Sunday, June 2, 2024

6/02/2024 A Jury

        So we have a democracy. It is held together by laws. Break the laws and you have prosecutors on your tail. They have to supply evidence about your wrong doing. They charge you. Then a jury of your peers is picked. Then the trial. It is not a popularity contest. The jury judges based on what the facts are presented to be. The ex president told the press he would be testifying for himself at the end of the trial. The end comes and he refuses to take the stand. The jury comes back with  the guilty verdict.  Then he attacks the court personnel and others who are not part of the trial.  What gives here.   He makes outlandish statements about the election in 2020 and each court he brings it to says no basis to bring this to court. Why because there is zero evidence here. 

        Every Republican house and senate member disagreed with the jury. They didn't hear the evidence. The jury did though. So these Republicans dispute the American people and their conclusions, with no evidence presented by them. Nothing. When commonsense goes out the door our freedom may not be too far behind. They will dictate to everyone what they feel. So free thought goes bye bye. Book banning, black lists, barb wire encampents and persecutions on what they feel, no evidence required.

       When we go before our maker, we will see that it is us that will do the judging here. You will relive your thoughts and deeds once again and how they affected other people. It will be a sobering moment for you. Now is the time to be true to yourself and to see who you really are warts and all. Let us make better choices in our daily lives. In making it better for ourselves and as well for others. The change is best accomplished here on earth. This recognition can be aided  by invoking divine spirit into our lives.  Allowing it to be of service will increase our joy in life as we make our future choices.

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