Tuesday, July 9, 2024

7/09/2024 Fitness One. Year Later

        I decided a year ago to do some form of exercise. I wrote about it here. I started out slow with the dumbells. I would do 15 minutes in the morning. After months I slowly increased weight and the amount of reps. 1/2 hr in morning and 1/2 hr at night. Did that for about 4 months then went down to 1/2 hr a day. I was looking for muscle tone. Started a move in early March and the transition continues. I didn't do exercises at this time. I'm back to lifting 20 lb dumbell 60 times for the right and 70 for the left while sitting down.  Two months ago it was a 40/50 split. So the 1 year mark is here and I have seen much improvement. I also do leg exercises 30/35 reps with 15 lb weight a dumbell. I can now lift myself off ground without pushing off of a bucket. Getting the wrinkles off and below the bicep is almost done. The bottom takes longer. It is not a lot of work. No going to a gym. Save travel time and money. The muscle guys have to work out a lot with heavier weights and eat a lot more. They also are prone to getting physical  problems as they get older. 

       The next thing I want to do is eat less processed food. Back around 1905 doctors were noticing  more digestive problems in people. They attributed it to processed  foods. Prior to the invention the doctors didn't see too many patients complaining of stomach issues. Martin Spurlock, who just died did a movie Just Supersize Me. Where he ate breakfast, lunch & dinner at McDonald's.  From Feb 1 to March 2nd 2003 he ate the super size meals. He tells of the effects that happened to his body. It took him a year to get back to so called normal. This movie stuck with me. He died at 53 from cancer.

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