Monday, June 17, 2024

6/17/2024 This

        This year 24 is critical for all the people who want to live in a Democracy.  About 248 years we lived under these guidelines set down in 1776. We did this so that we can live in an environment that can work for everybody. To have a chance to prosper and make improvements along the way. I enjoyed my life under these protections and for that I am greatfull.  Now, those guarantees are under assault. I am beyond astonished,  how could this be happening. Where did we go wrong. My guess is the loosening of laws in the state and then federal jurisdictions.  Our forefather's put that in writing straight away. There is to be a separation between church and state. These religious right people are injecting their beliefs onto all of us through the courts and state jurisdictions. The "republicans" are about to nominate a man who on day one will rule as a dictator. And that's ok with them. Why?  Because all they want is power at any cost. The welfare of us be damned. No common sense allowed. 

       Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet on this topic called Common Sense. It united the colonists behind the idea of a republic that would ensure freedom for Americans.  To vote, you had to be it at the time a white male with property. Over time that would change. If common sense resonated through out the land close to a quarter millennium ago, why can't we do it today. Back then most people couldn't read. Now we have all the advantages. You are not born with commonsense, it something you learn in life through trial and error. If someone says they are going to bust you in the mouth one of these days, believe them.  Take precautions when near that person. The same here. If he says I'm going to be a dictator believe him. If he takes power, it will be a different life for sure. More angst  for everyone. Isn't there enough angst already. Why increase it?  Makes No Sense.  It will be 1775 all over again. We either go forward with hope or take 250 steps backwards.

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