Saturday, April 4, 2020

4/4/2020. Wakeup Call

  People throughout their lives get wakeup calls once in awhile. This country gets wakeup calls also. 9/11, the 2007-2008 meltdown and now covid19 virus. These are all pivot points.  Stay the same go back or go forward. Most of the time it's a prodding to move on. Make a change. I believe wakeup calls are there for our benefit. When it's real important the calls will get closer together. Especially in your own life. For the the US it's 3 times in 20 years. On our currency it says In God We Trust.  Well do it on a daily basis.  Make God a part of your life. How do you do it? Ask  God to help in some aspect of your life. Formulate a question. Keep an open mind. Be a detective in a search for an answer.

  I'll give you an example. Once I began to experience a headache sometime during the day. I did not get headaches, maybe 2 a year. This was new to me. I didn't like it. So I asked God what is going on here? No answer came. About 3 days later I'm going to work. I start up the sidewalk to a house. I see a girl walking toward me on the main sidewalk.  She is wearing a white hoodie. From her right shoulder down to her  waist is a huge Hershey bar, printed on the fabric. I always liked the dark chocolate bar. I would eat 1 in the morning. I always ate them. I took note though.
The next day, I did not eat 1 as same as the next day. I noticed that the headaches disappeared. I was very thankfull. He gave me a sign and I used it. God is there after all. Always has been and always will be. That I know  beyond a shadow of a doubt. This is like having a super friend always on call. The answer will come in time.

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