It is hard. Back in August, I pick up my heart meds. Get it home there are only 90 pills. Suppose to be 180. Call my Doctor, tell him what happened. The script was for 90 pills, cost $20.00. Last week pickup my heart meds again, thinking it was all fixed , same result 90 pills $20 .00. Can't bring them back.
I assumed the order was now correct. Wrong. Should have checked in the store, then refuse to take them. The new pills are also $20.00. Now I will have to pay another $20.00. So I lose 40 dollars during this minor chore over 3 mos. Why? Because I wasn't mindful. And when your not mindful, it bites you. This lesson is hard to learn. I have learned it in some areas but there is much work to be done here. I guess a lot of times it's about slowing down and letting yourself think more carefully. This lesson cost me 40 bucks and I don't have money to waste. Hopefully lesson learned, at least in this department.