Sunday, August 11, 2024

8/11/2024 My Guardian Angel

        I was working on a high extention ladder in 95 + heat with high humidity. Usually I feel secure doing theses things. But today it was a bit more difficult. The homeowner Joe across the street who is an energetic 87, would sit in his garage when it got hot. I did a job for him 2 weeks prior.

        Back up on ladder. After 20 minutes at the top. All of sudden any fear or tiredness I had went away. I finished job easily. At the end of the day,  Joe comes over and says I've been watching you as your guardian angel. I said thankyou. 

       The next day I'm  thinking about it. So he really was my angel that day. Because I went from anxiety all morning one min to complete confidence the next. And the only thing different was what he did. And I wouldn't have known except for him telling me.

       Divine Spirit showed me the power of prayer in action. It has instantaneous results. Your number one tool in your tool box is prayer or an asking. Use this tool on a daily basis. You may not get to see it in action like I did. But trust me, things are going on behind the scenes. Hopefully you too will get to see a result for yourself.

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