Sunday, February 23, 2025

2/23/2025 Choo Choo

        I crest this small hill while driving, this week. As I'm coming down, I see the car ahead driving around the train crossing gates. The locomotive's horn was ablare. The car made it across 30 secs before the freight train. So stupid. If the car had a problem, well no more driver & car. Just the day before on reddit saw a big box truck get obliterated doing the same thing. I never seen it personally  happen before. This driver put their life on the line for the sake of 7 or 8 minutes. This train was a mile long in the blink of an eye, it can be over. So critical thinking and listening  within can save your future existence. When the trains coming down the track, it's a metaphor for any big thing coming at you say your health. You get warnings. Things are always changing. Think, then use your intuition, your god connection and finally taking action. It's  our choice to see that train a-comin. Or throw caution to the wind & proceed at our own peril. When these trains come,  always go within first before your next move. I find this way is best, in how the future plays out. If I use my will, its never as good as the divine will. A lot of times you have to wait til the time is right to make your move. And that wait time can be real hard to go through as I'm finding out.

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