Sunday, February 23, 2025

2/23/2025 Choo Choo

        I crest this small hill while driving, this week. As I'm coming down, I see the car ahead driving around the train crossing gates. The locomotive's horn was ablare. The car made it across 30 secs before the freight train. So stupid. If the car had a problem, well no more driver & car. Just the day before on reddit saw a big box truck get obliterated doing the same thing. I never seen it personally  happen before. This driver put their life on the line for the sake of 7 or 8 minutes. This train was a mile long in the blink of an eye, it can be over. So critical thinking and listening  within can save your future existence. When the trains coming down the track, it's a metaphor for any big thing coming at you say your health. You get warnings. Things are always changing. Think, then use your intuition, your god connection and finally taking action. It's  our choice to see that train a-comin. Or throw caution to the wind & proceed at our own peril. When these trains come,  always go within first before your next move. I find this way is best, in how the future plays out. If I use my will, its never as good as the divine will. A lot of times you have to wait til the time is right to make your move. And that wait time can be real hard to go through as I'm finding out.

Friday, February 21, 2025

2/21/2025 I Can Fix It

        More on living in the now. Snow is on the ground as I go to drop plastic bottles in recycling bin. I have small bags of trash as well. So I drop the 7 bottles into the trash can by mistake. They drop to bottom of 5 ft bin. Me not living in the moment. The recycle bin is at the curb, trash bin is next to the house. I went to curb to put the other bag of recyclables into the bin. Walking up the driveway, I spot a 3/4" 2 ft stick in the snow.  At the end of stick is a  2 in 45 degree  angle stub. Perfect. Reach into trash bin and I put the stub into the capless bottle, lifting them right out. Of course the last bottle has a cap on it. That one took a little longer, I had to squish it with stick against wall of bin and slowly bring it up against the bin. I got the job done.

       So,  by not being mindful, it cost me time. But spirit had a solution. I had to use my brain to recognize it. The tool to fix what I perceived to be a problem. This is minor. But it can come in handy when dealing with larger issues. Say on the road when driving. Not being mindful can cost you in time missed due to injury or court costs.. learn the small lessons. I fail alot with this mindfulness. But I see improvements, like not having to drive back home because I forgot something. Also, getting creative in fixing a problem I created.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

2/12/2025. The. Wheel

        In a couple days it will be Valentines Day. A day that celebrates why we are put on this planet. To send out loving thoughts and actions. We all have egos that rise up to ascertain our command of our environment. A lot of times our egos get in the way of making things better.  Better to think before we speak and act. Put that pause button on. If we're hot and bothered. to say nothing or leave the room.  I'm not saying it's going to be easy.  Once you incorporate it into your life, your life will be a little more free sailing.  We will have setbacks along the way, I can attest to that.  If the other person is having a bad day, give them space. Say like on the road. Someone cuts you off. You get mad and flip the bird and yell. Not necessary. In your past you have trangressed as well. Be kind & considerate always, keep that ego in check. The kindness you put out will be felt by others. By saying something to a checkout person at a store may influence their behavior to their kid. Kindness begets kindness down the road. This spreads love outward. Like ripples from a stone when it hits the water.   

        So I went out this morning to the store. Coming back the light changed to red. When it does that I take the first exit before the light. When the light changes both sides have to stop. Usually I make the turn. But today I hesitated on that left turn and sure enough the driver drives through the red light. Maybe blinded by the sun. But when stuff like this happens I always thank Divine Spirit. The hesitation might just have come from it (DS). I wished that person safe travels. So 15 min later I was backing out my driveway and I wait for a car to pass, roll my back tires at the curb area into the street and see a blue car which I didn't notice before,  the mailbox blocked my view. But it was my fault, taking my time saved me. 2 times in a half hour. Whooh!

       Taking a chance. A guy on Wheel of Fortune recently wound up on the show do his son's influence. The son has dyslexia. So the family watched the wheel so as to help the son with his deslexia. The son said you should go on the show. He said he would if you help me. He did get on the show and won over 55,000 dollars. So taking on a chance proved very rewarding in many different ways. In life when an opportunity arises, take the time to think about it and maybe go for it. Bigger decisions will require more fore thought. Trying new things can open yourself up to more rewarding experiences.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

2/8/2025 It Can Get Tricky

       I've been trying to get this car registered for awhile now. When I get money up, something comes around and takes it. In the mean time I was getting quotes on car insurance on the net. The come on was 20 or 40 dollars per month. Nope, what I got was 160 down and 137 per month. My answer was no.  This was going on for weeks, since my car got repossessed. It was relief when this happened because I couldn't afford the 350 per month payment.  2 weeks ago I get a call from State Farm it was Jordan and not Jake. He said 88.50 per month and no down-payment. I said good but I have to wait for my pay card to come. Two weeks later, I finally got my card and tried to find Jordan's number. Can't find it. I couldn't believe it. So Meghan from State Farm a different office had been calling me but I didn't get back to her. She calls as I'm  looking for Jordan's  number.  She says 72.30 per month. Saved more than 15 dollars over Jordan's estimate. I took it. So took over a month but these dead ends were necessary to get this rate. Any estimate that said I had to pay a down-payment,  I rejected it. I  knew not to pay over 100 dollars per month. Most insurance companies were around 130 per month. So persevere and stick to your guns. I did get 2 tickets for no insurance and no registration. Hopefully I can take care of this soon. When in a hard spot keep on keeping on and tell yourself I will get it done. Many more issues have been coming up as well.