Monday, December 9, 2024

Dec/9/2024 It Starts With You

         You are where it's at. As the day starts, you start in with making choices. What to wear,what to eat and what to worry about.

         I say before you get out of bed, think on 3 things that you are greatfull for then a quick contemplation 5 to 10 min. Then think on how you would like your day to go. May not work out that way but do it everyday. When things don't go our way, don't lash out. It makes things worse, I can attest to this greatly. If you wanna scream go outside and do it. May be good for your emotional body. So if a person does something that is not to your liking, try to see it from their perspective. This is extremely hard to do . Try anyway. Again & Again. If you keep reiterating over the same point, just stop. The hole only gets deeper. It is now time to separate yourself from the dialog. Then rehash went just went down and try to figure out what YOU  could have done better. This is the learning stage, where you are working on you to be a better person. So we are very rough and we need to soften the edges with sand paper. When we do this we become more confident in our abilities to not only help ourselves but others as well. Let others figure things out for themselves you have plenty to work on for yourself.

        Always ask yourself what do I have to learn from these events or upsetments. We can always soften the blow by changing our attitude to what is going on. We may be right for ourselves but sadly not for others. They have to do their own learning their way.

          Living in the now is so very hard. I try to do it everyday.  Still making errors. But I do see some benefits over this past month. Slowing down just a little so as to focus better. When I'm rushed many errors occur. Plus not taking the time to think on a potential problem that can mess you up. Like I did this past week regarding a car. So now I have to deal with this fiasco. But I always say to myself I Will Get Through This No Matter What. My go to mantra.

        Start your days on a positive note. Give yourself pep talks, think before you speak and keep a sharp eye out in what life can teach you. And when pertinent,   write those lessons down. And your adventure is your current life situation and have a fun and happy learning experiences.

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