Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/ O4/2020 Purple Reign

    It was moving day in August. Nice and hot. I got my good friends to help with the two day move. A lot of books and tool stuff, a lot of back and forth, each trip took two hours. After two days of their help and one day of my own, it was, back to work.

    When I got to the job site, I told my helper Greg what needed to be done. Then jumped in truck and headed for the hardware store. I'm 500 ft down the road when a big car from the left ignores a stop sign, we meet loudly in the intersection. My vehicle pushed him up a road sign pole. My friend Greg comes running up the street, saying I knew it was you. Greg and I sat way off to the sigde. Theres gas leaking under my truck. The guy who comes out of the wrecked car, is ok, but he's smoking a cigarette. I tell him to put it out, he doesn't. I tell him  3 times, still doesn't. A cop heres me telling him, I leave to a nearby yard with Greg, incase he blows up the place. As the cigarette guy walks around the cop is his shaddow trying to get him to put it out. Eventually he puts it out. Then the wrecker guy comes, tells my truck is totaled. He drags it away. The second tow truck is backing up to the rear of the car, that's when cigarette guy decides to get something from his trunk. The tow driver slams his brake not to hit him. The dude removes his things from trunk not realizing he was heading for a pedestrian accident. Lucky for me, the dude just signed his insurance contract 2 hrs before. Got some money but way way short of a replacement vehicle. One day after big move kapow, Greg says looks like someone is trying to tell you something, like change occupation.

    I got an inheritance around the same time, so I had enough for a replacement. Saw a heavy duty truck with a camper on it and 4 wheel drive. Looked underunder the motor and saw some seals leaking. That night had a dream about 3 trucks for sale, 1 was the one I looked at, 2  a truck near a bar I used to go to and a 3rd truck. Around Christmas I was playing a board game with family members, when I get a nudge to head to bar area. I waited till the game was over before I left. Get to bar and there was no truck for sale. If I left when I got the nudge, I might have found it. On Craigs list I found a truck camper, for sale up north,60 miles, got there but didn't like truck. Heading back I promptly got lost, but I saw a newer truck for sale an F250, 1 year old. He wanted  12000, I offered 10,000. Had another dream he was driving his truck under the apartment. Backing up he hits a pillar. The dream let me know, he had been rough with the truck, he had it for 26000 mi. I got a cashiers check for 10 thousand. When I got there he tried to up the price, I said this was agreed on price and here's the check, he took the check. The mettalic gray truck was now mine, with two gas tanks under the truck. It was also my first truck with an air conditioner.  As I'm driving home, it begins to drizzle. I put wipers on and the knob comes off in my hand. The wipers are stuck in intermittent delay mode. The windshield is a streaky mess. I'm in stop and go traffic on a major highway. I can't get the knob back on, I have my window down. I'm getting madder by the minute, this is going on for over 15 minutes. Just great! I'm stopped at a light and just when I'm at peak mad, the car next to me. The passenger says, hey buddy want to buy a car stereo system real cheap? I say no o...' then I hold the knob out the window and say do you have one of these. He laughs says no and I laugh. The laugh lightened my mood and at next light I examined the knob more closely and saw that opening of knob was not round but had shape of the letter D, that meant it could only go on one way. Bingo, it went on, no more mess on windshield. I was so happy.

    Spirit used that dude to break my funk and my attitude changed for the better. A clearer altitude helped me solve my problem. So when we have a problem, we can fix it from a calmer perspective. So much better this way.   
This ends part one.

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