I'm at a parking lot sitting in my car, a bald headed guy with a military type jacket on stops by my open window. He says how you doing, I say ok I guess. He says yeah me too. I do some beer and a little weed. I say I do God. He pulls out 2 dollars, says can I help him out a little bit more, to get something to eat. I said I would like to but. He interupts says God pointing upward. I nod the affirmation. He says cool I can respect that and quickly moves on.
What was this about? From 75 to the 80s, I would always help these people out with a buck or 2. And not think anything about it. Whe I got on a spiritual path late 80s, divine spirit had other ideas. It was brought to my attention not to hand over the money. It didn't tell me why. I would still give the money. I was told no but I still did. Use to happen once every 2months. The frequency began to speed up. Until I started to listen to divine spirit ( DS ). I started to decline handing over the money. The frequency lessened. Then a month later I was put to the test, and I handed over a couple bucks to the next sob story. Well, the frequency picked up again. I stopped. Then 2 months later I'd be put to the test again. This continued every couple months or so. It's been a couple years, till yesterday.
I think God wants to do it his way. People are where they are do their life's choices. He wants them to come to him for help. This would make them stronger in the long run. By me giving money, I delay the learning process for that individual person or soul. I had to learn that lesson as well as the people asking for help. I heard the phrase, if you ask God for bread does he turn around and hand you a stone. So I didn't want to give anyone a stone as well. But I am not God. It makes sense to me now.
Everyone is different, body chemistry, beliefs and attitudes. There is no problem being kind in word and deed to everyone. Which I do. So when DS sends a message I try to work on it. Does it happen right away with me, ah that's a no. It would be better for me, but I got a dense head alot of times. But I always try to keep an open mind. That's how I got on this path in the first place. You may have your ideas, but God has his. It took a long time for me to take on his ideas and execute them when dealing with others. So when being tested watch with the frequency of events in your life. It could be about anything. Keeping a journal will show you a clearer picture. As to how to make improvements in your life.