Tuesday, June 11, 2024

6/11/2024 The Desperation

      The Colorado  River near Moab  Utah.  It was a life & death struggle in the water on June 6th 2024.  Gaar Lausman was watching from the beach. A father and his 2 boys capsized from their raft. Lausman's friend Eric Odenthal said to him go now get those kids. Lausman got each one safe on his paddle board but could not get to the father. He kept going down and then up. The fast current was racing the father downstream. Just at that moment Daniel Wright was traveling upstream on his jet ski. Lausman gestures over toward the father. Astute Wright grabbed the outstretched hand of the father. The family unit saved by 2 men and God. 

       Each day throughout the world. Life changing events are occurring. Some will survive and others will not. Why is that. Because it is God's plan that only he knows. There are reasons for each scenario. We will be privy to those answers when we cross the veil as soul. However, you can know some of that while on this side of the veil. By working with divine spirit. You open yourself up to hidden knowledge. You can be given certain guidance as to why a certain event happened in your life. Seek and you will find. Be persistent and focused. The answer is there.

       As I said in a previous blog. A woman was upset that when she came back from work her little dog was dead by the garage door. She freaked. She had  invisible fence put in her yard. It worked great. She wanted to know what dog did this. I said ask spirit. 2 weeks later I see her again. I said what did you come up with when you asked spirit? She said it wasn't definitive. She saw a black dog one day while driving and a white dog 2 days later. I said spirit answered you it's a black and white dog. What I didn't tell her was it was probably her own Labrador that did it. It had black and white markings. Behind her fence she had her own 8 dogs. The dog that died was a little weird and had a nippy personality. She wasn't ready to hear the truth. Otherwise she would have seen it. If your in a quandary, maybe ask a 3rd or 4th party what they think about it. And then listen.


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