Monday, September 23, 2024

9/23/2024 Working with Divine Spirit

        My wife has a medical condition that requires a procedure every 14-15 months. We are out of state. She can only eat diluted baby food half a cup per day. Finding someone to do the procedure right away is a challenge. 

         So I ask Divine Spirit for help. I don't sit and say, ok DS fix it. I have to take action. Phone calls is where I start. After 4 days, I wrote Monday is the day it happens. I call one of the doctors, but today there is a problem, the phone goes to voice mail but It said the voice mail is full. I can't leave a message. 2nd nurse at different hospital I deal with, calls me and says she needs the first doctor who initiated the referral to sign off on the procedure.  She says she will call and get back to me within an hour. No phone call comes after hr passes. Call the nurse after 90 minutes.  She says they didn't get back to her but she will tell me by noon 12:30 rolls along no call. I drive to first doctor and talk to his nurse. Tell her about my wife and  voice mail problem. She says the doctor isn't in. She will tell head nurse. Within 15 min I see a call on my phone, while at store. I call the first nurse back and she got the all clear for the procedure to be done next week. So being persistent pays off. So it's like two pieces of cloth that you want to come together. You act and push and spirit mends the two together. The problem at the hospital where I couldn't leave a message gave me the impetuous to drive on over there. During this whole ordeal,  I had 1 goal and that was a date for an excellent doctor to do the procedure in a timely manner. Thankyou  divine spirit.

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