Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21/2020. Nova Scotia

    One of my favorite places, just a beautiful island. It's in the news today, because of a terrible evil that befell them Saturday. Mass murder. Or unbridaled narcissism. I'm not happy with the way my life is going going, so I'm going to end it and take some people with me. One word....Sicko.  For a narcissist to heal himself he has to put his focus outward get it off himself. Go out and do for someone else. Volunteering helps you heal in slow motion. Over time your attitude will shift and with it comes a place of joy.

    I put out to Spirit, if you want to get my attention show me doubles of whatever. So one day I'm at the flea market and I see a table with a Nova Scotia souvenir on it. I didn't pay it any mind, 5 min later another table had a bunch of old postcards all on Nova Scotia, I bought them all. Never been there, made up my mind that I'm going. It was a fantastic trip. Took my camper truck and headed north.

    Eventually made it to long Island. The highway was something, I'm doing  60 and the other motorists are passing me like crazy, even on the shoulder. After 3 hours of that I had enough. Next exit I'm getting off. Soon I enter a suburban town, I don't know where. Up ahead I see an all you can eat place, make a bee line for the parking lot. I open their massive door and there are tables laden for a king. You name it they gots it, and all for 10 dollars including drinks. The pain between my shoulder blades long forgotten. I stayed there 2 hours, one of the best 2 hours of my life. And there were only 6 patrons in there, with a gorgeous fire burning to my right. New York ain't so bad after all. Next day rode up to Montauk and took a ferry to Conneticut. Stopped in Mystic to see the Charles Morgan whaling vessel. The day was heavy overcast and cool and damp. It was earie. But probably the best way to see the ship. The weather kept the crowds away and seeing it in black and white, gave it an old timey feel. It felt like it couldn't wait to get out whalin.

    Now it was up to Bar Harbor ME to catch a ferry to Nova Scotia. I didn't know where to go, it was getting late. So I parked on side of a small road, slept in the camper. The next morning I looked down the hill and 100 ft down is the ship I'm looking for. I got down just in time, if I were to miss this boat, I would have to wait 2 more days. Lucked out there. It was over an 8 hr trip to get to Yarmouth N. S. Had great time. Peggy's Cove has huge boulders that fall into the ocean, an off white color. The lighthouse is small but picturesque. Then it was on to Halifax. Had some experience here during the week. Met a guy from another country that moved here from Asia, who spoke perfect english. He was an unofficial advocate for the poor. He had a giving nature about him. He was somebody you would want to emulate. There are few like him around.

    One day there in town, I'm walking on sidewalk and look to my left and see a couple hooligans on the far sidewalk. A young prof. female walks in front of me, crossing the wide street and she's heading in their direction. What is she crazy, as I slow my gait, to see if she would need my assistance. She's ok, the one bigger guy's i're was directed at me. He steps into the road in my direction telling me to come to him, yeah right. I picked up my gait and exited the scene. My new friends there invited me to the soup kitchen, I demured but they insisted, so I went. There was a long line there, in the line I notice the guy from the street, dressed in black, he looked sereen. In the center of his vest he held a single red rose, wierd. I knew what it meant, I passed some sort of test. Sometime during the week, I was in my camper about 12 am, I here a knock, come on out I want to talk to you. I said get lost. He said I have a gun, I said so, then just shoot. And that was that. Rest of night was quiet. Another episode, one of the homeless guys got enough money to buy a big hamburger. Another homeless guy comes by and he cuts his burger in half to give to him. Talk about caring.

    Looking back at those past years. I still think of that Asian in Halifax.

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