Thursday, July 4, 2024

7/04/2024 56 Men

        That's  the number of men that signed the Declaration of Independence, 248 years ago today. John Hancock was the first to sign the document.Those men actually signed their own death warrant. Each man was marked to be hung by the British government. The British couldn't get their hands on any of them. These 56 had courage beyond else. The colonial army was a rag tag bunch of men with near zero military capabilities. The survival of the 56 was dubious at best. They persevered and got lucky with several important individuals in key positions. George Washington  being the main cog in the wheel in sustaining independence. Ben Franklin another signer of DOI. Ben took a slow boat to France in October 1776. He stayed 9 years and left there at age 80. His efforts secured French money,, navy and army. When he got back to the states, he was shocked that the members of congress weren't keen on the efforts that he and the French provided to America. People are funny then and now. The French after WW 1 & 2 likewise were cool to American help. Of course not all of them. Many were appreciative. Even today I can appreciate what the French did for America. I'm glad we returned the favor to them 2 fold. That's  what friends are for.

       Freedom is not a right. It has to be fought for every day. Our forefather's saw what could lie ahead for us. So they put in guide lines to help us stay on tract to contiuing our freedoms. One of those guidelines was separation of church and state.  For the last 50 years the religious right have been gnawing at those guidelines. Now the  John Robert's Supreme  Court has said dictatorial powers are aok with them. Really? These so called educated men say it's  aok. What the?  Something is seriously wrong with America today. Today the Republicans are writing their plank for their party behind closed doors. Why?  because they know what they are doing is wrong!  They use threats and favors to keep them in line. They want to make America in their image period. Why not support their nominee who has said he will be a dictator on day one. Storm the government, it's  a ok with them. They are heros. When they take over people will have to swear loyalty to their presidente and not the USA.

       Wake Up America before it's too late!

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