Saturday, December 19, 2020

Dec 16/2020 Oh No! More Stuff


    Nine times out of 10, the stuff owns you. Not the other way around.

    A friend of mine took a trip to the Rocky mountains. It was a guided wagon trip. On the trail she found an elk horn. She knew it would look good over the fireplace.  She was tickled pink on her fabulous find. They wouldn't  let her put it in the wagon.  She had to carry it. After 1 mile she would pass  it off to her husband. Each one would do a mile. This was a 2 week trip. After about the third day or so, that horn got heavier and heavier. They were more focused  on their burden than the grandiose  views all around them.

    The fourth day she lifts the horn. There was still a week left to  go. Was it worth it?  The horn hit the earth with a definitive thud. Til this day it probably hasn't  moved one quarter  of an inch since. The reward looked less appealing.  The rest of the trip she felt so much lighter and had a great time.

    As a funny aside to this story. During the night she had to use the outhouse  that the mule pulled. She did her business and as she went to exit, the door would not open. She slept off and on sitting in the commode. In the morning her husband got  up and moved the mule that had it's  backside up against the door. Free at last  into the brisk mountain air she  descended. Turning to her husband you had to be a heavy sleeper didn't  you. Those unhappy events made the trip memorable. Everything looks good in hind sight. Right?

    It was approaching  moving day.  I boxed all my books. Took a couple days. Then I got 2 of my friends to help me move 30 miles. It took us the whole weekend 16hr days. Boy those guys  were tired. Ten years later I moved Again, dragging my books again. Three years later moved again. I looked at those books and I said that's it I'm  not moving them again. So I went about selling off my hoard to a guy who had way more books than me. He had some expensive books that he stored in a climate controlled  storage unit. He said that someone he trusted took some of his important books. You have to be on your guard at all times.

    I had a friend who had alot of nicknacks everywhere in his house. He said look at this. He showed me a 1 inch dot on his hutch. The dot was clean wood and around the dot was heavy dust. Someone stole it. I said did you ever tell anyone about this little nicknack? He said yes a woman acquaintance  of his. I said she took it. He told her once it was worth 150 dollars. When you have something precious ..... keep your mouth shut. 

    That same friend of mine got me a job at his friends house. An older woman was being moved out of her townhouse. I saw her grand kids packing up these artistic plates that hang on walls.  I overheard the older woman saying what is happening  to my collection. I found out later . They were saying how much money they were making on each  plate from the internet. If you don't  keep track of your stuff, it tends to go bye-bye.

    Enjoy your life. Your experiences. Your activities. Your relationships. This is what matters most. It is your reward. And if it's  not  up to snuff. Tell spirit what is that you would like.

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