. Begin here.  I am   Captain of my soul Master of my fate.

    Goal setting is very important in life. Think about what it is that you want to have in your life. In your journal, write a small goal for yourself for the next day , then a goal for the entire week and a goal for the month. Continue this practice for the rest of your life, it's  good practice. Spirit can help with any problems you may have along the way. The more you do this the happier you will become. Any problems wheather they are of a material nature, emotional matter or an esoteric nature. Spirit will supply the answer. Sometimes a lot of patience on your part is required. For those of you who do this, your life will definitely change. It will become an adventure. Your confidence will soar, making you stronger in your convictions. Give it a try. For 1 month and write and read what you have accomplushed each and everyday. This is your proof. Making mistakes is aok, it is how we learn. Better to focus on our own lives, than others. At this stage you become proactive. You are setting a new tone. You take small steps to enact massive change when it comes to your life. The change will come. Count on it.