Reading PA. An explosion at a chocolate factory killed 7 people and put 10 in the hospital. Patricia smelled gas in the air and told her boss. Who elected not to evacuate the building. They kept making the chocolate. Boom! Patricia is thrown to the floor, her arm ablaze. She gets up and runs for the exit. She doesn't get far. Several steps and she plummets through the floor landing in a huge, heavy vat of chocolate. Not only is chocolate good to eat but it also can put out fires. In this case her arm was no longer on fire. This was her new home for the next 9 hours. The fire engines were there in minutes but it took them 9hrs to find her. Eventually someone hears her yelling from the basement. 9hrs. what the hell?
Our first priority is to the welfare of our family. The second priority is the work family. Treat them like your real family provided you come from a loving family. Gas is volatile, it can ignite easily. They (bosses) had the warning and chose to do nothing. That is criminal. If you smell gas, get out immediately. Even if it's against the boss orders. You can get another job. When it comes to your safety trust yourself and then act. Also call on divine spirit for it's input on best course of action that you can take.
So, we never know what life has in store for us. I bet Patricia never thought she would be swimming in a vat of chocolate when she went to bed the night before. There are dangers out there, you can use divine spirit to help you navigate them when they pop up.