Monday, June 17, 2024

6/17/2024 The Battle on Breed's Hill

        Today 249 years ago. The British were put on notice. The colonists were not going to be a push over. They secured the high ground, smack in front of Boston across the Charles river. Early morning light the redcoats were hitting the redoubt with cannons from warships in the river. Assault troops of red were being rowed to the peninsula. It took 3 assaults by the redcoats moving uphill to confront the colonists. Lead musket balls filled the air.   Many redcoats would not see the next day.  Redcoats lost  over a thousand casualties,  Americans 450. Redcost officers 89. The Redcoats were in disbelief over the 89 dead. Back then officers were not targeted during warfare. They were very, very mad.  The Americans ran out of bullets on the 3rd assault.. After this battle that the Americans lost, there was no going back. You were either in or out. Time was now to choose sides.

       Remember this day. It was the day ordinary Americans came together to fight for something new and better. Remember this bloody day. It would change the world from this day forward.

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