Thursday, May 9, 2024

5/09/2024 Cheese It. It's The Cops

        During this move, I brought with me some hard boiled eggs and some cheese. I kept them in an insulated bag with some frozen water bottles. When I got to a hotel I would put them in the fridge. Around the 4 th night out on the road, I get a dream. Don't remember much of anything except the word cheese. I took that to mean toss the cheese. Which I did that morning. One of the illnesses you can get from cheese is listeria. Or salmonella. Don't need that. I'm thankful to spirit for the dream. Just that 1 word cheese got the message across. During my life I got food poisoned bad 2 times. One from a warmed up meatball sandwich, I got from a bar near my work. The other time was a fast food hamburger joint. Ate 2 greasy burgers. Huge mistake. I might of had a slight musgiving about it. But I was stupid then. Survived it and learned a valuable lesson. Never got sick at home. 2 times on the road. Listening to Spirit's clues helps in not having to go through these type of experiences. Use them, the clues and nudges in every aspect in your life.

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