Saturday, July 15, 2023

7/15/2023 She Faded

             Two sisters in England. One was in her late 40s thec other early 50s.  Recently the younger one died and it happened fast. So the older one didn't have a chance to say goodbye. The older one while young always was interested in ghosts  her younger sister, not her cup of tea. The older one asked to have some contact with her past sister,  six months later she got it. She awoke due to someone sitting on the bed.  It was her younger sister in a pink tee shirt. She felt the love of her sister come radiating towards her. She said nothing so as not to break the connection. Slowly the apparition left but she felt the love from her sister  contined for the next 2 days.

             When she called her mother and told her what had happened. The mother said she had her buried in a pink tee shirt  and that she was the only one who knew that besides the mortician. The sister knew that it was not a dream but the real deal 

             So the events occurred when the 50+ sister asked to be reunited with her sister. She only had to wait 6mos to get her desire. You too can ask for divine spirit's  help in a matter that concerns you. It may take some patience on your part.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

7/13/2023. Social Mores

       I was wondering what to write about, then I read this story out of NYC.  At a JFK Jr fund raising party an ill wind blew through the large room. Two old guys got into a screaming match over the validity of global warming. The denier of global warming was so incensed over the topic that he flatuated with a bang, then bragged about it. The guy has a maturity of a 9 yr old

       Is this what we have devolved into. Each year that goes by, it seems to get worse. Maybe if one would stop and visualize God sitting in the room watching the events. How would you behave then. Any time you get worked up about anything. Think about your God sitting 12 ft from you.... watching and listening to everything.  Eventually you will own your actions. Goes around comes around.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

7/9/2023 To Brush or not to

    Brush. If it's your teeth keep on brushing.  If it's your metal bristle grill brush, stop what your doing and do yourself, family and friends a favor and toss that brush in the garbage. 

      I read about a doctor in Oregon who didn't know the dangers of said grill brushes. He experienced severe abdominal pain. It would be there in the morning and get worse in the afternoon. Using differing scans of his abdomen they ruled out a lot of things. When taking pictures at different times, the radiologist picked up something. A very small mass. Operation later they had the culprit, yep, a single centimeter wire from a grill brush. It was his brush, it matched perfectly with his brush. This relief came weeks later.

      He learned a lot. Also he learned what his patients complained about in their illnesses, first hand. Now he knows what real pain is. When the other doctors couldn't find his problem, he worried that they were thinking he was crazy. So a lot of times the patient is Not  Crazy. You have to think for yourself as well and maybe keep a journal in trying to unravel a mystery. You can also invite divine spirit in to help you solve it.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

7/4/2023 Flap the Bird Karma

       Last week, looked in the backyard due to a kerfuffle 20  ft up in the air. A flock of blue jays swept in and alighted on 2 trees in backyard. One dead tree and the other alive. One Jay alone is loud but 50 of them are just crazy loud. Never seen so many together. And I've  been here since 2004. I looked but didn't see what they were protesting about. They stayed for a good 10 minutes. Since I've been here I've been feeding the birds. The blue jay numbers were about 12 equal to the amount of cardinals.  It was the blue jay feathers I would find around the feeder but not the bodies. I guess the hawk would carry it away. When a hawk comes every body goes crazy, all the birds, chip monks and squirrels. The dove is well camouflaged. The cardinal flees horizontal to the ground looking for cover. The jay freaks and launches vertical, easy pickins for Mr hawk.

      Today, I hear the jays they're back at least 50 of them. What a racket. I look out the window with a bird's eye view. The hawk is on the outer limb of the live tree, he retreats closer to the trunk. The birds are harassing him pretty good. Eventually he has enough and glides off with 4 jays chasing him. Wow! Never seen that before. Jays turned the table on Mr hawk.

      So the blue jay got smart in almost 20 years. On their own they were dead meat. As an army the hawk had to retreat. That's a metaphor for us who inhabit this earth. As I said before it is when we are united that makes us a beacon to the world. Let's never ever extinguish that flame no matter how hard it becomes to keep it lit.

7/4/2023 We the People

       A system of government where it's inhabitants have a say so in the how the country is run. To possess this document say about 25,000 colonial dead ( future Americans) and 7,000 wounded. These colonists put their lives in jeopardy for an ideal. To be governed not by King George the third but by their own elected representatives. Some say they revolted due to England's taxing of the colonies. No taxation without representation. But in life someone has to pay in one form or another. The English footed the bill during the French and Indian War. They also protected villages from Indian attacks. Who benefitted? The colonists did. So England needed money for all this warfare. Only way to get it was via a tax. Eventually the US forms and they institute a tax eventually. So to me the war was fought for an ideal. A place where there would be no kings and queens. A country that was going to give democracy a chance.

      They wanted George Washington to run again after 8 years. See they slip backed into that king mentality. George said no. 8 years is enough. They stayed the course till FDR. After FDR they went back to 8 years and your done.

      Was there perfection... nope. Blacks had no say, women had no say and men without land had no say. These things had to be tinkered with way down the line. 

      The war of 1812 saw England return to the US. This time burning down the Whitehouse and torching the capitol building. The states endured. They had a bad army then. So they started to assemble a more proficient one. All was calm for the next 45 years. A division was always lingering in the heart of the US. The industrial North and the agricultural South worked by slaves taken from their homes back in Africa. It was a power and a moral issue. It was settled after the deaths of 620,000 Americans. Millions of people suffered during this 4 year period. And more suffering for the south the next 10 or more years. But the US persevered. 1900 rolled around. Back then some people believed the end times would happen  as the calendar dropped the 8 and put in a 9. Some people even got rid of all their stuff. The next 101 years would be something.  The industrial revolution saw the introduction of the mass produced car and the aeroplane  in quick succession. Fossil fuels and electricity. Everything got accelerated. 50 years after the Civil War. America found itself at war again. Repaying a favor to the French. They helped us during the revolution and we did the same for them during WW1.We were there a year and a half. It was enough to turn the tide of the war in the allies favor. The US was slowly becoming a world power. And when the world needed us most, we were ready. WW 2 came around in 23 years. Our industrial might came down upon the axis powers and blocked their evil ambitions.  If the south won during the Civil War, we probably wouldn't  have defeated the axis powers. All our greatness came because we were united. We must do the same for the next 100 years. To have any chance for hope, we must stay united. We did it after 9/11. Stay the course.

      Our money says In God we trust. It is not just a slogan, it's a way of life. Each of us must work with God to become even better. And a better you will lead to a better world. God helped with the framework, let's not muck it up now.

      Happy July 4th, America  247 years young.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

6/22/2023 He is Such A Patient God

       He is. He has all the time in the world. We're all here to learn how to love. He has given us free will and with that we will reap the benefits and detriment that come with it. Those pluses and minuses will shape us into being who we really are. This boot camp can be difficult but everyone who comes wants to learn the ways of God. God sees into every human heart. He knows all. Your weaknesses and strengths. He does not judge. He is just divine Love. All encompassing. He awaits your signal. When you cry out he hears no matter how small the voice, he hears. He feels  all that you feel, he feels. He sees all that lies hidden, he sees. He wants you to be with him forever, he wants. He waits for however long it takes for you to be ready to take that step toward him, he waits. He pours his love out to you, it is yours, he pours.

       Many paths to get there. Pick one,  it does not matter which one. Make your own path. If you are learning on the path all is good. Look for the good fruit along the path. Partake. If it tastes bitter, cast aside and choose a new path. Ask God your travel companion to show you his ways. For surely he will. Stop look and listen. The answer is nearby. Answers can come from dreams as well. And don't forget the inner small voice. Listen to it as well as feel it. It is your comfort. From here all can be surmounted no matter who you are or what your circumstances. Your connection, your anchor  your peace.

      Your world will change. A new and brighter you.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

6/18/2023 Father's. Day

       I grew up with the best father in the world. For that I'm very grateful. I thought when I was young everyone had a great father. Later on I learned that it was far from the truth. Unfortunately  for this world. With loving parents this world would be quite different. If you see strife in the family, well of course it will exist throughout the land. The sins of the father or mother are passed on to the kids.  Who then perpetrate them onto their kids.

      I was at a sotrta friend's house a long time ago. We were in the backyard, beautiful manicured green grass. He kept it immaculate. So we were talking and his 9 year old did something minor. John booted the kid in the butt for it. Took the kid by surprise. I said John don't do that. He says why not. I say because it's  not right. What an idiot asshole I think to myself. A couple weeks later I'm working at our factory and 2 old timers are there. I told them about John. They say you know why he did that. I say NO. Because  that's what his father did to him. Now I get it. Not an asshole but a victim who passes it along like an unwanted cold. But we can say to ourselves I have a choice to belike my parent or to see that change and say no not today. Today I change the script up. I choose kindness from this day hence.

       My friend Tom had an abusive dad. He lamented it. He said your family was very different from my own. He was about to start a new family with his wife. I said to him now is your chance to do something different. You will become the better patriarch to embark on a new branch of the family tree. Learn from the past. But live in the NOW

      To the loving fathers everywhere, keep up the good works. You create change in this world by your acts.