Saturday, June 8, 2024

6/08/2024. Enzo.... a real life Aquaman

        Mallorca was an Italian diver. Not the person who dives off a diving board. Many years ago he was on the water in a boat with daughter Rossana. As he enters the water he is hit in the back. He turns and sees the dolphin. Enzo felt the animal talking to him. The animal goes out aways then descends 12 ft. Enzo follows. Sees another dolphin struggling in a lost net. Back to the boat to get a knife and daughter. He frees the dolphin. The 1 dolphin ,Enzo and daughter bring the pregnant dolphin to surface. A few minutes later blood and baby emerge. The male dolphin guides the baby to the mammary gland of the mother. The male does a large circle  and then heads to Enzo where he brushes  Enzo's cheek.

    Years  prior to this day. Enzo was spear fishing. He got a big grouper. It wedged itself between some rocks. Enzo put his hand under it's belly and felt it's fear.  When he returned home he put up his spear gun for good.

       Enzo after the dolphin encounter said " until a person learns to respect nature and talk to the animal world,  he will never know his true role on Earth.

       This man learned from his experiences and his joy increased  immensely. That should be our goal as well. It can be done in little ways in all sorts of instances during our daily activities.  I read stories of people who look back in their lives and dredge up a kind act that a stanger did for them. Imagine if that person could look back and select from an infinite amount of good acts that were done for them.

       No kind deed ever ever goes un noticed. Your reward is in the doing. A lot of these deeds can be done in less than a minute. We can all dedicate at least a couple minutes a day to this cause. The more it is done the better we make our future world. Thank-you  Enzo for telling your story.

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