Sunday, June 28, 2020

6/27/2020 The Covid Affect

    This is the third major setback for the US. It seems that each time it gets a little more dire. Also another major event ongoing is global warming, which will affect ocean side properties, at the cost of billions of dollars. Black lives matter and me too movement are times of reckoning  for the US and other countries. These injustices have gone on too long until one day the chickens come home to roost. See evil call it out, it's the right thing to do. Child  molestation in the Catholic  church stayed hidden for so long but those sins could only be covered up for so long. Acts of evil as to the people who knew and justified it with their silence. PI call these events wakeup calls. Countries get them and individuals get them too. It's the individual ones that are the most important. If we can't get along with our family members what makes you think the world would be any different. The change starts with you. Better results can quickly happen in our lives by the desire to make things better in our minds and hearts. Listen to our health experts and take precautions,  it benefits us and our neighbors. It's not me first, be considerate to others and their welfare. If your sick stay home. If you don't know what to do ask spirit what the best course of action is. People coughing on others is despicable. These people must have not gotten much love during their formative years. So sad. But yes there is even help for these people. All they have to do is acknowledge their wrongs  and ask God for his grace. So simple isn't it.

    You start by accepting what you would like to change, in your life. This has to do with you only. Think about your course in dealing with your problem and invite spirit int the equation as well. Do things you want to do without neglecting  your responsibilities. Don't let people pressure you into doing something, your'e not keen on. Be your own person. A woman I know was pressured into a decision, that she may regret. Family was involved. Another woman was going to her birthday celebration out of state, relatives were hosting it. Just before she left, she told me I don't think I should go. I said, well don't go. Spirit was giving her a nudge here. She didn't listen. She said oh they went to so much trouble. They love me. She was suppose to be back in 2 weeks. Get a call from her,they're taking her to doctors. Five days later she calls and tells me they are keeping her against her will. I try to do something but they have the law on their side. Stuck her in a nursing home, they did. But spirit did warn her. Spirit is your number one friend in life, rely on it. Develop that connection on an ongoing basis. It can help with every aspect of your life.

   Covid times, spirit is needed more than ever. Ask spirit about what to do about anything. Listen for an answer, could come in a dream, or a book or tv show. Spirit can reach you through many avenues. Be persistent  in your quest. Do all you can do and spirit will fill in the blanks. Also use common sense, if someone is coughing  say in a store, move away immediately, even if you have to wait in a longer line. Weigh benefit versus  risk scenarios. We have to hold on to our heads and pray for a vaccine.  Getting upset does no good for you or others that you are with. When we are calm answers will flow more freely. Being tense tends to clamp up our hands and when they are in a fist shape it makes it hard to grasp new ideas that may come our way. When feeling anxious  take a deep breath and hold for 10 seconds, then gently blow the air out slowly count to 10 and then say God is with me at all times. Do that 10 times. And then repeat again the exercise, for a total of 3 exercises.  Hopefully a little calming effect has entered your being. Where ever I goest you spirit go forth with me.  BLESSINGS. OR MAY GOD BLESS US ALL AS TINY TIM ONCE SAID.

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