Saturday, March 30, 2024

3/31/2024 Unfolding Journeys

       It's been 4 years tomorrow that I started this blog. We were in early stages of Covid. I believe it was created in a lab in Wuhan China. Three scientists working there came down with the disease. The wet market origin was a lie. US agencies worked with those scientists at Wuhan.  The disease cut down people with weakened defenses hard. Over 1 million Americans died due to it. And their still dying of it, today. I wear a mask when I'm in stores. I take it off when I get outside. I used to get the common cold 2 times a year around November and April. Since 2020 no colds. I attribute it to the mask and using hand sanitizer all the time. You don't need much. I keep a little bottle in car all the time and try to keep one in my pocket.

      I got the Moderna vaccine and the boosters. Last October I took the Novavax vaccine and will get a follow up next October. I got it free with the bridge program. The bridge program is to end at the end of year, supposedly. Get proper sleep and eat good foods as well. Look out for you and give yourself the best chance possible.

       As I said before, hard time Era started with 9/11. Troubles have been bringing change to us and the world. Greed and power is a constant. Negativity tries to tear down what our forebears put up. Namely democracy which allows us to be creative and have sense of freedom. Leading to living with less fear. It has served us well. It would be criminal to let all that hard won work go down the tubes because of our petty personalities. A person that says I'm going to be a dictator the first day does not deserve my vote. A person that raises and stokes fear to garner votes is not my ideal candidate. A person that would allow his VP to be put in mortal danger with a makeshift gallows near the capitol grounds. Is not a person who should be  allowed to run for dog catcher of a town. A person who mocks people with disabilities. Tells you right then and there what this guy is about. A person who has the audacity to grab a woman's privates. Well what can you say really. Would you want this guy to babysit your kid or grand kids. Think about that. For me to have to address this subject, just blows my mind.  Now this guy is selling the Bible for 60 dollars with holy crossed off and God bless the USA bible inserted instead. The guy even says he's like Christ. This guy doesn't try to hide who he is. But he is all that and more. Summing up with one word, I come up with...... Deranged!

       So hard times are still coming for us. It may even get worse. But if we turn to God and work with divine spirit we have a chance at least for us to get around these myriad of problems. Look for that silver lining in the dark cloud. It is there. That silver will get you through the trouble. Those who succumb to fear will have even more troubles than they started out with. So when the blank hits the fan, stay calm look to divine spirit within and act on what you get. Staying calm let's divine spirit in with it's usually small voice. Also ask for it's protection in the early stages. And don't  succumb to doom sayers who ever they may be.

       Always remember be kind and nice at all times. If you find yourself next to a super negative person. Excuse yourself and say something positive before you leave the room. Guard your peace of mind. Don't play the victim in any situation you find yourself in. If you find yourself in a bad situation own it. Figure out why it happened to you and most of to get out of it. Be patient when trying to excise yourself from the predicament. May take days, weeks or months. Never throw in the towel.

       Easter is tomorrow. It showed that you as soul are eternal. You live forever. You exist within the smallest of things and the biggest of things.  Look to God always and ask questions no matter where you find yourself or what your predicament happens to be.  Live from soul your true nature. Understanding comes from here you inner temple where the god waters emanate. This is your sacared place. So before you go to bed ask to be taken here. Then record that dream.

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