Sunday, August 4, 2024

8/04/2024 August

        It's  been 3 months since I got out here. During a quick contemplation, I got something big is coming. Well I felt that it would happen in under a month. That did not happen. I've been making the adjustments and it has not been easy, mostly with the money. Now back to doing handyman things. 

You have to persevere no matter what. With every setback get up and have at it. Again and again. Slowly the dam will break. I have now noticed some cracks in the dams around me. I will work on these cracks, to get a foot hold. No matter what it is that you are after, attack it every day. You will get better results eventually. It's not fun nor is it easy but it is a have too. Keep working on yourself, so as to better yourself making you stronger mentally when it comes time to deal with future problems that may come your way. Be greatfull each day for whatever you have and do quick contemplations on improving yourself.

        I setup a chair in a shady spot on the front porch and put up a hummingbird feeder. I only fill it 1/8th full, since I have only one customer. I change out the food water every 2 days. I got my customer, shade, 20 pound dumbell and my phone. It's a nice quiet time that I recharge in.  Create a space for yourself  to reflect on how things are going in your life. Like just now it happened fast a small bird was chasing a small hawk. The tables turned. And now my buddy Hummingbird is drinking at the feeder. Now the blue sky is his backdrop as he hovers in that one spot in the air. His tail moving rapidly back and forth. After 30 secs he's  gone in a flash. A lot of moments are fleeting, so it is best to stay aware in what life has to offer. No matter how old you are enjoy what is happening in the now.

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