Friday, November 20, 2020

Nov20/2020. Recycle anyone?

     A big truck grabs the bar of the recycle plastic can and lifts it up into the maw of the truck. He sets it down, but doesn't  extend the arm so the can is a couple inches from the side of the truck instead of a couple feet. He m I ves the big truck forward, catching the can and storving it in a bit. The 8 Inch bar is now at an angle instead of straight across the front of the can. It would of taken him 2 secs to extend the arm and put the can 2 ft in away from the road. Nope couldn't  do it. What the F. I get out my hammer and try to force the heavy plastic back into shape. It was a no go. Call the town.  They say they will replace it with a big can. I say I already have a big can. Give me a medium size can like the one I got. Nope they don't  make it anymore. I went to have lunch. I woul use my weed eating torch to heat the plastic and pound back to shape. An hour later go outside and look at the can. Can't  believe it, its back to it's  original shape. The 8 inch bar is no longer askew. The can is fixed. Only a small gouge on lid is there. It's  a miracle. Thanks spirit!

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