Friday, May 7, 2021

5/7/2021 Turmoil


    Try not to freak out. Try to stay somewhat calm. Take 15 deep breaths thru the nose, hold it in as long as you can then blow the air out of your mouth slowly.  Look for lifelines that may be around you. If you don't  see one ask spirit for one. Keep your eyes open as well as your mind. There is a way through this predicament . At some point try to blank your mind. Push all thoughts out and try to stay in that cleared out space in your head. Once there then ask a question about your predicament. Remember the answer that fills that empty space in your head. Then act on it. Then repeat as necessary.  Be persistent.  You can also surrender the outcome to spirit. That means you take a step backward. Relinquish  the reigns hand it over to spirit and leave it at that.  Do not take back the reigns. You do all that you can do and that's  it period. Spirit has it. It is now dealing with it.  You may not like what happens but know that spurit has shown fit what the outcome is to be. Write in your book all that happened during this trying time. That book is to stay in it's  dedicated space,  so you always  know where  it is.

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