Friday, May 15, 2020

5/15/2020. The Fortune Teller

    It was in a Maine cabin, that I had my first fortune telling, it came from my father. This was only time he ever did this. It was just done to pass the time. Playing cards instead of tarot cards. It starts with me mixing the cards, the two of diamonds is me laid on the table, then a ring of cards around the two of diamonds,  followed by an outer ring. The inner ring of cards showed the death card (ace of spades) the outer ring had a love interest and money. I lifted off my bench and leaned on table with my elbows, crack, part of the table gives way, some of the cards hit the floor. We gather up the cards and start over. The cards lay down almost exactly as before except the death card is in the outer ring now. The outer ring are events to occur 10 or more years in the future. Looking back decades in time, those cards told the truth.

    Once, I worked for this elderly Jewish woman, who owned a dog. She told me that she had the gift of prophesy. She was invited to a relatives wedding in DC. She went and at the reception, she got a vision that the newlyweds would shortly have a terrible accident. That bit of news went down like a lead balloon. The newlyweds cancelled thier flight and went by car. Yep they had a terrible accident but both recovered. The fortune teller was shunned by the family forever. Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut. Several months later, I see her walking her dog. I'm talking to her and notice the dog. I kneel down to dog and tell her the collar is way to tight. She said oh you're so right. She looks at me and says you're going to be really really rich. I said great! Then she says it's going to take a real long time. Oh ... just great. Not rich yet.

    I'm on the boardwalk, beautiful day, blue sky. A young Indian(country) gal maybe 2I, I'm around 33. She says 5 bucks for a quick read, hand over the 5 bucks. For one, you don't trust no one. I said you're dead on. You're going to meet a woman shortly with 4 kids and be involved. I said yeah right. She said I got way more for you, for 2O bucks, you're interresting!  Didn't take her up on it. Wish I did, looking back. Probably would have been the best twenty bucks I ever dropped. Several years later, the gal she prophesied about is in my life, shes got 3 kids. About 2 mos into the relationship, I tell her about the fortune teller, how she got it wrong about the 4 kids. She looks at me and says it is 4. WHAT!!! The fourth is in a home. O M G!!! That Indian girl was for real. Should have forked over that 20 bucks.

    Another job I was on for a woman I knew down the block. She tells me, her husband was nearing retirement and they were discussing all the places they were going to go to. She was the planner for the retirement, gathering tons of info. She found a cheap way to go to the Phillipines, so they took a practice trip there. Towards the end of trip, they were in an outdoor market. Many many vendors, all over. The husband wants to stop at this fortune teller guy's booth. The wife said to him are you nots? You never showed an interest in this kinda stuff before. He told her,  just 10 mins. Gives the guy the money and sit's down. The guy says, I don't want to tell you. Come on you have to tell me. No! back and forth it went. Fortune tell er finally relents. You will be dead in 6 mos. He was a white collar guy and loved golf. Out on the links he has a heart.attack. Dead. It was almost 6 mos , since the trip. I don't know if he had himself checked out by a doctor when he got back. If he didn't that was a big fail. You can do something with a warning. That itch to talk to the fortune teller was his wakeup call.  I made sure I travelled when I was young, I'm glad I did.

    I used to stop at a burito stand that was close to my house. I liked her burritos alot. I'd always converse with her. She had the gift too. Pregnant women would want to know, is it a boy or girl. As far as I know, she didn't miss. She said a doctor  once told her, she may not survive the career. She went home and said oh yes I will and she did. I did a visualisation technique with her. I guided her as she shut her eyes. From the experience she was told that her future time was about 10 yrs. In the experience she told them, I will beat it like before, they said not this time. Her sister asked her why don't you bring up, how I'm going to donate this organ to you if you need it. She did not give her sister the answer. Don't know what happened after that.

    Jeane Dixon was another famous soothsayer. I like her. She had a fairly good track record. She was good about predicting the near future. The far future can change due to man's free will. A lot of her friends and aquaintences would come to her for advice. Those who heeded it were very thankfull. You can do this for yourself by working with spirit directly. You don't need the so called gift.

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