Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27/2024 Veronica

        Her last name is Marin. Driving down a Texas street, she witnesses a tree Fall and crush a SUV, during a storm. Several cars turned around  but not her. She leaves her 3 kids in the car and with help from a second good Samaritan, gets the door open. She then wiggles her self in to guide Penderson in the steps in extracting him from his predicament. After the tree hit he felt the crushed roof of car upon his chest. He was able to call his wife on phone and she was encouraging him in ways to make it easier to breath. The 2 good Samaritans got him out. And paramedics took over. Veronica left. Pedersen eventually found her on Facebook.

       He found out she was a single mom. And she was experiencing hardships of her own. The house needed repairs. Also she needed help with mortgage and other things. Pedersen set up a go found me page for her. It now has 50,000 plus for her.

      Pedersen is very greatful toward her. He also enjoys his life and helping his guardian angel. This ordeal has made Penderson a greater man than he was before. One fallen oak tree has enhanced many lives this day. And it started with Veronica's Heart.

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