When I increased my dumbell weight to 33.3 pounds, I found a problem. I would have my elbow on the arm rest of my office chair. Well my arm rest has a stiff foam core encased in a vinyl sheath. And that elbow with the 33.3 lbs put more pressure on it causing the skin to scab. At 20 lbs there was no problem. Time for a fix. I laid a towel on arm rest followed by a folded bath towel on top. I adjusted it to fit comfortably under elbow. Seems to work so far. I also took an old 12 in athletic sock and cut the toe off of 2 of them. Then slip them over forearms, with toe end winding up above the wrist. I drag it up till elbow is covered.
When lifting the dumbell keep your elbow about 3 inches from the side of your body. I slide my body closer to the arm rest. This helps with the greater weight. Lifting the dumbell, I now start with 33.3 lbs and lift it 40 times then the left hand again for another 40. You can use what weight your comfortable with. Then the next weight I go down to 20lb. I do it 45 times or 48. I go a little over 45. For my weaker left arm I do about 52 times and the 33.3 lb I go 44 times, 4 more than the right. After the 20 lb lift I do the 33.3 lb for 30 times with the right and 34 with the left. Then back to 48 times with the 20 pounder. 52 with the left. 5 sets of this gives me the 20,000 pounds per day.
A new lift for me is the reverse curl with the dumbell. You grab the weight overhand instead of underhand. I did it with the 10 lb bell. Start with bell in right hand elbow on arm rest lower down until you can curl you wrist around the front part of arm rest, your elbow will lift off the arm rest at this point a little bit. I did it 25 times. When I went to 20lbs I could do it 6 times. Now I can do it 12 times. You really feel this move in the wrist and top of your forearm. It's a little awkward but it does the job.
Another new move for me is the squat. In bare feet I stand with toes out at the 11 and 1 o'clock position. I lower down and put my forearms atop my thighs which are parallel to the floor. I usually balance on the balls of my feet. I hold this position 50 to 60 count. I do 1 set per day.
Another new exercise is you kneel on floor and place your forearms on the floor, elbows out, side of your fists close together. lift your hips up and down on the balls of your feet. I do 15, 1 time. I did 30 to start and I got a little back problem. I skipped the exercise the next 2 days. When I returned I only did 15 which I'm sticking with. There is no more back issue this time. Listen to your body, it gives you warnings.
The last exercise is the door frame which I talked about in the past. Open the door in, and stand 15 inches in front of the opening. Make sure the door moulding is firm above you. Curl fingertips over the moulding and lean into the opening. Rotate your head left then right slowly. Left and right is a count of 2. I go up to 50 per set. You can do less than 50. I've been doing this for 10 years or more. When I first did this I could hear like a slight crunchy sound. After all these years, I noticed I don't hear it anymore. Happy about that. 1997- 2004, I had to go to the chiropractor. It would work for awhile anyway, which I was thankful for. But I realized, after 4 years I have to do more for myself. So I took on exploring exercises that might work for me. Over the years it paid off. It takes a lot of time but again well worth it. A little here and a little there all adds up to getting to that better place. Knock on wood I haven't been back to the chiropractor since. Back to the door way now lean into opening with fingertips on top of moulding and bend your knees you will feel the pull on your arms and shoulders hold for a count of ten then push back till your feet are flat to the floor. Do 3 to 5 sets of ten. Keeping your neck limber makes for a happy back.
Think of ways to help your particular situation. You are being pro active at this point. Being responsible to your better life. I know I am. I'm grateful, is the word.