Saturday, May 25, 2024

5/25/2024 U.S.A

        Memorial day is here. It's  a day we recognize the sacrifices of those who formed the union and those who worked to keep the union intact. It began because people were upset about taxes. But it morphed into a more nobler cause. A government that would recognize all It's citizens as valued contributing members. It took awhile to get here.  People were given more freedom than ever before. Tyranny was shown the door. But they're always trying to sneak back in, even to this day. The US stayed together after the Civil War. By staying together we became stronger. That strength was needed when WW 1 came around and then 20 years later WW2. It was the US that changed the tide in this horrendous war. Without the US we would have been part of the thousand year Reich. There are people today that still want to recreate this scenario. The US must remain united to confront this from happening. This is why this year 2024 is so very important. For us and the world this upcoming election is critical. We can make more uncertainty for ourselves and grief. Or we can be thankful for what we have. To preserve what we have, we must uphold the constitution and our own hard fought for.... democracy. It is very hard to create something of value and so bloody easy to knock it down. Let's  keep building like our fore fathers have done. Let's keep weaving that tapestry that makes America great. God.... please keep on blessing America. But we have to show that we are capable of earning that blessing as well.

     Go in God always.

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